"It's a pity that the master didn't continue to show his power in order to save people. Otherwise, if all the spaceships were pulled down on the spot, the public security environment in [Dui] would be purified by at least half."

Xiao En asked again: "So as far as you know, what happened to Master?"

"I was respected as the guest of honor by the Qiankun Group, and I lived a leisurely and refined life in [Kun] every day, while bathing in hateful gazes from all directions, while prying all kinds of information from the other party... that's about all I know, after all We can’t find her in person, so we can only learn a little or two from indirect channels.”

Li Yu's description is very simple, but Xiao En feels that the picture is full of sense, as if the scene of Master's skillful maneuvering has appeared in his mind.

"But in fact, she is just walking a tightrope, and she is not as calm as she seems." Li Yu speculated, "The Qiankun Group has been extremely aggressive on the issue of Nanheli, and even dared to attack the envoys of the Republic without asking indiscriminately. In this case, they have no reason to be so lenient to Mostima, they must have been caught by her, so they have to endure the passive situation."

Sean nodded, approving the judgment.

"But this kind of passivity cannot last for too long. In the final analysis, Jedi masters are also human beings, not omnipotent gods. And no matter how corrupt and depraved the Qiankun Group is, the elites are not all rich and poor. Under the confrontation between the two, the Jedi Grandmaster's situation will only become more and more passive, and the more she knows, the more dangerous she will be."

Xiao En couldn't help but nodded again. In fact, he was tricked by Xia Xi from [Xun] precisely because Mostima's name appeared on the news program of Gan Galaxy. Now that I think about it, the news program at that time was certainly Xia Xi's bait to seduce Xiao En, so why wasn't it a sign that Master's situation was becoming more and more difficult?

When Sean was silent, someone couldn't help asking: "You Jedi Knights, don't you have a way to get in touch with the Republic?"

Xiao En looked at Chen Sanwan who asked the question, and said helplessly: "If it's just to get in touch, there are ways, but I'm not sure if I should do it."

Chen Sanwan said: "Why hesitate?"

Sean said: "I am also very surprised, what is Master hesitating about?"

Chen Sanwan was at a loss for words, and then obediently retreated into the crowd and did not stand out.

The question Sean raised was actually a question that he had been perplexed for a long time.

With Master's ability, she has a certain amount of leeway in the heart of the Qiankun Group, so why doesn't she ask the Republic for help? Even if she is absolutely confident that she can find out everything by herself, at least it is natural to report the progress periodically.

Is it because she has already quietly reported it when no one knew about it, and then advised the Republic not to act rashly?

Or is it that her situation is not so easy, the external communication has been strictly controlled, and she has to temporarily conceal the truth for the Qiankun Group?

Or did she have a reason to temporarily conceal her progress?

Naturally, these questions cannot be answered before meeting Mostima himself. Before getting an answer, Sean didn't want to act rashly.

Li Yu said: "In this case, let's find a way to meet Mostima. Recently, Qiankun Group has regarded her as a good exhibit and is preparing to tour the exhibition. It will arrange a large-scale interview in [Li] soon. This book It's an excellent opportunity...but now that [Li] has undergone these changes, I'm afraid the original exhibition plan may not be carried out."

As soon as Li Yu finished speaking, Bai popped up a holographic news program on his arm. A hostess with a bright smile was introducing various delicacies from [Li], and under her figure, a line of red letters slipped by in an inconspicuous way. .

"...Due to the needs of city management, the news interview event originally scheduled to be held in ten days is temporarily canceled. Please pay attention to the follow-up notice for the specific time."

Li Yu looked at it and clapped his hands: "As expected, it was cancelled. In this way, there are two effects, good and bad. The good thing is that she doesn't have to bear the risk of further exposure for the time being, and the bad thing is that many of my original The plans are all based on the fact that she will come to [Li], and now they are all abolished."

Then, Li Yu sighed: "That's why I hate those people who don't do things according to the plan. If you are willing to stay in the base honestly, how can there be so many troubles now?"

Sean said: "If you've been honest with me from the beginning, there really won't be any trouble later on."

Li Yu said: "You actually bite back? I was not the one who concealed my identity in the first place."

"I was not the one who attacked the manor with a group of pirates in the first place."

"That's enough, you two." Nan Wuyou coldly interrupted this meaningless prevarication, "There is no need to continue to aggravate the mutual distrust."

Li Yu said: "Miss taught me that the relationship of trust between people is always the most difficult to establish, let's cherish this opportunity, this opportunity to live in harmony without trusting each other."

Xiao En took this very seriously. In fact, until the moment when he chose to be honest, he didn't really trust Li Yu, nor even Nan Wuyou and Nan Yujin.

Be open and honest because you have no choice.

But in many cases, the trust between people does not lie in subjective assumptions, but in objective constraints. Trust under no choice is often more stable than wishful trust.

Nan Yujin's several warnings, Nan Wuyou's 10 million investment, and Li Yu's silent support along the way, all left Xiao En with no choice but to repay his trust.

"Then the next question, how to find Mostima?" Li Yu asked, "If she doesn't come to Space City, then she will probably be under house arrest in Xiajing. Not only are there the elite of Qiankun Security over there, [Black Wing] It's not far away, whether it's hard to break in or sneak in, it's very difficult, especially for people like us who still have a bounty on our bodies."

After speaking, Li Yu looked at Nan Wuyou expectantly.

Nan Wuyou responded: "Don't have unrealistic expectations of me, don't forget that I was even in danger not long ago. Now I have no ability to interfere in Xia Jing's affairs, and I am not even qualified to be independent. This time I can To establish influence in [Li], I still owe my second uncle a favor, and I have to deal with housework in order to repay it."

"Housework?" Li Yu asked.

"Three days later, the Nan family will hold a family meeting at [Dui 101]. As the daughter of Nan Heli, I want to assert my own power and at the same time win over allies within the family."

Li Yu said: "Understood, I wish the eldest lady a smooth journey and show her might at the meeting."

"You guys have to go with me." Nan Wuyou didn't give Li Yu a chance to stay out of the matter at all, "Although it's a family matter, there is no guarantee that there will be no risks, so I need the Silver Knights to escort me again."

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