Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 148 Not Revenge

There are still traces of the chaos at the scene.

Apparently, the most trusted confidant of the dead captain took advantage of the time when the special forces scattered around and started an ambush, made a bold move, murdered and seized power, and then launched a bloody suppression of the opposition, which formed the ambush circle strange situation.

Xiao En quickly sorted out his thoughts in his mind. For a moment, he felt that reality was even more absurd than fiction. The elite troops of Qiankun Security would openly plot rebellion on their own territory... Is there any order in this galaxy? Relying on such a security team, the Qiankun Group has been able to maintain peace and stability for thousands of years, which is simply incredible.

Sean hid in the shadows and sneaked out of the warehouse area, while silently feeling the flow of the Force. The Jedi apprentice felt as if he was driving a light boat in a rushing river, drifting with the current. Everything you see along the way is just the great force showing its power.

The waves roiling on the river surface are just appearances, and there are unspeakable undercurrents rushing under the water surface. It is these undercurrents that lead him to turn around in desperation and move on.

But soon, Xiao En felt that his connection with the Force became inseparable again, not to mention the undercurrent under the water surface, even the waves became blurred.

After all, he is not a Jedi master, and there is no way to feel the will of the Force all the time.

However, the Jedi apprentice has long been accustomed to this kind of abrupt end. He has not been known for his talent since he was a child. In fact, when Mostima taught Sean, he often asked him to stop using the force skills. to complete various tasks. This education method is not the same as the tradition of the Jedi, but Mostima once told Sean that there is not only one road to the Force, and occasionally taking a long detour will only make the road behind it smoother.

But now, what Xiao En has to do is to use the limited resources in his hands to complete the task just like the trials in the past.

He forced himself to rationally think about everything at present, first of all, to throw away unnecessary optimism, such as the force will guide him invincible, mere apprentices do not have that kind of grace, and even Jedi masters can hardly do it.

He wants to try to think about the problem from another angle.

The internal strife in Qiankun Security is an objective fact, but Xiao En does not believe that there is such a cheap good thing in the world, at least he cannot accept the reality with peace of mind. Instead of being blindly optimistic, it is better to be pessimistic and prepare for the worst.

If all of this is a trap to confuse opponents—although no matter how you think about it, the cost of this scam is too high to clean up, but it is also reasonable.

The ambush of the Special Forces alone cannot trap the Jedi Apprentice flawlessly. The terrain of this abandoned warehouse area is complicated, providing too many natural bunkers, which greatly limits the firepower advantage of the special forces; and the complex ecological environment composed of a large number of homeless people and gang members also allows Jedi apprentices enough to fish in troubled waters Space.

In addition, perhaps in order to avoid disturbing Sean, the Special Forces did not enter the arena in large numbers in advance. The large forces hurriedly chased after Sean drove over and set up an encirclement circle, so that there were not a few loopholes in the formation.

With Xiao En's skill, although the success rate of breaking out of the encirclement is low, there are still 20 to 30%. And if the opponent is greedy enough and is not satisfied with a 70% to 80% winning rate, then sacrificing a special forces team to create a more secure kill seems to make sense.

At least with Xia Xi's lunatic style, this perverted design can be completely explained.

Thinking of that flat face and harsh laughter, Sean felt a headache. When the giant camel crashed, it was a pity that Xia Xi didn't have time to make up the last knife.

At the same time, a stronger fighting spirit was ignited in Xiao En's heart.

If all of this is a conspiracy—in fact, since the emergence of the Special Forces, all this has been clearly a conspiracy—then whether it is Lei Yongxun’s death or Wang Yi’s death, it is obvious that the person who designed the conspiracy must be blamed. Behind the scenes.

Recalling Wang Yi's optimistic and gentle smile, and the way he died with a smile on his face, Sean only felt the tingling in his heart was unstoppable, and he no longer wanted to leave this space city. If that perverted murderer can't be made to pay the price, even if Xiao En can escape from [Li], he will surely have trouble sleeping and eating in the future!

At this moment, it is difficult for him to distinguish between light and darkness. Revenge is undoubtedly against the way of the Jedi, but is it the way of the Jedi to let Xia Xi go?

He would rather do the wrong thing than stick to dogma for the sake of sticking to dogma.

It's just that it's not easy to avenge Wang Yi, and the current Jedi apprentices can't even protect themselves.

Sean walked quietly in the shadows, recalling the three-dimensional map of [Li] in his mind, looking for a reasonable path of travel.

The third area of ​​Tianhuang is located in a remote area, with limited access to the outside world. Considering that the special forces have already penetrated into the warehouse area, the ambush network is likely to be fully deployed, so the traffic arteries should also be heavily guarded. Especially the fourth district bordering the third district, where there is a small port for civilians, where small spaceships can take off and land. According to Wang Yi's chat, the fourth district has always been the main route for smuggling and smuggling in Tianhuang District.

Therefore, the direction leading to the fourth district was directly marked by Xiao En in his mind as a no-go mark.

In addition, bordering the third district is the fifth district of Tianhuang, which is the most active gang paradise in the space city since the decline of the ninth district of Tianxuan. Many low-level militants and even wanted criminals in the galaxy live there. It is said that it is a A chaotic zone with constant gunshots every day.

From the perspective of escaping, the chaotic area is suitable for fishing in troubled waters, but if the gang over there has already been greeted by someone, then an outsider rushing in rashly is purely self-inflicted.

In the end, there is only one feasible path left on the map.

And with the deepening of thinking, the path in Sean's mind gradually became clear, and eventually even became dazzling.

Xiao En quickly made a judgment: he will return to Tianhuang District 1 along the original road, and then return to Tianxuan, and go upstream until Tianxuan Yudong!

He was going to meet the owner of Tianxuan District, Mr. Zhang.

In the unfamiliar place [Li], it is difficult to choose a Jedi apprentice alone. Instead of taking chances with blind eyes, it is better to find a suitable guide.

Just as Wang Yi opened the secret passage to "Food is the Sky" for Xiao En in Tianxuan Ninth District, Mr. Zhang, as the executive of the entire space city, will certainly be able to open the passage to "Xun" for Xiao En.

And, the road to revenge leading to the real murderer behind the scenes!

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