Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 229 Who is the villain

It was Li Yu who broke the silence first, the leader of Baiyin gave his own evaluation with his usual cynicism.

"It's a great story, completely putting herself in an invincible position, while the eldest lady has become a downright villain, suspicious, less intelligent, heartless, a lost dog..."

Li Yu shrugged his shoulders and closed his mouth until Nan Wuyou cast a cold gaze.

After Nan Wuyou glared at Li Yu, he couldn't help lowering his head and closing his eyes.

Her dissatisfaction was not directed at Li Yu, although the latter's words were indeed tricky and vicious, but what he said was absolutely correct.

In Nan Yujin's story, her personal image is that of a suspicious, unintelligent, difficult villain.

And she had no room to refute.

After Nan Heli's death, not only the board of directors, but even the entire Nan family treated her coldly. It was Nan Yujin who pulled her out of the ice cave and provided all kinds of assistance almost selflessly.

From an abandoned daughter that no one cared about, she quickly regained the influence of the heir, and was even able to temporarily control [Li], all thanks to Nan Yujin, but the latter did not ask her for anything in return.

What did she do to such a saintly second uncle?

It is true that it was Nan Yujin who asked her to maintain a skeptical heart at all times, not to let go of her guard against anyone, and it was also true that Nan Yujin was constantly conniving at her self-assertion, but this could not be the reason for her being unruly and willful.

Confused, Nan Wuyou asked the most objective person.

"Shawn, what do you think?"

When asked by name, Sean responded frankly: "I don't believe Nan Yujin's story."

Nan Wuyou said mockingly: "But he didn't lie, I really..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Sean: "If he is really sincere to you and has no other plans but to support you in inheriting the inheritance as soon as possible, then why did you end up being a suspicious and witty villain?"

This question made both Li Yu and Nan Wuyou startled.

"Good question." Li Yu said, "Straight to the core, I didn't think that Jedi apprentices are not stupid."

Xiao En didn't mind Li Yu's slander, and said: "People who do stupid things may not be really stupid, and conversely, people who do good things may not be really good. I heard Nan Yujin's story, but I just can't figure it out. Why does he have so many difficulties?"

"Another good question." Li Yu couldn't help clapping, "Xiao En, you have really benefited a lot from this trip to [Li]. Your brain has opened up and you know how to think correctly. Did you ask a question?" Wrong, Nan Yujin, a direct descendant who grew up in a wealthy family, and a big man who can make connections in the board of directors of Qiankun Group, how could he be reduced to the point where he can only talk to an outsider? If he really wants to help, there is There are a hundred ways to make things beautiful, so why let the young lady be a villain?"

Nan Wuyou asked: "There are a hundred ways to make things beautiful, for example?"

"It's very simple. If you don't want Missy to be a villain, you can do it yourself. Why do you have to pretend to be a good person? When Nan Yujin made friends with people of all religions, why didn't he see him being simple and honest?"

Nan Wuyou was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood.

Self-pollution, this is indeed an excellent method. In the history of Qiankun Group, many "loyal ministers" who have gone down in history have used this method to avoid the master of high meritorious service. And now that Nan Yujin has stated that she wants to be Nan Wuyou's loyal minister, why is she not even willing to defile herself, but instead makes her bear moral pressure?

Nan Wuyou was silent for a long time, and said: "That's fine, but I feel more at ease when I become a villain. Favors that come for nothing are always insecure. Since I know that my second uncle is not unreserved towards me, I don't have to Use your conscience to condemn yourself."

Li Yu said: "Conscience? Miss, why do you still keep that kind of thing? Aren't you going to inherit Nan Heli's legacy and become the heir of the Nan family? I have never heard that the leader of a wealthy family has a conscience. "

This kind of blatant ridicule made Nan Wuyou laugh instead: "Well, it's true, I am indeed a little naive, I don't want to be a bad person, and I don't want to let go of my father's inheritance, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world? "

After finishing speaking, Nan Wuyou became angry and said to Sean: "Thank you for being willing to share the story of the second uncle with me, and thank you for choosing to trust me instead of trusting him. I will definitely do my best to deal with the Jedi Master. We will do our best to help you, our position is the same."


After finishing the impromptu meeting, Sean returned to his room feeling quite depressed.

Sharing the story with Nan Wuyou and Li Yu was based on a rational judgment. He didn't believe Nan Yujin's story, and he was unwilling to take the risk of keeping it secret. After all, he was about to work closely with Li Yu and others to hide this story. Needless to say, being discovered by others will add to the knot.

But the result of sharing the story was not what he liked.

Li Yu's mocking of the word "conscience", and Nan Wuyou's statement of accepting the identity of a villain, all made Xiao En feel extremely uncomfortable.

If it wasn't forced by the situation, he would really be unwilling to cooperate with this kind of person who naturally deviates from the good standpoint. On the contrary, Nan Yujin left a much better impression on him.

Although he didn't believe in Nan Yujin's story, and guessed that he had his own purpose behind helping Nan Wuyou, he should evaluate a person regardless of his deeds. After all, he helped Nan Wuyou, and he also showed great kindness to Xiao En.

Such a person is much more amiable than Nan Wuyou.

However, Sean's thoughts didn't stop there.

If he hadn't experienced the series of stories in the space city, hadn't seen the colorful slums with his own eyes, and hadn't heard Hu Bo talk about the values ​​​​of the slums, then Sean's understanding of good and evil people would only stop here.

Now, he has more ideas.

The essence of Nan Yujin's almost impeccable saintly posture lies in the abundance of resources. Compared to Nan Wuyou, the abandoned daughter who suddenly lost her father and was excluded by the family and even the group, he, the elder of the Nan family who came late, is simply a man in heaven.

The sky dome where Nan Wuyou can't get in is like a back garden to Nan Yujin; the qualification to be a member of the board of directors only needs to say hello; even the strongest armed force in the galaxy [Black Wing] directly under the board of directors is willing to serve as his bodyguard .

For such a person, wanting to support Nan Wuyou is a piece of cake. Although there are various difficulties in his story, none of them can hurt his fundamentals. Nan Wuyou believed him or not, he was an important family elder, and even Nan Wuyou's suspicion and alienation would give Nan Yujin, a saint, a moral advantage.

This is like the rich and powerful who use their pocket money to do charity. It doesn't matter to them whether the charity succeeds or not, but to the person who is given alms, it is the difference between life and death.

Therefore, it is impossible to require the person being given alms to have the same ease of mind as the rich. There is an old saying in the Gan Galaxy that bad people come out of poor mountains and bad waters. Nan Wuyou's unreasonable villain mentality is the normal state of a person who has nothing.

Sean doesn't like this mentality, but he can already accept it calmly.

The only question is, can anyone else do it too?

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