Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 135 Daughter

I saw the little princess on the opposite street ordered a small bowl of miscellaneous cooking from the owner at the counter with extremely skillful gestures, and then completely ignored the surprised eyes focused around, and found a quiet place on her own. But in a safe place, he took out a holographic book and flipped through it.

Sean has had excellent eyesight since he was a child. Across a street and the turbulent crowd on the street, he can vaguely recognize the content of the holographic image through the image: it is a set of introductory medical textbooks.

"Where were we talking?"

Wang Yi's voice came again.

Xiao En lost interest in the story of mixed cooking, and said with a light smile, "Speaking of why your daughter comes here to eat mixed cooking."

"She's been...fuck, how did you know?!" Wang Yi finally lost his usual composure, looking terrified, and almost fell off the stool to the ground.

Sean reached out and grabbed him a step ahead, and then said: "You are too obvious, and that girl is really like you."

"Really?" Wang Yi immediately became delighted, "I knew it!"

Xiao En could only say sorry to himself: Wang Yi, who has a thick beard and hair and neglected to take care of it, really doesn't have the slightest resemblance to that delicate little princess. The so-called similarity only lies in the fact that she was reading medical books.

But Xiao En's praise really made Wang Yi feel full of happiness and immersed himself in the memories of the past.

"Wang Lu has been very smart since she was a child, even smarter than I was when I was young, and she has a strong interest in medicine. Her taste in food is also very similar to mine. After all, I have brought her here to eat miscellaneous boiled food since she can remember. "

Sean couldn't help being curious: "You, a [Nirvana] doctor with a bright future, brought your daughter here?"

Wang Yi said with a smile: "That's why her mother is always very upset, and every time we have to fight about it, but Xiao Wang Lu always stands by my side, she is more stubborn than me... I guess Xiao Wang Lu also took advantage of the remedial class to end early today, and sneaked over here. For this bowl of miscellaneous cooking, this child really worked hard..."

Afterwards, Wang Yi told a lot of interesting stories between him and his daughter. His eloquence was very good, and when he was immersed in a happy atmosphere, his words were even more miraculously provocative. It's just that Sean couldn't help sighing while listening.

The family that was once so happy is now falling apart, and the talented doctor with a bright future is exiled for fulfilling his duty... At this time, the more optimistic Wang Yi behaves, the heavier the pressure on Sean's heart.

This is not the way it should be.

But there was nothing he could do about it. Now that the Jedi apprentices could not protect themselves, why should they uphold justice for Wang Yi?

And at this moment, Wang Yi's story was suddenly interrupted. It should be said that the fireworks on the entire street were interrupted by a sudden foreign object.

It was a small airship with smooth lines like water droplets. The surrounding light dyed it with a gorgeous halo, and the golden tail flame at the tail made it have a coercive deterrent force when it fell from the sky.

Even people who know nothing about airships can see its luxury at a glance. As an airship enthusiast, Sean easily identified its specifications, performance and manufacturer, and then estimated that its price would be enough to buy an apartment in a bustling business district...

But more important than the price is what the airship represents. The golden tail flame is a proof of identity and status, and a strong declaration that it is absolutely not belonging to the common people. Therefore, when the airship landed at [Food is the Sky], it would disrupt the fireworks here.

The eyes of almost everyone around were focused on the past, and the words of admiration and envy were endless. At the same time, Wang Yi's expression became helpless.

He murmured: "She is still that incomparably stronger woman..."

While talking, a gorgeous woman came down from the airship——the word that came to Sean's mind immediately was gorgeous. She was wearing an expensive dress and dazzling jewelry, her steps were quick and steady, and she exuded an aura that strangers should not get close to.

She went straight to her daughter and stared at her condescendingly. Although the woman's gaze was hidden behind the sunglasses, it was enough to form a real sense of oppression. Some of the diners around couldn't help but want to get up and leave.

Fortunately, the young Wang Lu was very sensible and didn't intend to cause trouble for others. She glanced at the half-eaten miscellaneous boiled with some regret, then silently put away the holographic book, and grabbed her mother's hand.

The mother and daughter returned to the airship hand in hand as if nothing had happened, and walked away.

Soon, the hustle and bustle returned to the streets.

It's just that the miscellaneous cooking in front of Wang Yi seemed to have completely lost its taste, and the chic and talkative doctor also became taciturn.

Sean asked, "Did you come here specially to see your daughter?"

Wang Yi was silent for a while, then nodded: "Actually, I shouldn't be close to her. Her current husband doesn't like that they have too much to do with the past, especially me...but this is [Food is the Heaven], even if it is The boss of the gangster, as long as he sits down to eat, he is just an ordinary diner, so..."

"So you don't have to explain this to me," Sean interrupted. "Is there any way to undo this?"

Wang Yi shrugged helplessly: "If so, how could I have been a homeless person in the cave for so long?"

Sean asked again: "Is it a question of money?"

"Nominally yes, the reason why I was forced to the Ninth District was that I owed millions of dollars in debt and couldn't repay it."

Sean smiled and said, "It sounds like my reward amount can help you."

"It's useless, it's not about the money." Wang Yi directly vetoed Xiao En's joke, "Even if I really got the money and filled the hole, someone would immediately dig a deeper hole for me. Loss, I have hurt my friends too. Otherwise, in five years, I would still be able to collect enough 'redemption money' even in District 9. Now I would rather be a homeless man with no work, than have my hard-earned money taken away to nourish the enemy."

Speaking of this, Wang Yi laughed again: "So...Although I think it is unlikely, but you must not think of turning yourself in for money to repay my life-saving grace, that is harming me, understand? "

Sean asked again: "So, who is the person who dug the hole for you?"

"That's not important. What's important is that I have to stay in this pit." Wang Yi explained, "This pit embodies the authority of the Qiankun Group and the order of this galaxy. Anyone who tries to challenge it will do no good." The end. So, I had many friends before the accident, but after the accident, I would rather have no friends at all.”

After that, Wang Yi patted Sean on the shoulder again: "Don't show such a serious expression, this is already a good result for me, I am still alive, and I am at ease, and I can even see myself from time to time daughter of..."

"You didn't want to leave because of your daughter?"

Wang Yi was silent for a while, and said, "Yes, although other places are good, there is no her."

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