Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 203 Approaching

"Don't worry, of course I won't pin my hopes on the environment, I just want to say that the situation is not that bad, you can rest assured to recover from your injuries. You saved me before, now it's my turn to save you."

Sean said, "I didn't mean to make you..."

"I'm not either." Huang Xuan interrupted briskly, "Okay, I'm going to work. As a new employee, you must perform well in order to be promoted and raise your salary. You can get some snacks from the cabinet at noon , I will bring you supper tonight, and see if I can get some medicine back by the way."

After finishing speaking, Huang Xuan put on a dilapidated second-hand backpack, ran and jumped all the way away.

Seeing the back of the woman going away, Sean only felt a heavy pressure.

It is indeed an unexpected joy to meet someone who is willing to lend a helping hand to him under the situation of serious injury and desperation... But what was the result of the last unexpected joy?

The appearance of Dr. Wang Yi's tragic death in Tianhuang District 3 is still clearly present in the minds of the Jedi apprentices.

Sean couldn't even appreciate the joy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe, and the pressure on his heart just became heavier and heavier as time went by.

In this world, there has never been a theory that good people must be rewarded with good things, not to mention whether Xiao En is a good person in the current space city, it is also doubtful.

In the eyes of most normal people, the Jedi apprentice who caused the riot is just a lawless wanted criminal. What he did in Tianxuan Yudong almost trampled on all local security regulations, so he is naturally an unforgivable crime. the wicked.

Sean is a villain, so the person who helped Sean is also a villain. In a world where good people are not rewarded well, the fate of the wicked will be even worse. It is self-evident that Huang Xuan took the high risk of picking up the villain Xiao En from the garbage dump at the transportation hub.

Sean really didn't want to involve a kind and optimistic girl.

But now he is lying in Huang Xuan's room alone, the dirty blood from the wound has not only soaked the bed sheet, but also rubbed every corner and corner everywhere... If you want to not hurt Huang Xuan, unless Blind the eyes of everyone in the entire space city.

Therefore, even though Sean really wanted to leave and hide his achievements and fame, he still lay on the bed and recuperated.

Looking at the rusty ceiling and listening to the gradually revived noise outside, Sean's mood also settled down.

They come, the security.

Anger, impatience, depression... These negative emotions will not help to change the status quo, but will only make people vulnerable and deceitful.

Lying on the bed, Sean couldn't help but recall his various experiences since he came to [Li]. The process of struggling against adversity was not smooth, but most of the time his choices and judgments followed reason and he didn't make mistakes.

Until Wang Yi died tragically in front of him.

Even though it has been a while, Sean still feels pain in his heart every time he recalls the doctor's smile before his death, and uncontrollable negative emotions surge along with it.

Fortunately, the rationality at this time is enough to suppress these emotions, allowing Sean to examine his original judgment more calmly.

Rationally speaking, the judgment at that time was not wise.

It is true that it is imminent to stop Xiaxi's unscrupulous murderer, but Sean at the time did not have the conditions to stop it.

At that time, the right time, place and people were not on Xiao En's side, and he even lost his lightsaber, and his connection with the Force seemed unstable, so that he would rely more on his subjective judgment , not the guidance of the original force, at that time he charged forward alone with the determination to die, but almost stopped outside Yudong, fortunately, Xia Jiang turned against him.

But Sean does not regret his decision at that time, even if time is turned back and he does it all over again, his choice will not change. And in the end he achieved his goal perfectly.

Sean personally pierced Xia Xi's chest with a lightsaber, and witnessed Xia Xi lying on the ground, his life passing by quickly until he died... and that was enough.

As for his own affairs, Xiao En didn't care much about it. He had long since realized that he would die with the enemy. This life was purely picked up, and every minute and every second he spent now was just giving play to his waste heat.

Of course, as long as the person is not dead, even if there is only a embers left, Sean will do his best to burn it.

But what he has to do now is to heal his injuries as soon as possible, and escape from the city on the premise of not hurting Huang Xuan... and then, go back to [Xun] to plead guilty.

After all, he owed Li Yu too much this time: from [Xun] he just left without saying goodbye, and when he arrived at Tianxuan Yudong, Li Yu had to send his men to risk their lives to rescue him. Whether it is to continue to look for opportunities to reunite with Master, or to continue to investigate Nan Heli's death and the truth behind it in the Qian galaxy, Li Yu's help is indispensable.

Therefore, Sean couldn't imagine how many digits his debt would expand to.

In the worst case, it may be to work overtime, but can't even pay the interest.

And just as Sean's thoughts drifted away, a rush of footsteps outside the door caught his attention.

Sean immediately woke up, and his muscles tensed up involuntarily.

Because this kind of footsteps are so familiar to Sean now.

It was the crisp sound of alloy boots trampling on the hard rocky ground, dense and orderly, and the outline of a group of elite soldiers and generals could be outlined in people's minds only by the sound.

They were a group of well-trained soldiers, completely different from the miscellaneous soldiers who had just caused chaos on the street. Even through the door, Sean could feel a chill.

This kind of chill seems familiar. Not long ago, Xiao En was dragged by Qiao Yongkang to escape from Tianxuan Yudong, and when he was about to take an airship to leave the scene completely, such a chill suddenly fell, and there is no need to say anything about it after that up.

"Dragon hunter...?" Sean whispered to himself. He didn't know why he was noticed by the dragon hunter. It stands to reason that everyone is hostile to [Blue Dragon]...but at this time, there is no need to care about the other party's intention up.

The right hand of the Jedi apprentice quietly grasped the lightsaber at his waist—fortunately, he did not lose his weapon this time.

Outside the door, a serious and deep man's voice resounded through the street with an undeniable tone.

"Search for criminals, no one can hinder!"

This time, there was no bragging shouting, no sound of gun collisions, and no crying cries one after another. The originally noisy street seemed to be frozen by severe cold and was silent.

On the whole street, only the slow but firm footsteps of the dragon hunters remained.

Sean's right hand clenched a little tighter.

The terrifying deterrent power of the dragon hunters is completely different from that of the previous miscellaneous soldiers. Although the number of dragon hunters is small, they are more terrifying than thousands of rabble.

The people in the slums were well aware of this, so they dared to cry at the rangers before, but held their breath in front of the dragon hunters, for fear of offending them.

And just when the dragon hunters started to scatter around to search, a slightly old voice sounded.

"Captain, judging from the feedback from those mercenaries, the place has just been searched once, and no criminals were found."

"I know."

"Although they are miscellaneous soldiers, they are undoubtedly more familiar with this chaotic low-level environment than outsiders like us. We have a limited number of people, and it is impossible to search every corner of the space city with our own people."

"That's right, so I didn't intend to overturn the conclusions of those miscellaneous soldiers. They don't have other skills, and they should be pretty good at finding a criminal who offers a sky-high reward."

The old dragon hunter was a little puzzled: "In that case..."

"Those miscellaneous soldiers only claimed to have searched the street, but they didn't say that they searched every corner."


The captain said: "You must listen carefully to the words of these miscellaneous soldiers. When their captain reported the results, he said that he had nothing. But at the same time, someone below was whispering that he must give the red-faced man who got in the way a shot." nice."

The old man was silent for a while, then said, "So what do you mean, Captain?"

The captain did not answer the old man's question, but turned his head and said loudly to the people on the street: "Where is the house of the red-faced man?! You! You answer!"

The one named by the captain of the Dragon Hunter was a short Kentein who sold groceries at a street stall. This kind of race living around the dry galaxy, with dexterous skills, red braids that are always dragging on the ground, and cowardly famous for character.

The Kentine almost suffocated in the face of the dragon hunter's threat, and the red braids wrapped tightly around his ankles—that was the Kentine's reaction to heightened fear.

"I, I, I..."

A shrill voice squeezed out of his throat, and was overwhelmed with fear, and it took a long time for Kent Yin to form a complete sentence.

The captain of the dragon hunter was not in a hurry, but just waited patiently. After a long time, the cold sweat of the Kent Yinman evaporated naturally, and the braids on his ankles became loose due to exhaustion... His voice was finally calm and normal. spoke.

"Over there, that half-underground metal shed."


When the captain of the dragon hunter got the result, he didn't suspect him, and immediately led the team to approach him.

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