Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 168 Special Person

As soon as the words that had nothing to do with you fell, a hoarse voice came from the communicator on the neck of the black wing member.

"No. 3, did you find it?"

"Not yet...boss, are you really sure that thing is hidden here?"

"It can only be there, look carefully, all the bombs now are only missing the one on your side."

"But, to be honest, could there be no fish that slipped through the net at all? The number and location of the bombs are all said by those 'fortune tellers', and they are just guessing out of thin air..."

"The group of fortune-tellers are the group's top support team. They accurately calculated Xiaxi's organ layout, and even calculated it based on the architectural drawings of Tianxuan Yudong and the processing traces left by Xiaxi at multiple processing stations. The number and general location of the bombs he made privately. Regardless of the number and location, they are almost exactly the same, and the only error comes from you. Do you think there is something wrong with you, or something wrong with those fortune tellers?"

The young man scratched his head annoyed when he heard the words. Of course he knew that the so-called "fortune tellers" were just joking words of the front-line soldiers, and their real identities were a group of expert think tanks with huge amounts of data.

[Black Wing]'s great reputation, a considerable part of it relies on the exhaustive strategy of the think tank. To challenge such authority, it is far from enough to rely on him, a newcomer who has just entered the industry.

"Understood, I'll look for it again."

"Don't trust equipment and dogma too much, trust your eyes and brain more... You are given five minutes, act as soon as possible, if you delay for a long time, there is a risk of being detonated."


The young man ended the call in frustration, took off the eyepiece, and re-examined the empty restaurant with his naked eyes, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't find the bomb that should have appeared here.

This made him both anxious and panicked, and a sense of fear that he had never felt before gradually surfaced in his heart.

As an elite force directly under the Qiankun Group's board of directors, the most powerful part of [Black Wing] lies in its ever-present intelligence advantage. As long as it is in the dry galaxy, any place is their absolute home. The think tank behind them is almost omniscient and omnipotent, especially for those mad dogs with extremely high risk ratings. Since the board of directors has provided sufficient intelligence resources, [Black Wing] almost killed them.

Crazy as Xia Xi, he has also been frustrated and even humiliated in front of [Black Wing] many times. The players of [Black Wing] have an absolute psychological advantage over Xia Xi.

However, what if the intelligence advantage fades away?

Thinking of the crazy and cunning flat man in the previous fights, the hairs on No. 3's back gradually stood up.

Although in the current situation, there is only one bomb that can't be found-nearly 400 bombs were detected at the same time. But it was this little deviation that made number three feel even worse.

"Sorry to bother you."

Just when No. 3's state of mind was extremely disturbed, the noisy metal voice came from his ear.

"Well, if you're looking for something, maybe this?"

The next moment, the young soldier of [Black Wing] watched in disbelief as the etiquette robot took out a dusty, inconspicuous metal can from the storage compartment on its chest.


The robot explained: "The previous guest forgot it here. I didn't notice it at first. I didn't find this tin can stuck under the table until I went to tidy up the table. I wonder if you are here to help him recycle... ..."

"That's enough! That's it!" The young man roared uncontrollably. He couldn't control his expression at all. A fairly upright face was distorted into a shape that was difficult for etiquette robots to recognize.

"Leave this thing to me, be careful." The young man stretched out his hand tremblingly, and carefully took the metal tank that had obviously undergone some modifications.

He dipped his fingertips on the coating on the surface of the tank, then came to his senses, and clenched his fists angrily.

The young man took a few deep breaths and dialed the communication: "Boss, the dropped bomb has been found. Xia Xi seems to be smarter than the fortune tellers estimated. He coated a layer of insulating lubricant on the outside, just to insulate Scanned the device."

The hoarse voice replied: "It's not necessarily because the scan is isolated, it's just because the scan result is different from the others, so you can turn a blind eye to it with your inertial thinking... This is a very simple trick."

The young man was a little ashamed: "I know, I was careless this time, but I also thought that those fortune tellers were really omnipotent, so I acted completely according to their plan, without adding my own thinking."

"This is indeed a bit strange, and we need to be vigilant. Xiaxi is an extremely cunning opponent. If the intelligence support from the rear cannot be 100% accurate, the risk on our side will increase several times. This escort mission will be very difficult. There is absolute certainty of success."

No. 3's throat felt a little dry: "In that case..."

"However, I think that it may not be a problem with the intelligence support in the rear. It may be that something new happened on the scene. You should investigate the scene carefully and find out who planted the bomb."

"The person who planted the bomb could be anyone, right? Xia Xi just needs to bribe or trick someone to help him plant it for him. In fact, more than half of the hundreds of bombs found before were planted by Xia Xi using others... ..."

"I know, but this special bomb was probably handled by a special person... I always have a feeling that when we analyze Xia Xi, we seem to have missed an important potential partner of his cooperation."

No. 3 seemed to understand a little bit, but there was no further explanation from the captain through the communicator, so he had to change the subject.

"Boss, haven't they caught Xia Xi on the eighth?"

"Not yet. There were a few times when I was very close to success, but fell short due to various accidents. Hehe, it was the same accident as you encountered. That's why I want you to find out who dropped the special bomb, um , if you guessed correctly, if you go to retrieve the surveillance video of the restaurant, you should be able to see a familiar face."

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