Under the leadership of the Jiamo people, Li Yu and his party gradually penetrated into the core area of ​​the Cornerstone.

The deeper you go, the more humid the air inside the Cornerstone, and the more choking the cloying smell. Among them, Nan Wuyou, who was slightly weaker, couldn't help covering his mouth and nose with his sleeve, but he still felt suffocated.

Fortunately, Platinum Jiuqian, the most versatile in the team, was prepared and handed Nan Wuyou a mask and an oxygen cylinder in time. However, Nan Wuyou politely rejected the other party's kindness, and instead transferred the oxygen cylinder to Nan Du.

The old man, who was having a harder time breathing, put on a mask with a complex expression, but couldn't speak a word. And not long after he put on the mask, the Gamor who walked in front let out a burst of humming laughter.

Li Yu said: "On the Cornerstone, people who can't adapt to this atmosphere will be regarded as weak. The eldest lady behaved well just now, and without my prompting, she knew that it was best not to wear a mask."

Nan Wuyou said: "The air here is impossible for any normal human to be content with, and with your temperament, you will not wrong yourself for no reason. There must be some reason for not wearing a mask."

"Well, pretty clever reasoning, Missy, you still have this brain, the next thing is easy to talk about." Li Yu nodded, and said, "You should be clear about our current situation. Not an exaggeration. Leaving this Cornerstone, we may be smashed to pieces by Qiankun Security at any time. And the Hutts are willing to lend a helping hand when we are in a desperate situation, of course they have something to ask for."

Nan Wuyou asked: "But with my current situation, what can I give him?"

Just as Li Yu was about to speak, a hoarse voice came from the thick water mist.

"The orthodox successor of the Nan family, welcome to the Cornerstone."

And with the sound of the sound, the fog shrouded in front quickly dissipated. In the eyes of everyone, a high and luxurious throne slowly appeared.

A huge and bloated creature was entrenched on the throne. It was more than three meters long. Its body was covered with rough and wrinkled greasy skin. It almost occupied nearly half of its body in the center of its head. Its two long and narrow eyes shot out creepy eyes. Indifferent gaze.

This is an obvious Hutt, with all the characteristics that a Hutt should have, but at the same time, he also has a characteristic that distinguishes him from ordinary Hutts: this is a highly localized Hutt.

His huge body was covered with a gold silk coat with a strong classical style, his short arms were covered by wide sleeves, a jade belt with a dragon pattern was tied around his "waist", a crown without a handle was placed on his head, and in his hand was Holding two golden balls, playing them back and forth.

Regardless of the Hutt's unique appearance, in terms of clothing alone, he looks more like a local than Sha Wuming, or an ancient local. And from that terrifying giant mouth, what spit out is also the Qiankun language with a perfect accent.

"Miss Nan Wuyou, my humble Kong Zhang, time is limited, so we will skip the small talk first, let's get straight to the point, I need a promise from you."

"Promise?" Nan Wuyou was stunned for a moment, feeling a bit overwhelmed for a moment.

The Hutts did not hesitate to offend the Qiankun Group, intervening in the Nan family's regime change in an unreasonable way, just for a promise? When did this race known for its greed and cunning become so easy to talk about?

In fact, on the way here, Nan Wuyou has been deducing the scene after meeting Kong Zhang in her mind, and she has long been mentally prepared to be extorted.

But the opponent's performance was unbelievably generous.

Until Kong Zhang said the next thing.

"I want [Gen]."

Nan Wuyou was stunned for a moment before realizing what the other party was talking about. Kong Zhang's Qian Kun language was clear and standard, but the meaning he expressed was unbelievable.

"[Gen] is not my property, I can't promise it to you."

Kong Zhang said: "Of course, although [Gen] is an abandoned planet, it is still a public asset that cannot be ignored in the galaxy. Even if it is as strong as the Xia family, it is impossible to arbitrarily control the ownership of [Gen]... But, What I need is not that you fulfill this promise immediately. When you become the ruler of the Nan family, or some other big figure who can influence the fate of the galaxy, you can just pay me that insignificant polluted planet [Gen]."

After hearing this, Nan Wuyou felt even more incredible: "I'm just a princess in trouble now, let alone grow up to be a big man, if I want to save my life, I have to rely on other people's help..."

Kong Zhang interrupted: "It's not a scandal to rely on others. In the entire galaxy, and even in the history of the entire Milky Way, those great figures who have made great achievements have mostly relied on a group of unknown followers. On my Cornerstone With thousands of crew members and the same number of men in the surrounding areas, these people together support my trade network. I can't even launch the Cornerstone by myself."

Nan Wuyou said: "But now I am a lonely family."

"You are not alone, you just lost the power of your family, but you still have the support of the Silver Knights, and even the support of the Jedi Knights, which Nan Yujin never had and will never have. Now, As long as you are willing to promise me, you can still get my support. Maybe my trade network is insignificant to the huge Nan family, but to you now, it is a force worth fighting for."

Nan Wuyou said: "Mr. Kong Zhang, your generosity and benevolence are touching, but..."

Kong Zhang said: "Time is limited, so don't waste it on these courtesies. I help you not because of generosity, but because it is a very realistic business. I do have the certification of the Business Alliance, and I know some senior members of the group. I have a relationship with them. A certain personal relationship, but this is based on the fact that I have enough use value. I can use my trade network to provide them with some rare resources, but these trades require the cooperation of local people. And my biggest business partner standing by your side."

Li Yu smiled: "Ning Tao's order is pretty good, right?"

Kong Zhang nodded slowly: "The profit is huge and the prospect is bright. It's a pity that without your help, this kind of business will come to an end here, and there will be no follow-up."

Li Yu said: "Similarly, this Mr. Kong's other businesses are mostly facing the same problem. If they lose Baiyin, they will lose their foundation in the Gan galaxy. And for Baiyin, losing the protection of the Nan family is also a big problem. It’s hard to protect ourselves. So the three of us are all lost.”

Kong Zhang looked at Nan Wuyou: "That's right, and considering your current ability to pay, I am more willing to ask for your promise. Heh, I didn't pay much, but I have a chance to get [Gen] in the future, although The hope is slim, but a lucrative business, no matter how slim the hope, is still worth trying."

Nan Wuyou asked: "Aren't you worried that I'll renege on my debt afterwards?"

"Even Li Yu and the Jedi Knights are not worried, why should I worry about this little risk?"

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