Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 105 Please enter the urn

This sentence in the news program is obviously written by an expert, and it contains too many meanings.

First, this may imply that the Silver Knights are also involved in this perjury news. It just so happened that Li Yu was also in Xia Jing during that time, so he was indeed somewhat inseparable. And Sean has never trusted each other unconditionally.

Second, this may imply that the Qiankun Group already knows very well that the remnant of the Jedi masters and apprentices is now under the protection of silver. If Xiao En refuses to jump out by himself, then the ruler of this galaxy will use an unstoppable The ferocious situation crushed Sean's protective shell to pieces.

No matter what the possibility is, Sean can no longer stay in the deserted area, and he can't even say goodbye to Anping and the others.

What can we say when we meet and say goodbye? If they persuade him to stay, will he stay? If they don't stay, how different is it from leaving? Does anyone care about trivial matters of etiquette?

Of course, Sean knew very well in his heart that all this was just an excuse, he just didn't want to meet and say goodbye to those teammates. So, even if it's debt evasion... Let's repay it slowly when we have a chance in the future.

After thinking about this clearly, Sean let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little more relaxed. It's just that the breath was only half relaxed, and suddenly tightened because of the sound of approaching footsteps.

Who is approaching at this time?

Xiao En secretly boarded this cargo ship bound for Xiajing. Once discovered, it would be troublesome to end up...

But the sound of footsteps was accompanied by a commotion.

"Damn it, what the hell is the old man going crazy? There is a ban on smoking and alcohol, making us look like a regular spaceship."

"Yeah, the old man is a smoker and a drunkard himself, doesn't he think it's ridiculous to make such a rule on the boat?"

"I don't care if it's funny or not, but I haven't smoked for most of the day, and I really can't live anymore... Xiaomeng, please give us a break first, and we will replace you after smoking two cigarettes in the cargo hold. "

"Okay, but don't wait too long. Recently, Lao Du and the others have been merciless in their inspections. Xiao Sun and the others were whipped only in the morning."

"Damn, that bastard old Du, just think about it and get angry."

"I can't help it. Who made the old man suddenly lose his temper and promoted Lao Du to be an inspector? I can't figure it out. They are brothers who get along day and night, and they are not precious cargo ships. As for being so strict?"

"It is said that the old man used to be the captain of North River Freight when he was young, and he fell into smuggling because he offended his boss...Maybe he has started to miss the past recently?"

Several crew members swearing and speaking incoherently, walked into the cargo hold where Sean was hiding, but Sean felt relieved when he heard this.

It turned out that only a few crew members who were addicted to cigarettes came here to smoke secretly, and they would naturally leave after puffing up the smoke... There is no risk to talk about.

Although Sean thought so, he still curled up a little tighter in the box, and slowed down his breathing to almost disappear, so as to minimize the risk of being discovered.

The footsteps were getting closer, and just when Xiao En thought that someone would approach them directly, he suddenly heard the releaser named Xiao Meng exclaim: "Hey, what are you doing? Don't go in there!"

Several crew members were a little baffled: "If you don't go inside, won't you be seen at a glance by standing at the door?"

Xiao Meng quickly explained: "Stop first, don't leave! You have forgotten what the old man told you before? This time when going to Xiajing, the biggest rule is that the box in the innermost part of the cargo hold cannot be touched no matter what. !"

"The old man is nagging every day. Who remembers what he said... What happened to the innermost box? Why can't you touch it?"

While speaking, the crew member seemed to be interested.

Xiao Meng said anxiously: "Old Wang, don't be so desperate! The old man was not joking when he said that, he was touching the gun with his right hand all the time! You are all old people on this boat, you should know that the old man touching the gun means what?"

After saying these words, the cargo hold suddenly became cold, and the most courageous old Wang took back his steps embarrassingly: "At that time, the old man was nagging and dozing off, who has the patience to see where his hands are... okay, okay, You lost all interest in talking, so I won't smoke this cigarette anymore."

Lao Wang took the lead, and the others left one after another, as if they were not interested.

A crisis seems to be resolved virtually.

However, Sean, who was hiding in the box, felt his hair stand on end, and all the muscles in his body tensed up instantly.

The conversation just now sounds unremarkable at first glance—it’s just a story about an old captain who suddenly started to pay close attention to sailing discipline. The crew is not allowed to touch the cargo box, which is a common thing in cargo transportation.

But in Xiao En's ears, he almost heard the word "trap" clearly.

The cargo box he was hiding in was filled with imitation drugs that infringed on intellectual property rights produced in the deserted area, and it was not very expensive—at least not as expensive as the smuggled weapons in the box next door. Why did the old captain warn against the box he was hiding in?

He clearly knew someone was hiding in the box! No, when boarding the ship, the box opened its mouth inexplicably, clearly inviting you into the urn!

After realizing this, the word "trap" naturally appeared in Sean's mind, and at the same time, many neglected clues were connected in an instant.

"That's right, let me just say, how could it be possible to escape from the deserted area so easily."

"I'm still wondering why both Anping and Li Yu are unprepared for my escape. They don't seem so naive."

"As for this cargo ship, it's even more unreasonable. Just when I was worried about how to leave the deserted area, it opened the door of the cargo hold at the port to welcome me..."

"Now that I think about it, maybe that news program wasn't a coincidence. The [Omnivore] tavern is a paradise for the poor at the bottom. When will anyone be interested in official news? That TV should not even receive news broadcasts under normal circumstances." right!"

"Even...they probably took advantage of the opportunity when Li Yu wasn't in his hometown, so they designed and presented the whole performance. But I ignored so many flaws on the spur of the moment, and bumped into the trap!"

Thinking of this, Xiao En felt another wave of emotion in his heart, but he quickly suppressed all these emotions.

At this time, it is already an objective fact to be in deep trouble, and no amount of negative emotions will help. What he needs to do is to use his rationality to find a way to break the situation.

It was difficult to break the situation, because Xiao En had already left 【Xun】with the spaceship in the box at this time. People are in space, and many things can't be voluntary.

What's more, if the other party can carefully design such an interlocking trap, how can it be possible to leave a loophole in the spaceship, allowing him to break free easily?

But now Sean has no choice.

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