Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 189 The Ups and Downs of Life

On the other side, as the owner of Tianxuan Yudong and the sinner of the great crime of treason, Zhang Jincheng also remained silent, clenched his fists, and his face became even uglier than Chen Yao.

He never expected that the situation would develop to this point.

Not long ago, he was ambitiously thinking about assassinating Nan Yujin, framing Chen Yao, and reaching the pinnacle of his life from then on...but in the blink of an eye, he had already fallen into the abyss!

The assassination plan failed before it even started. The two assassins whom he had placed high hopes on: Xiao En and Xia Xi escaped with one death, and his assassination plan was about to be exposed in full view...

Zhang Jincheng is very aware of the consequences of exposure. No matter how civilized and orderly the Qiankun Group advertises its rule, its methods of dealing with traitors have always been ruthless. Betting that his fate would be better than Nan Heli's, so he had already prepared a way to escape.

That [Shenlei]-class spaceship is his biggest support for his audacity! No matter what happened, as long as the spaceship was still there, he could leave at any time.

However, before Zhang Jincheng started to flee, his [Shenlei]-class spaceship had been exposed and could no longer be used.

Looking at the clear and bright images projected on the big screen in the banquet hall, Zhang Jincheng felt extremely puzzled besides fear and anger. The escape hangar on the upper floors of the building itself is not top-secret, but at this point in time today, when a [Shenlei]-class spaceship was hidden in the hangar, it must be the most top-secret place in Tianxuan Yudong. none of them!

What's more, in normal times, secret passages and hangars are the privileges of senior cadres. Even if they are not top secret, they must be classified. Only a few people in the entire Tianxuan District know their existence. What monitoring probes should be installed in hangars and secret passages.

So where did the picture that Li Yu put up now come from? When exactly did he install the probe in this top-secret hangar, and when did he take over the monitoring system in Tianxuan Yudong, and freely retrieve the monitoring screen in the banquet hall?

To what extent did the leader of the [Baiyin] organization infiltrate Tianxuan Yudong?

Among Zhang Jincheng's most trusted confidantes, how many undercover agents were arranged by Li Yu? !

"Mr. Zhang, don't be so suspicious. The people around you are generally trustworthy. Unless I encounter extremely special circumstances, I will not wake up the sleeping chess piece. If it is not awakened, the performance of the chess piece is obvious to all--before today , Does anyone think that Qiao Yongkang is not conscientious enough? So Mr. Zhang, you can just enjoy the hard work and dedication of the migrant workers around you. After all, your upper class has been oppressing the migrant workers with peace of mind for so many years."

After Li Yu finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to Zhang Jincheng, but sneered while looking at the picture on the screen: "It seems that Mr. Zhang's security work is only for face, and the annual security budget of tens of millions of Qiankun coins should be more than half It flowed back into the pockets of Mr. Zhang and several district chiefs—the special security force you hired with a lot of money, is that all?”

In the picture, the security mercenaries who were stimulated by the double reward offered by [Black Wing] were being defeated by Xiao En and Qiao Yongkang.

Although the security mercenaries have more than ten times the number of advantages, as well as the advantages of heavy weapons and equipment, and the high morale brought by the high rewards... However, all of these are not worth the disadvantage of personnel quality.

Sean and Qiao Yongkang just used a few precise bursts to knock down the three mercenaries who rushed to the front. And the mercenary team of more than 20 people, only suffered one-tenth of the damage in the battle, and became hesitant. Same path to escape.

Everyone wants to be rich, but no one wants to be rich on pensions. Xiao En and Qiao Yongkang's precise shooting skills shocked them in an instant, turning a group of elite soldiers who were supposed to fight to the death into deserter reserves.

After witnessing the performance of the security forces, Zhang Jincheng just gritted his teeth and had nothing to say.

As the owner of Tianxuan Yudong, he certainly knows how unreliable these mercenaries who are looking for money are. Not long ago, he accidentally met the old friends of the Red Apricot Squad in his office, and all the security checkpoints along the way They were all overwhelmed.

However, in [Li], which has been in peace for a long time, how easy is it to find that kind of experienced security personnel? As far as this group of rabble is concerned, Zhang Jincheng hired him at all costs. If he dislikes their lack of skill, then Zhang Jincheng will really have no one to use.

It's a pity that the security mercenaries hired by Zhang Jincheng with a lot of money soon fell into the brink of morale collapse.

Facing the elite combination of Xiao En and Qiao Yongkang, these mercenaries couldn't even put up a decent resistance, and began to flee in all directions.

"It seems that miscellaneous soldiers can't be counted on. I don't know what other unique skills our dear 'Number Six' can use. I remember that he must partner with Number Seven to exert his full strength. Right now, Number Seven is sent by Captain Guo to recover [Xuan Huang Xue] ], can No. 6 survive alone? "

As Li Yu said, he turned his head and looked at Guo Shouming with seemingly curious but actually provocative eyes.

The leader of [Black Wing] completely ignored Li Yu's provocation, and just focused on watching Xiao En's performance on the big screen.

Watching the young man knock down security mercenaries one after another with skilful tactical movements, step by step approaching the escape spaceship carefully built by Zhang Jincheng, Guo Shouming just shook his head slightly.

"That's all."

Li Yu was surprised and said: "But that's it? Captain Guo, it's really rare for you to look stubborn, please make that expression again, so I can scan it as a souvenir..."

Guo Shouming ignored Li Yu's provocation, but stepped forward and lightly touched the big screen in the banquet hall.

The next moment, the picture disappeared, and the banquet hall returned to tranquility.

Guo Shouming sighed again, and said: "The strategy of 'Tuning the Tiger from the Mountain' is not clever, and you can't succeed. On the other hand, if you try to steal [Xuanhuang Blood], you really have crossed the line."

While speaking, the picture on the big screen in the banquet hall suddenly changed, from the escape hangar to the storage area on the lower floor of Tianxuan Yudong.

That Sean resolutely eradicated Xiaxi's storage area.

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