Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 176 Recycling

Until his death, Xia Xi talked endlessly, as if the fatal injury on his body was fake...but the injury confirmed by the Jedi apprentice finally took his life.

And Xiao En looked at the emaciated corpse on the ground, and his mind was in a mess for a while.

When Xia Xi was alive, when he asked and answered with him, Xiao En still had enough confidence to believe that his choice was not wrong. But when Xia Xi really died in front of his eyes, Xiao En felt a bit of confusion that he couldn't get rid of.

Did I... do something wrong? Is it wrong to recklessly kill this perverted murderer who has caused endless disasters? After all, was he blinded by hatred and forced to reason?

If he really followed his deal and killed Nan Yujin, who deserved what he deserved, in exchange for Xiaxi's information... Would it be a better choice for Qian Xingxing, the Jedi master and apprentice?

The questions that had been expelled from the mind by the Jedi's beliefs came again, washing away the beliefs of the Jedi apprentices like a tide.

But this time, before he could clear his mind, the shrill siren enveloped him.

Xiao En's mind was awe-inspiring, and he suddenly realized that he had been delayed here for too long... So, [Black Wing] was going to find him.

Even if you really made a wrong choice, regret and self-examination can be put aside for later, what needs to be considered now is how to get out.

However, when Xiao En seriously wanted to escape, he realized that he had been too focused on Xia Xi before, and hadn't considered what would happen after killing Xia Xi. The escape route in his mind was still blurred.

Sean let out a long breath again, and organized his thoughts. He temporarily put Xia Xi's figure behind him, and silently prayed for the guidance of the original force. However, the ubiquitous force gave him vague feedback. There seemed to be many forked roads in front of him, each of which led to a completely different end point, and at this moment, the end point was hazy and difficult to distinguish, making it difficult to make a decision.

The situation was tense and there was no room for looking forward and backward. Sean gritted his teeth and made a rational judgment. He chose the one closest to the ground passage from several roads and walked.


At the same time, in the monitoring room, Guo Shouming had firmly locked on Sean's position. Looking at the wind-like apprentice on the screen, Guo Shouming squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was an experienced hunter who was bound to win.

And the [Black Wing] fighters surrounding Guo Shouming cast admiring gazes at him in unison.

Outside the VIP lounge before, Guo Shouming allowed Xia Xi and Xiao En to escape, but he was not in a hurry to pursue them. At that time, the team members were still a little puzzled, but now it seems that the conclusion is clear at a glance.

Guo Shouming had expected that after the two left the lounge, there would be internal strife.

Although Guo Shouming has proved his invincibility in countless missions in the past, the team members are still amazed by what they saw with their own eyes.

The petite female soldier couldn't help asking: "Captain, how did you guess that?"

Guo Shouming said: "That Jedi boy can cut through the floor with a lightsaber, and of course he can cut through the door panel. Although it may be too late, he didn't try to leave a cut on the door at all... that can only be done." It means that he has no intention of killing Nan Yujin. Then, since he doesn't want to kill Nan Yujin, he can only kill Xia Xi."

"So... that's it." The female soldier opened her mouth halfway, forcing herself to digest this unreasonable logic, and then deeply felt that there was indeed an insurmountable gap in IQ between herself and the captain.

Fortunately, I'm just a team member, as long as I strictly follow the captain's instructions during the mission, it's fine.

There is nothing more reassuring than fighting behind Guo Shouming.

And Guo Shouming, the good captain who made the players feel at ease, also gave an order after a moment of contemplation.

"No. 3, you, No. 5 and No. 7 lead a team to capture that Jedi boy. Try to capture him alive, but you don't have to force him."

No. 3 was shocked when he heard the words, unexpectedly the captain would name him and assign such a difficult task.

"Yes, but..."

Guo Shouming interrupted: "Don't worry, you can dispatch the security force in Tianxuan Yudong at will. He is already at the end of his strength, so don't be so afraid, and if necessary, he can do whatever it takes."

No. 3 still had some doubts in his heart. Facing the Jedi apprentice who did not hesitate to team up with the perverted killer, would "whatever it takes" really be useful? And at the end of the battle? The movements seen on the monitor didn't show that he seemed to be at the end of his battle at all!

But the captain's judgment has never been wrong, and No. 3 has no choice but to put down no matter how many doubts he has in his heart at this time. He quickly greeted his teammates, used the communicator to mobilize two teams of security mercenaries, then left the monitoring room and went along an elevator shaft leading directly to the lower floors of Yudong to intercept Xiao En.

After Guo Shouming assigned tasks for No. 3, he ignored the matter of the Jedi apprentices. After switching the screen in the monitoring room back to the normal monitoring state, he closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Guo Shouming opened his eyes, stood up, and prepared to leave.

The team members around each have their own puzzles in their hearts, and I don't know what the captain is thinking about. But no one dared to disturb him. Because [Black Wing] Captain's silence means that there is no doubt, no doubt.

But Guo Shouming's pace was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Captain Guo, where are you going?"

Guo Shouming stopped when he heard the sound, and followed the direction of the sound to the last row of seats in the monitoring room.

There, a member of the board of directors of Qiankun Group, one of the only surviving veterans of the Nan family's main family, was sitting.

"President Nan Yujin, please don't worry." Guo Shouming replied in a deep voice, "Number 18 will always stay by your side."

Nan Yujin glanced at the young soldier who was silently following behind him like a shadow, and smiled: "I'm not worried about myself, I'm just curious about what the captain is going to do now? In Tianxuan Yudong, Is there any safety hazard that needs to be handled by the captain himself?"

Guo Shouming hesitated for a moment, and replied: "There is no potential safety hazard, just some necessary finishing work."

Nan Yujin's eyes wandered to a surveillance screen again, and asked, "Do you mean the Jedi apprentice or the traitor from the Xia family?"

Guo Shouming knew he couldn't hide it, so he had to say frankly: "Xia Xi has some materials that must be recycled."

"[Xuanhuangxue]? Hehe, is the big family doing things so unreasonable now? Send someone to kill me, and then collect the killer's body generously afterwards. Why, are you going to do it again?"

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