Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 290 The Mastermind

Nan Wuyou's proposal drew silence in the meeting room.

Go to [Chasing Waves], find a direct passage to the top of the sky, and go to the top of the sky to make things right... This route can be described as majestic and wishful thinking.

The so-called kingly way means that Nan Wuyou can point directly to the top of the sky. Without any mature plan for the time being, at least he can establish the ultimate goal in a dignified manner.

Wishful thinking means that the goal is set in complete disregard of reality. [Chasing waves] Even if Nan Heli participated in the investment and establishment of the laboratory, since Nan Heli did not talk to his daughter too much during his lifetime, it is obvious that the laboratory is not within his control.

Not to mention that now that Nan Heli's bones are already cold, the [Zhubo] laboratory has absolutely no home advantage for Nan Wuyou. It is still unknown whether [Chasing Waves] still retains a passage to the top of the sky.

When everything is confusing and confusing, they believe that [Chasing Waves] can help them get through many difficulties and reach the top of the sky, and also believe that reaching the top of the sky will turn them around against the trend. There is really no better description than wishful thinking.

If you look at it objectively and rationally, if you expect to go through the line of [Chasing Waves] to reach the top of the sky, it is better to directly seize the Black Stone by force and then run into it head-on.

"Miss." Bai Jin Jiuqian was the first to break the silence, "Do you have any news that you haven't shared with us?"

Nan Wuyou sighed: "Since [Dui 101], I have been with you all the time. You can also see and hear what I see and hear. What can I hide? But, just now When the person from Run Medicine led the inspection team, I seemed... as if I remembered that I had a relationship with him in the past, and when he just passed by me, he seemed to be hinting to me to follow him."

Platinum Jiuqian turned his gaze to the water dispenser—when everyone was scattered throughout the Black Stone, only the water dispenser was a cleaner from the same team as Nan Wuyou, who was in charge of personally guarding the young lady.

The water dispenser raised his head and thought for a while, and said: "There is indeed a veteran who looks like a captain, and he smiled suspiciously at the eldest lady. But I can't tell whether that smile has any deep meaning, maybe he is just laughing at the eldest lady for holding a broom The posture is not standard."

Nan Wuyou, who had never held a broom before, said helplessly: "I really can't guarantee anything, maybe everything is just my illusion, maybe he is really just laughing at me. But I am willing to bet one time, anyway, we are not safe and secure I have more spare time."

Platinum Jiuqian asked again: "Sean, what do you think? Are you willing to trust the eldest lady's intuition? Or, what is your intuition?"

Xiao En didn't expect Platinum Nine Thousands to directly throw the question to himself, he was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "I can't see through the future, there is only a fog in front of me... But, on the other hand, at least I don't think It was a wrong choice to go to the [Chasing Waves] laboratory."

Platinum Jiuqian said: "That's it. After arriving at [Kun], we will follow the transport team of the Black Stone to the [Chasing Wave] laboratory. The specific process is adaptable. In short, the goal is the sky."

This newcomer of the Silver Knights, when deciding the fate of the team, can be said to be very light, with a standard Li Yu style on his young and handsome face... But, where everyone was not paying attention, Xiao En saw His muscles were trembling slightly.

I can't tell whether he is excited or nervous, but obviously this young man who was raised by Li Yu as his successor cannot be a perfect replacement for Li Yu.

Xiao En couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart: Of course, it can't be blamed on Platinum Jiuqian's incompetence. In fact, as a rookie, his performance is already good enough... Li Yu's role is simply irreplaceable. So at this critical moment, Li Yu chose to part ways with the main force, no matter how good his reasons were, it still seemed a bit strange.

But now is not the time to question Li Yu, Platinum Nine Thousand lacks confidence as a team leader, so other people can only fill in the gap.

"Let me add something." The Jedi apprentice said, "Master once taught me that when we feel confused about the future, we might as well focus on the long-term and face reality with the mentality of pursuing dreams."

After finishing speaking, Xiao En glanced at Platinum Nine Thousands out of the corner of his eye, and saw the young man showing a relieved smile, and said, "Well, even the Jedi Masters support us, it seems that we will surely win this trip."

Xiao En felt relieved when he heard the words. If Li Yu was present, he would probably ask: Did you make up this story yourself, or did you make it up yourself?

In fact, he did make it up himself, and his master had never taught him such meaningless and sensational words... But there is no doubt that raising the name of the master at this time will immediately help morale.

"Yeah, the reality is in a mess, why not go all out and chase your dreams." Uncle Xu took the lead in supporting him.

"I also support chasing dreams. Anyway, when I think that there is Nan Yujin among the people paying the bill, I feel that it is not a loss." An Ping shrugged his shoulders and expressed his approval in another way.

"Yes!" the Gungan with long ears said coldly.

Several main forces expressed their opinions one after another, and the matter did not repeat itself, and the Twi'leks were obviously relieved.

"Okay, since you have no objections, let me arrange the next route to [Zhubo], although there are more people now, but it should be reluctant to send all of you to the periphery of [Zhubo] laboratory It can be done."

After speaking, the Twi'lek stretched out his hands to prop up the conference table and stood up, his slightly bloated figure seemed particularly slow.

And just as he walked to the door, Bai Jin Jiuqian suddenly asked: "How much benefit did that person promise you for deceiving us to [Chasing the Wave]?"

The Twi'lek didn't look back, but just smiled wryly: "What's the use of testing me at this time? Don't say that I don't have a messenger behind me. Even if there is, if you insist on forcing him out, it will only increase the inconvenience. "

After speaking, he continued to walk away with staggering steps. No one in the conference room stopped him, but the sensitive person already had the answer in his heart.

It wasn't until the Twi'lek figure completely disappeared from sight that Lu Nan asked: "The reaction just now means that there is indeed a mastermind behind the scenes, right?"

Bai Jin Jiuqian said: "Of course there is. In fact, I suspect that the entire smuggling operation was carried out under the control of someone behind the scenes. It's just that I really can't think of anyone who would, would, or be able to do such a thing. Putting us desperadoes into the capital, and even opening the door of the [Chasing Waves] laboratory to the dome for us, who will benefit? Why did he hide his head and show his tail? So I just tried it out, and never As a result, I probably already have an idea.”

Afterwards, Platinum Nine Thousand didn't hold back, and directly threw out his guess.

"Someone in the board of directors of Qiankun Group is secretly supporting us."

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