Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 197 Always Victorious and Undefeated

While Li Yu was worrying about her hair, a group of [Black Wing] elites were worried about their future in the ground floor storage area of ​​Tianxuan Yudong.

As the most trusted armed force of the board of directors, every member of [Black Wing] enjoys more favorable treatment than the middle-level group like Qiao Yongkang, and their basic necessities are comparable to those of the upper-level dignitaries. But everything has a price, extraordinary treatment means the same extraordinary stringent requirements.

If you are unqualified in daily training, you will be eliminated; if your mission performance is not satisfactory, you will be eliminated; if you have a stronger competitor in the same position, you will be eliminated; if the people on the board see you as unhappy and Guo Shouming does not intend to protect you, you should be eliminated!

The elimination rate of [Black Wing] is so high that it has long been "famous" in the industry. It is rare to be able to serve in [Black Wing] for more than five years, and Guo Shouming is the only one who has served for more than ten years!

Although after being eliminated, as long as you sign a strict non-disclosure agreement and don't talk too much, you can return to an ordinary life... But anyone who has experienced the good will never be content with being ordinary again.

What's more, if there is a serious omission in the mission, the subsequent accountability will be extremely strict. In the most extreme case, Captain Guo Shouming even has the right to execute on the spot.

But now it seems that there was a serious omission in this mission!

Although the main objective of the mission was successfully completed—Nan Yujin was safe and sound, and the lost [Xuanhuang Blood] was recovered smoothly...but the price of the mission was too heavy.

Leaving aside the casualties of the team members, the most important loss was that Tangtang [Black Wing] was swept away by Li Yu in front of Nan Yujin and Nan Wuyou.

In fact, for a special organization like [Black Wing], face is the most important issue.

Because the prestige of [Black Wing] is the real basis for their invincibility, which is more important than the so-called intelligence advantage.

The intelligence advantage of the board of directors is limited. No matter how strong the dominance of the Qiankun Group is, it is impossible to spread its tentacles to every corner of the galaxy. Coupled with the inevitable bloat and inefficiency of a huge organization, it is actually impossible for the board of directors to control every corner of the galaxy. Everything is known.

The board of directors just packaged [Black Wing] as omniscient and invincible, so as to deter potential enemies. And all along, under the leadership of Guo Shouming, [Black Wing] has indeed rarely missed, so this deterrence has continued to accumulate, making more and more people in the know feel afraid.

And this time, thanks to Li Yu's wonderful performance, [Black Wing]'s prestige accumulated over the years has almost been wiped out. If the news spreads, it will not be so easy for [Black Wing] to surrender without a fight. up.

In comparison, the death of a few members is not painful at all-there are countless people who are willing to join [Black Wing]. Except for the captain Guo Shouming and No. 0, there are as many options for others.

Therefore, the [Black Wing] team members gathered around Guo Shouming didn't even have time to think about the casualties of their teammates. They just lowered their heads and secretly observed the captain's face to judge their own future.

How much will everyone pay for the failure of this mission? How many people will be eliminated? Will anyone be executed on the spot?

From the corner of their eyes, the envoy Guo Shouming had a gloomy expression, and for a while, except for No. 0, no one could guarantee that the captain's gun would not be pointed at him.

And just when people were panicking, Guo Shouming said: "Don't think too much, I am responsible for this failure. I will explain everything to the board of directors and take responsibility."

The team members present couldn't help being surprised when they heard the words, the petite woman immediately raised her head, her eyes lit up: "Really!?"

Guo Shouming glanced at her, turning her joy into a chill.

"No, Captain, that, I mean... you're going to be okay?"

Guo Shouming sneered: "What could be the matter? After executing me, who else can the board of directors promote to take over? And in the past few years, they owed me a lot of favors. They just failed once or twice, but they can't do anything to me."

After finishing speaking, Guo Shouming restrained his smile, and said in a deep voice: "But don't be too happy too early, what happened today will leak out sooner or later, and a shameless [Black Wing] wants to report it like before. It is already impossible to make the enemy shit out of fame. We need countless victories to redeem this defeat, and every victory must go all out to win. In this process, there will inevitably be people who can't keep up with the rhythm and die. If you are eliminated, try your best to pray that the person who is eliminated is not yourself!"


"Okay, the responsibility you are most concerned about has been clarified, so let's do things seriously. Director Nan Yujin's escort mission is over, we just need to bring [Xuanhuangxue] back to the sky."


Soon, Guo Shouming simply assigned work tasks to everyone, and then announced that the gloomy post-war summary meeting was over and everyone disbanded.

After more than a dozen preoccupied [Black Wing] fighters dispersed, Guo Shouming stayed alone in the dark space of the storage area, with his eyes slightly closed, silently lost in thought.

In the darkness, a hoarse voice came from behind him.

"Why do you need to put water?"

Guo Shouming opened his eyes, and said without turning his head: "I never let the water go, I was very serious from the beginning to the end, but the contemporary leader of Baiyin is indeed a well-deserved reputation, and he is always better than me in all calculations. .The panel is not wrong to rank him as a first-class threat to the group. He is completely different from his indecisive adoptive father."

"That's not the reason for your failure. If you are more serious..."

Guo Shouming interrupted: "If you're more serious, it's just a fight with Li Yu. This time, the other party is clearly prepared. His preparations are much more perfect than mine. Almost every move I make It didn't exceed Li Yu's expectations, how do you want me to win in this situation? Zero, don't overestimate me, I'm also human, I can't be omniscient and invincible."

The hoarse voice suddenly fell silent, but in the darkness, an emotion called unwillingness spread like a substance.

After a long while, Guo Shouming sighed: "And even if you win Li Yu, so what? Isn't it natural for a dignified [Black Wing] to win a non-governmental organization that grew up in a deserted area? And if you win this time, what about the next time?" What about next time? I've won for ten years and I'm really tired."

"Captain, what do you mean..."

Guo Shouming said: "Now, even the people around you, No. 0, can't accept the simple fact that 'Guo Shouming will fail'. Let me deal with it, such as Nan Heli... It doesn't matter what [Black Wing]'s job is, and then he takes every hard-won victory for granted."

After a pause, Guo Shouming said in a tone full of emotion: "I am very worried that if this continues, they will ask me to deal with that Jedi master."

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