Star Ring Mission

Chapter 456: sneak attack

It's a pity that all attacks were blocked by the AT stand.

The rumbling explosion continued to sound, but unfortunately it did not have any effect.

Seeing this scene, the head defense captain shouted in disbelief, "Impossible!"

It's a pity that reality is so cruel. The next second, the Apostle An'e opened his mouth and a beam of light swept over.


Rows of mechas burst open, and the defenders were wiped out.

In the experimental command room, the operator reported in panic.

"The defending troop was killed, it can't be stopped."


Spade clasped his hands tightly, and bright red blood seeped out, and the last drop fell to the ground.

Once it's in the G3 regional arsenal, it's all over.

There was a hint of helplessness and fear in the eyes of everyone.

Just as the Apostle of Ae was about to enter the breach,

Suddenly, a heavy running sound came from the side, and Qianchengxue was driving Ganks to catch up, and went around to the side.

Qianchengxue panted and raised her head in the cab, her hair was scattered, her eyes were full of determination, she fought everything and let out an unwilling roar.


Gangx's power was fully turned on, and he madly slammed into the Apostle, and the speed was extremely fast.

The Apostle of Darkness seemed to sense a hint of danger, and his hideous head turned to look at Ganks, who was rushing over, and stretched out his right hand.

AT stand unfolds!

Gangx slammed into the AT stand, the terrifying impact force deformed the angle of its head, and in the next second, the Apostle's AT stand shattered.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Unfortunately, most of the force of the impact was canceled.

The Apostle of Darkness pressed the Gangx, who had collided, with one hand, and his entire body kept sliding back.

However, the Apostle of Darkness quickly stabilized its figure, and its patience was at its extreme, and its strength suddenly exploded, slamming Ganx out and hitting the wall.

Immediately afterwards, the Apostle of Ae turned to look at the broken gap and walked towards it.

At this time, a non-commissioned officer named to support rushed over in a mecha, and they launched a violent shot at the Aegean apostle and shouted loudly.

"Stop it!!"

In a state of rage, the Dark Apostle turned his head, and a beam of light swept over.

Immediately clear the scene!

Blood stained the ground.

In the operating room, the Spade people saw this scene, and their expressions became more and more silent, and everyone's face was sad.

Every non-commissioned officer who died here is the elite of the GT department.

After the Apostle Ao'e had cleaned up the sergeant who was sent to death, he turned his head and moved on.

In the next second, Qianchengxue gasped and controlled Gangx to get up, and rushed towards the broken gap recklessly. She struggled to control Ganks and jumped, flew over the head of the Apostle of Darkness, landed heavily on the gap, and blocked the hole with her huge body.

When the Apostle saw this, he was immediately furious, and smashed Gangx directly with a punch, knocking him to the ground.

Just when the Apostle of Ae was preparing to cross.

Ganks suddenly stretched out his hand and tightly hugged the feet of the Apostle of Darkness. With a posture of seeing death as home, he simply refused to let go.

Immediately, the Dark Apostle roared, and madly punched Gangx on the back.

The thick armor plate on Ganx's body was violently deformed and shattered, and the inner carapace was exposed.

Qianchengxue in the cab felt that his body was smashed by invisible fists one after another, and he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

But she still held on to the Apostle Ao'er and didn't let go.

In the operating room, an operator said to Master Zhang Wei in a voiceless voice: "Master Zhang Wei, the damage to Ganx's body has reached 48%, and the damage rate is still soaring. In addition, Qianchengxue's synchronization The rate is dropping, please let Qianchengxue-sama disconnect, she will die if it goes on like this."

Zhang Wei's expression was very complicated. How could he not understand what the people below knew?

Just knowing that he will die, what can he do.

Spade took a deep breath, he felt extremely aggrieved. But he is completely helpless now, the spare mecha is not ready and delivered, and he can't play.

bang~ bang~

I saw that the inner shell of Gangx was also smashed by the Apostle of Darkness in a state of complete rage, and the internal flesh splashed.

Inside the cab, black prompt boxes popped up one by one.

"Warning! Broken inner shell!"

"WARNING! T32 circuit is damaged!"

"Warning! The damage to the body has soared and it is approaching the critical point of collapse."


At this moment, the berserk Apostle of Darkness yanked Ganks away from himself, and punched him in the chest.


The entire Gangx mech fell to the ground, sparks scattered, and it was completely paralyzed.

The red-eyed Angel Apostle became more and more furious, and once again raised his huge fist, ready to put an end to this obstacle.

In the cab, Qianchengxue, whose face was covered in blood, lay quietly on the chair, waiting for death. Her heart was unusually calm, and her fair face did not reveal a trace of fear.

Because she no longer cares about her, it's better to leave, at least she won't be so tired.

Maybe death is also a destination.

But at this moment, she was on the verge of death, but a figure involuntarily appeared in her mind. Seeing that indifferent figure, her eyes gradually became wet.

it's all over.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air. I saw a figure jumping appeared out of thin air on the head of the apostle of Aye, who just raised his head.

In the next second, the sharp beam saber pierced through and pierced straight into the right eye of the Apostle.

Apostle An'e let out a shrill scream and stepped back abruptly.

Then the third-generation mecha, the Killing Blade, landed in front of Gangx, holding the beam saber in both hands, blocking him aggressively.

This scene also stunned everyone, and suddenly there was an uproar. No one expected such a sudden appearance, and they thought Qianchengxue was dead.

In the cab, Qian Chengxue slowly raised her head. She looked at the familiar mecha in front of her, feeling a little dazed for a while. It was as if he had returned to the Star Ring world, and at that time, he was also in front of him.

Tears flowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.


At this time, Su Mo was driving the third-generation mecha, the Slaughter Blade, facing the Apostle of Darkness.

The Apostle of Darkness looked at the ants that suddenly attacked it in front of him, roaring in anger, aura of terror and oppression spread.

Although the Killing Blade is a third-generation mecha, it is a child in front of the terrifying body of the Apostle of Darkness.

Su Mo felt the unprecedented pressure, and the dusty memories came back again. He still vaguely remembered how he was crushed and killed by the IV-generation biological mecha Mechax in the Star Ring world.

That kind of desperate gap is not a little gap, but the horizontal ditch of the Great Rift Valley.

The situation is even worse now, when the dead can be resurrected. But now it is different, it is a real death.

The fear of death rises unchecked.

Su Mo gritted her teeth, turned her head and glanced at Qian Chengxue who was lying behind her. There was a hint of determination on his face, suppressing the fear of death.

Chapter 456 sneak attack (two more)

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