Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 120 Escape Path

Next, as long as the squadron leader pulls the trigger, the alarm of the entire port will sound, and the attention of various organizations in the space city will be focused, and then they will send their elite soldiers to the scene to support and maintain order.

With the help of those fierce mercenaries and thugs, the squadron leader is sure to suppress any disturbance. After all, he has been working in this space city for almost ten years.

But as a price, this grotesque space city will fall into great chaos at that time, and organization leaders and political leaders with various plans will try to fish in troubled waters. What's more deadly is the external influence. Those business travelers who thought [Li] was a peaceful and prosperous space city will immediately see the dark side behind this city.

That would be an unbearable price for the entire 【Li】.

Therefore, the squadron leader's hand holding the gun also trembled slightly. If it turns out that everything was his illusion, then his best end would be to spend the rest of his life in a secret prison in the asteroid belt [Dui]. The other possibility is that they were simply torn to pieces by the furious local forces.

But the next moment, the squadron leader pulled the trigger without hesitation, causing a light blue energy beam to shoot out.

After many years of fighting, he has never doubted his intuition. The comrades who once fought side by side were deadly and rebellious. Only he can survive so far because of his trust in his intuition at critical moments.

Since it was determined that there was something wrong with the dilapidated cargo ship, there was no need to hesitate.

Even if the final result is really wrong, it is nothing more than giving up this life that should have been given away long ago.

In such an awareness of risking everything, the squadron leader was a little surprised to see the result of the shooting.

It seems to be luck, and it seems to be the result of many years of honing skills. The light blue energy beam actually hit the distant giant camel-shaped cargo ship.

The almost miraculous result surprised the squadron leader.

But then, the squadron leader didn't wait for the alarm to ring out at the port, and saw the giant camel cargo ship in the distance explode, and an astonishing flame shot out from the tail.

The squadron leader looked at the exploding spaceship in disbelief, and then at the blaster in his hand, feeling that the rich experience he had brought from his years of combat career was all a joke at this moment.

When did blasters get so awesome? !

The recruit next to him was also so shocked that he dropped the binoculars and stammered, "Captain, where did you buy this gun?"

The surrounding soldiers who were originally standing like stone sculptures also gathered around one after another, as if they wanted to rush to watch the squadron leader's gun.

"Stop!" The squadron leader roared, but he calmed down before anyone else and realized the truth of the situation.

Of course, it is impossible for the blasters to be so far apart. It would be a joke to blow up a giant camel-shaped cargo ship, and the weak energy beam would shake the deflector shield.

Then it could only be that the spaceship itself had a problem...and it happened just as it crossed the [Li] defense circle and was about to dock at the port. Could it be a coincidence?

How can there be so many coincidences in the world!

And even if it was a coincidence, the current situation would not allow him to come as planned.

The squadron leader stared at the rapidly tilting spaceship, predicting where it was about to fall, and soon his face became more gloomy.

He picked up the communicator and notified the control tower: "Let [Tianxuan Ninth District] prepare for the impact, the spaceship is about to crash!"

Then, he waved his hands to his subordinates: "What are you still doing in a daze? Go to the scene!"


Among the giant camel-shaped cargo ships that were falling rapidly, Sean was still standing in the most dangerous bow bridge, holding the joystick that seemed to be welded tightly with both hands, trying his best to control the landing point of the spaceship.

Since he had already made up his mind to avoid the net of the port through the accidental fall of the spaceship, he naturally had to choose a suitable place to escape and hide quickly after landing. In addition, Sean also hopes to minimize casualties as far as possible.

After repeated consideration by Xiao En, the most suitable place to land is the Tianxuan Ninth District.

As the last area in the core region of Profound Sky District, District Nine can be said to be the most chaotic in Profound Sky District. When it was first established, it was to expand the area of ​​Tianxuan District to accommodate those small merchants who could not afford to settle down in the core area, as a necessary supplement for [Li]'s great commercial business.

When the Ninth District was prosperous, those exquisite shops with unique ingenuity, and the hotels and residences interspersed among them, were even as gorgeous as the Tianxuan Yudong under the lighting.

It's just that as the development of the space city entered a bottleneck, the expansion of Tianxuan District also quickly turned cold. With the relocation of merchants and the outflow of funds, the peripheral areas gradually lost control and became a paradise for run-down merchants and even gangsters. After several times of rectification, although the law and order has improved, the popularity still plummeted.

Not long ago, the newly appointed head of the Ninth District planned to revive the Ninth District and compete with the former Eighth District for business flow, and even openly hostile to the master of the Tianxuan District for this purpose. Such a strong style has attracted some merchants and idlers pretending to be merchants to live here, gathering a wave of popularity. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the person in charge of the division to die suddenly, causing the popularity of the Ninth District to disperse in a rush.

Today, from a high altitude, large areas of the once bustling buildings have been abandoned. Illuminated by distant lights, they appear lonely.

And that played into Sean's hands.

Most of those prosperous areas are densely populated. Once the spaceship falls, it will inevitably cause heavy casualties. What's more, with [Li]'s emphasis on the core area of ​​Tianxuan District, Xiao En really dared to lean the spaceship there, and he would probably be blown up in mid-air by the defensive artillery fire in the space city.

Only in a dilapidated area like the Ninth District, no one cares about it, even if the spaceship crashes past.

And only Tianxuan Ninth District, the place where Xiao En has been here once, can provide him with enough shelter to allow him to escape!

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