Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 137 Never hesitate

Sean knew very well that the sparks that flashed during meditation were the warnings given to him by the Force.

Although only vaguely, although without the progress of this time, he would not have even grasped this revelation.

But at any given moment, no matter how small, revelations of the Force matter.

While walking, Sean gradually slowed down his breathing, calmed down, and began to think seriously about the current situation.

Revelation will not come for no reason. Judging from the current situation, it is likely that something happened to Wang Yi.

In fact, when Wang Yi left the Ninth District, Sean already had a vague premonition: no matter how well Wang Yi behaved, this city is ultimately under the control of the Qiankun Group, not Wang Yi. under. The threat of that black-armored warrior and Xia Xi still exists all the time.

Under such circumstances, Wang Yi and Xiao En left the cave and appeared in the seventh district, after all, there was a certain risk.

But Sean did not have enough reasons to persuade Wang Yi to stay.

The other party turned from a star doctor to a homeless person overnight, and then lived alone in the Ninth District for many years. The one who supported him to remain optimistic was probably the little girl who ate miscellaneous boiled food in [Food is the Sky] from time to time.

At this time, it is completely unrealistic to persuade Wang Yi to stay with "the risk that exists after all".

However, the worst may have happened after all.

When Xiao En came to [Food is the Sky] again, he was still greeted by bright lights and the smell of delicious food. But the Jedi Apprentice was keenly aware that the environment here was different from last time.

The hustle and bustle became quieter, the smiles of the people on the street seemed restrained, and even the neon lights above their heads seemed weak... everything explained what happened here not long ago.

Sean was not in a hurry to ask, because he was conspicuous enough when he appeared from the secret passage, and if he inquired rashly, he would be targeted more quickly. So he still maintained his appearance as a homeless man in District 9, imitating Wang Yi's posture, and found a miscellaneous cooking restaurant to sit down.

Wang Yi left him some change before he left, which happened to be used at this time.

So far, Sean didn't notice any special eyes on him, but he still didn't try to ask a question.

After all, he is not a local, and rash clichés can easily reveal flaws, so it is better to be a diner here honestly. With the keenness of the five senses of a Jedi apprentice, when he listens attentively, information will naturally pass into his ears.

Most of the information around him was empty and boring: comments on food, complaints about family members, expectations about work... Sean patiently ate meat and soup while waiting for valuable information to arrive.

Around the time that the docile Gungan boss couldn't help but chase someone away, Sean finally got what he wanted.

Those are two Mon Calamari people. There are not many people in the dry galaxy, but they are basically distributed in this extremely open space city, so they don't look awkward in [Food is the Sky].

The two enjoyed the cheap but tragically improved hometown cuisine, but the topic of discussion was not the food taste, but the shipyard renovation project of [Li].

It was not until the end of the meal that they had the leisure to enter the "business".

"I still think we should go to [Kun], there is much more room for display than here, and any heavy industry subsidiary under Beihe Group can better utilize our technology."

"But only in [Li] can we get fair treatment, instead of being stepped on by locals who are far inferior to us!"

"No matter how fair the treatment is, it is not as important as a stable environment, and the current [Li] can't even manage the security of Tianxuan District! First, the cargo ship crashed, and then they hijacked passers-by in [Food for the Sky] openly..."

"The crash of the cargo ship was just an accident. This kind of accident can happen anywhere! As for the so-called hijacking just now. To be honest, I am more inclined to understand it as a reasonable law enforcement. It's just a little aggressive. The homeless man has been harassing a poor little girl, and he deservedly taken away by the victim's family."

"Poor little girl? She is the daughter of the [Nirvana] headmaster, it's your turn to be pitiful! And that homeless man is her real family, how can you talk about harassment! You didn't hear that little girl cry shout?"

"I didn't hear it, I suggest you didn't hear it either! Don't forget how those people who jumped off the black boat beat people in the street! They didn't even bother to show their law enforcement certificates to people! Don't forget our annual The physical examination is still arranged in the subordinate guidance hospital of [Nirvana]!"

The conversation between the two diners came to an end, and Sean had gotten everything he wanted.

It couldn't be a coincidence, or even if it were a coincidence it wouldn't matter.

The problem now is simple: something happened to Wang Yi, and Xiao En is duty-bound.

Before, he extended a helping hand without hesitation when Sean was in distress, but this time it was Sean's turn to save others.

As Wang Yi said, if even doctors are unwilling to save doctors, who else will save doctors?

If even people like Wang Yi can't get a good ending, is there any justice in this world?

Thinking of this, Xiao En had no hesitation in his heart. He settled the bill, got up and walked to the information service office of [Food is the Sky], took a free guidebook for tourists, and read it carefully.

Poor quality holographic books can't provide too much content, but Sean still found the information he needed from it.

"Second Tianxuan District, [Nirvana], well, it's quite convenient to go all the way."

After whispering to himself, Sean put the manual back to its original place, tidied up his worn-out coat, and then walked with his head held high, blending into the crowded crowd around him. He looked seriously injured and unconscious.

And when he left [Food is the Sky], he had already turned into a bloated middle-aged clerk in a cheap shirt, holding a distributed tablet computer in his hand, watching while walking.

There are countless such clerical workers in Tianxuan District, most of them belong to large and medium-sized enterprises, work in the bustling area of ​​Tianxuan District, and enjoy the dignity brought by the environment.

However, with their meager income, they often have to go to civilian areas to solve their food and beverage problems, and even have to settle for accommodation in Tianhuang District or even more remote places.

Therefore, when Sean squeezed into the crowd and waited for the bus airship, he didn't appear to be in the least bit obtrusive.

He can even imitate the people around him while waiting, check official documents on the tablet computer, write forms, and behave meticulously.

And when Sean squeezed out of the crowded bus airship, he changed his face again impressively. Although he is still an ordinary low-level clerk, he looks much thinner than before, with a square hat on his head, and his height is even half a head taller out of thin air!

At this time, he was already in Tianxuan Fifth District, which is a bustling area full of various educational institutions. Not long after Xiao En landed, he completed his last disguise in a public restroom.

This time, he disguised himself as a teacher. He is as young and tall as the real him.

The only difference is that there is an extra pair of glasses on the bridge of the nose, and Jiu Shu's hair is combed back, which makes his youthful appearance look much more mature.

And the clothes he used to wear and the props that came with him were all thrown into the lost and found basket without anyone noticing.

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