Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 207 Expectations of Friends

Hearing the footsteps of the dragon hunter going away, Huang Xuan asked incredulously, "What the hell is he doing!?"

Hu Bo said: "Fulfill the duties of a representative. Before you, he was the last street representative. And when the street is in trouble, you need a representative to go up and make sacrifices for everyone."

"Of course I know about the representative system. I want to ask him why he did this? Is it because Xiao En blew up Tianxuan Yudong!?"

Sean said: "I'm also curious. For you, sheltering a stranger like me is not worth the candle."

"Is the gain outweigh the loss?" Hu Bo sighed, "It is true that the gain outweighs the loss, but people in the slums are not qualified to care about gains and losses."

"If you are patient, you might as well listen to me tell a little story. I am not a native of the Gan galaxy. More than ten years ago, I came to [Li] with all my assets, because I heard that this is a few It is one of the most prosperous commercial ports in the galaxy, and it is also a rare window open to outsiders in the prosperous and prosperous dry galaxy."

"Objectively speaking, [Li] is indeed an out-and-out paradise for traveling businessmen like me. But even in heaven, there will be exceptions for the unlucky ones, and I am that unlucky one. I am here After five full years of operation, I finally owned a shop of my own in Tianxuan Seventh District. For low-level traveling merchants, it was like owning my own home on a lonely journey. However, less than a year later, my The store went bankrupt."

Huang Xuan asked, "Why?"

"Because my main bank suddenly said that it would call back all the loans, and I was at the time when the capital chain was the most tense." Hu Bo shrugged, "After the store went bankrupt, I took on unimaginable debts, even if I was killed I can't afford it, I had no choice but to come to Tianhuang District 5, and then I will never have a chance to do it again."

Sean asked, "Have you offended anyone?"

"It has nothing to do with who I offended. The bank took back the loan because I received funding from a person when I opened the store, and that person was completely blocked by the upper management because of medical disputes. All financial transactions related to him They were all forcibly cut off, and I was simply implicated."

Sean moved his lips, wanting to ask a question, but finally swallowed the question back.

Because that answer doesn't matter anymore.

Hu Bo added: "For me, it was a purely innocent disaster. When I got the funding, he was still the famous [Nirvana] star doctor. His investment is more valuable than pure money, and the funding process There are no flaws, why should you suddenly make things difficult for me afterwards? I tried to defend and struggled desperately. I carefully studied every law of [Li], consulted a large amount of information of Qiankun Group in recent years, and tried to persuade the bank to let it go. Me once, or give me justice. But it is useless, no one listens to me, no one even cares about the right or wrong of the reasoning, I am like a regular excrement in Tianxuan District, slipping all the way here."

"Then, in the slums, I looked back countless times, trying to figure out what I did wrong, which step I made a wrong decision to bring myself to this end... But unfortunately, no matter how I think about it, I can't think about it. Make my own mistakes. Even if I do it ten times over, I will still make the same choice and end up in the same end. So, tell me, what is the use of weighing the pros and cons for me?"

Sean was silent.

Hu Bo's tragedy really had nothing to do with weighing the pros and cons, because mere personal trade-offs are not worth mentioning under the sweep of the general trend.

"There's too many examples of the same thing here besides me. That couple of Puxians used to be college professors, can't you see? Wookiees used to have their own spaceships... only the red-faced guy, no one knows about his past , I only heard that he was working for the Hutts, but no one has seen the Hutts behind him. All in all, most people on this street have suffered from weighing the pros and cons, and they are very clear about how to deal with those who are far stronger than themselves It is purely a joke that people like to weigh pros and cons. Over time, they have an instinctive resistance to weighing pros and cons.”

Hu Bo added: "For example, just now, the dragon hunters asked us to hand over people. If we consider the pros and cons, we should indeed betray you for self-protection. However, if we betray you, they still won't let us go What? They can say, 'I knew you were lying to me that time before', and kill the blood here, and we don't have any means of restraint."

Sean nodded, this possibility is indeed very high.

"In these years, the lessons bought by countless blood and tears in the slums are not to be superstitious about the balance of pros and cons. The more you calculate, the more you will lose in the end. Compared with benefits, principles are more important, and in order to practice principles, you will not hesitate. All awareness and courage.”

"Not cooperating with the upper class is the principle of our street. Puxian people are doing everything they can to practice this principle. He can retreat, that is a better choice for him , in fact, he can simply sell you and get back everything he has in Tianxuan District. Unlike me, Puxian and his wife still have a chance to start over."

"But he didn't do that, he gave up his life without hesitation, and any other person - well, most street leaders, I should say, would do the same thing. And this is what we are called The reason for being elected as the leader, after all, we can't ask everyone to ignore the pros and cons and abide by the principles. Faced with the blaster guns and electric wands of the mercenaries, most ordinary people will still choose to give in and choose to consider the pros and cons , this is human nature, and there is no way to force it. But we cannot succumb to human nature, which is the rare quality left in the slums."

Xiao En was silent for a while, then asked: "Your principle is not to cooperate with the higher-ups. So what does abiding by this principle bring you?"

Hu Bo said: "Hehe, we don't think about those issues. We are obsessed with what we bring. It's just a trade-off between the pros and cons of the mutation. But I must say, I think it's this principle that brought unity to the slums. .For those of us who have fallen to the bottom, the biggest threat is not from the top. Although they hate us, they will not kill us. On the contrary, as the bottom of the ecological chain, slums can help They digest a lot of garbage."

"The real threat comes from ourselves. Once we, the crowded low-level people, start killing each other for personal gain, the slums will be completely destroyed. Although many people think that the slums in Tianhuang District are purely cumbersome, but For those of us, it is the only salvation when life is desperate. Therefore, whether it is for the overall survival of the slums, someone must stand up and do stupid things, and then become a hero that the people are willing to follow."

Hu Bo said, and suddenly laughed: "I think of a sentence I heard when chatting with people before, everyone hates being a laser brain, but everyone wants their friends to be a laser brain. For example, for you Well, if Huang Xuan weighs the pros and cons carefully, the best choice must be to report you. Fortunately, she didn't, she would rather sacrifice her own interests to save you, she is a laser brain."

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