Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 201 Optimism

It wasn't until the footsteps of the mercenaries faded away that the landlord outside the door snorted, turned his head and said, "Human woman, you're causing me trouble again!"

Huang Xuan's lively voice just happened to sound: "What do you mean I'm causing trouble? I didn't send those mercenaries! I haven't held you accountable yet! When people introduced this house to me, they said it's here. It's small and broken, and the landlord is not easy to deal with, but it's the safest place in District 5. They almost broke in just now!"

The landlord said in a deep voice, "No one can break my door!"

Huang Xuan said: "Yes, yes, no one can break into your door, and no one can default on your rent. The legend of the red-faced man, I was annoyed by the intermediary talking about it on the way to [Li]. Otherwise, I wouldn't choose your place. In short, you did help me keep those hooligans out of the door. Although I encountered some dangers in the process, I don't care about you. Let's count your performance as good. I will pay you the rent tomorrow."


The landlord groaned in extreme dissatisfaction, but he didn't say much after all, and walked away slowly with heavy steps.

Then, Huang Xuan let out a long breath, then opened the door, and came to Xiao En with a bowl of steaming hot miscellaneous porridge in one hand, and smiled.

"Didn't scare you?"

Seeing Huang Xuan's sincere smile, Xiao En quietly withdrew the lightsaber in his hand and said, "Something unexpected."

After a pause, Sean asked again: "If I stay here, I will cause you a lot of trouble..."

"No trouble." Huang Xuan interrupted, "They've been held back once, and they won't come again easily. The deterrent effect of the red-faced people here is still very strong. I thought the agency was just bragging, but just now I see It’s a well-deserved reputation.”

"I'm not referring to those mercenaries, but the landlord himself...he should know I'm here, right?"

Huang Xuan said: "Well, the landlord knows every piece of his property like the back of his hand. I dragged you back from the junction station and hid it at home. I can hide it from other people on the road, but I can't hide it from the landlord. But he won't interfere, Compared with harboring criminals, his tenants have done more excessive things... Speaking of which, why did you come here and become a wanted criminal covered in scars?"

Sean could only say: "It's hard to say... What about you? Why did you come here?"

Huang Xuan replied excitedly: "Because there are so many opportunities here! Although the Silver Knights arranged a job for us at [Xun], it was obviously a novice benefit. The content and income were mediocre. Relying on being a tavern I don’t know how long it will take to pay off the debt with the waiter’s salary.”

Sean was extremely surprised: "Debt? Li Yu arranged debt for you?"

Huang Xuan said: "Yes, but it's reasonable. A group of strangers like us come to the hometown of the Silver Knights. We have to rely on others for food, clothing, housing and transportation. We can't let them pay for nothing."

Sean opened his mouth, but still had nothing to say.

Although he had spent a huge sum of money to persuade his teammates from the Red Xing Squad to help rescue these people, the money was only used to save them for a while, not for the rest of their lives. When Huang Xuan and others arrived safely in the deserted area, the contract between Xiao En and his teammates ended. Afterwards, Li Yu's arrangements for these survivors were another matter.

"And I think it's a good thing to have debt." Huang Xuan said as she stuffed the porridge bowl into Sean's hand, "Our survivors, in fact, most of them can't accept the huge gap in reality. If there is no debt pressure, I am afraid that they will die mentally within three to five days, and now they can at least 'live to pay off their debts'."

Huang Xuan said, laughing to herself: "People like me who speak to creditors are usually beaten as scabs, right? So I can't stay in [Xun] any longer, and the people around me They all regarded me as a monster or even an inner ghost, and gained the meaning of survival by uniting to run on me... Although I was very happy to see them cheer up, it was a bit uncomfortable for me to be caught in the crowd. It happened that there were expatriate laborers at the time business, I will come to [Li].”

"Here, I am mainly responsible for taking over the shift of the previous liaison officer and doing odd jobs for the Knights in the Tianhuang District's import and export trade. But because I am a newcomer and it is in the Tianhuang District, although the salary is higher than that of being a waiter in the deserted area If you want to be tall, you can't go much higher, so you can only cut down on food and clothing, and the intermediary in charge of contacting here recommended the red-faced person to me."

"Oh, Red Face is his nickname. He is a Klatouin. He is called Red Face because of his red complexion. It is said that he has a close relationship with the Hutts, and he is very popular in [Li]. Although he only works as a landlord , but no one in the entire Tianhuang District dared to offend him, the group of mercenaries just arrived and didn't know the rules. The real old fritters know how to avoid houses with red faces."

Huang Xuan's experience, although only a few words, made Xiao En dumbfounded.

The shy girl at the beginning has become positive and optimistic, and bravely took the step of pioneering to the Tianhuang area. This is simply the best portrayal of rebirth from the ashes... and this also made the apprentice who was dedicated to saving people at that time feel strongly. comfort.

With this feeling in mind, after Xiao En took a sip of mixed boiled porridge, he felt a strong flavor spread in his mouth, which was quite different from the mellow and rich mixed boiled taste of Shi Weitian in Tianxuan District. A strong smell that irritates people almost unconscious...

"Hey, aren't you used to eating it? But this is actually a special delicacy in this street. It is very popular. It is said that even people from Tianxuan District used to come here to eat it. This guy earned a private courtyard in District 1 and spent a while enjoying himself, and then he got addicted to gambling and lost the courtyard, so he came back to practice his old skills."

With a bit of banter, Huang Xuan also took out a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of thick meat paste and put it into her mouth. Then her whole body trembled and she let out a long series of painful moans. But when she swallowed the meat paste, she still stretched her expression, wiped off her sweat, and said, "I keep telling myself, when I can like this thing, I will be a qualified local!"

Xiao En couldn't help laughing, and he picked up the spoon and swallowed... To be honest, although the taste of this miscellaneous porridge is a bit special, compared with the "custom delicacy" he experienced when he traveled with his master, the chef of the Lamo people Art is fairly approachable. He was only a little stimulated by the first bite. Once he was mentally prepared, this nutritious food was the best food for him who continued to recover from a serious injury.

While Xiao En was feasting, Huang Xuan asked, "What about you? What are you here for? Does the Red Apricot Team have any new missions in [Li]?"

Sean was silent for a moment, and said, "No, this time I did it on my own, and I have also implicated many people for it."

"Really? But it must have saved a lot of people, right?"

Huang Xuan said it as a matter of course, and Xiao En was filled with emotions for a moment.

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