Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 297 Overlook

About one standard hour ago, when Deathstroke and the others were still soundly asleep, Sean quietly left the reception room.

The method is very simple, he directly swiped open the back door of the reception room with an identity card, and stepped into the confidential area of ​​[Chasing Waves] in one step.

This channel is a shortcut for the senior management personnel of the laboratory to come directly from their office area to meet guests. Since it is connected to the confidential area, the security measures are very strict. The heavy alloy gate is difficult to penetrate even with a rocket launcher. However, it is completely undefended in front of the authentication card prepared by someone with a heart.

Sean acted alone and did not bring more people with him, and this was the result of his discussion with Platinum Jiuqian and others.

This kind of sneak operation, the more people there are, the easier it is to be exposed, especially in heavily guarded confidential areas. The authentication card left by Xia Shan may help him open the gate, but it is absolutely impossible to help him hide from the ubiquitous probes and patrolling security soldiers.

Among the Silver Knights present, there were not many who were capable of cooperating with Sean who went all out in stealth missions. The most suitable candidate was Platinum Nine Thousand, but he had to stay in the reception room to be safe. So in the end, Sean, who had the strongest individual combat ability, acted alone and went to the confidential area to seek a breakthrough.

Sean did not disappoint his companions. He quickly found a tea room in the confidential area for senior researchers to rest, and then found something that should not have appeared in the tea room as expected.

A miniature projection wristband that records all the maps of the entire laboratory.

This is an anecdote that he heard from his master when he and his master traveled around the Milky Way: many confidential facilities like the [Zhubo] laboratory, because the internal terrain is too complicated, it is easy for people to get lost, so they will prepare multiple maps For people's use, especially some old leaders who are young but not tall enough to be assigned a dedicated secretary, almost always prepare a map of the places they frequent.

In fact, the more confidential the facility, the more confidential the map is, and it should not be easily shown to others. It is best for internal employees to memorize it with their heads. However, this kind of rule is always strictly enforced at the grassroots level, but it is useless at the top level...

The projection wristband in the tea room once again confirmed what Master said. No matter how strong a fortress is, it will often disintegrate from the inside from top to bottom.

Relying on the map on the wristband, Xiao En cautiously walked between the sight of the security fighters and the blind spot of the probe, and touched the first key area - the monitoring room.

This infiltration operation is a standard collective action. Including Xiaozhuang who was used as the experimental material, a total of 20 people participated in the operation, and not all of these people are as powerful as the Jedi apprentices. They are so burly that they can't sneak at all, and some people are not good at anything, only good at surname Nan.

If you want such a bloated team to infiltrate the heavily guarded laboratory, you must have a pair of eyes that can overlook the overall situation.

Obviously, the monitoring room is these eyes.

After Sean got the map, he immediately aimed at the monitoring room. As one of the rooms with the highest authority level in the entire laboratory, there are two difficulties in entering the monitoring room.

One is that there is a long and narrow passage at the entrance, with two gates at the front and back, and the layers of mechanisms in the passage have almost completely blocked the possibility of foreign thieves intruding.

Fortunately, this level was easily cracked by the authentication card in Sean's hand - no matter how strong the fortress is, it can't beat the insider.

The second difficulty is that in addition to the operators in the monitoring room, there will always be experienced security veterans stationed there. Their combat power may not be very strong, but it is easy to sound the alarm to alert everyone at a critical moment.

And this level was solved by the Jedi apprentice with more and more exquisite principles and skills-he first took a set of chief executive uniform in the tea room, and after a simple disguise, he swipe his card and walked into the monitoring room. There were vigilant security soldiers, he held his breath, focused on the original force, and then only raised his hand and said a word.

"Relax, I'm not suspicious."

So the two soldiers naturally put down their guns, looked down at Sean's shoes with cautious and humble eyes, and assumed the posture of subordinates facing the chief.

As for the three operators in the monitoring room, they watched in bewilderment as the security fighters let the obviously suspicious people in.

They wanted to speak, but Xiao En restrained them again with mind control.

"It's hard work, it's time to change shifts, you five go down and rest."

The five of them just felt that these words couldn't be more reasonable, like the sound of heaven, and also like enlightenment... The discipline and integrity cultivated for many years were completely left behind, and they nodded without thinking too much, and went out together.

It's just that before they left, the Jedi apprentices reached out and knocked them on the back of the head one by one, knocking them out.

As a result, Xiao En successfully occupied the core facility of the [Zhubo] laboratory, the monitoring room, and through the dozens of monitors in front of him, he instantly grasped every detail of the laboratory!

The whole process went smoothly like a child's play, but for a Jedi apprentice with rich infiltration experience, it seemed reasonable that everything went smoothly.

It was only after he took control of the overall situation that Sean realized that the real difficulties had just begun.

Because the laboratory ushered in a group of uninvited guests, ten blue-armored [Sword Feather Owls] arrived suddenly, as if they were going to conduct a surprise attack for a comprehensive inspection, which made the laboratory run wild for a while.

Of course, these people involved the energy of the laboratory, which immediately stretched the already sufficient security force, and provided a lot of opportunities for everyone in Baiyin... But [Sword Feather Owl] itself is a huge threat.

If we say that the [Zhubo] laboratory itself is a place full of subtleties, where everyone seems to be releasing water and allowing the Silver Knights to pass by, then [Sword Feather Owl] is undoubtedly a ruthless obstacle in the way.

Sean was able to judge the danger of [Sword Feather Owl] only through the screen on the monitor, so he immediately contacted Platinum Nine Thousand to discuss countermeasures.

Time is limited and there are many variables. It is impossible for them to formulate an overly careful plan, so after a brief discussion, everyone has established a plan that will not go wrong in the general direction: win by chaos.

And how to create chaos is the forte of the Silver Knights who stayed in the reception room. The simple cooperation of Uncle Xu and the water dispenser caused the crew members of the Black Stone present to be poisoned by food unknowingly, and became a source of pollution for crazily vomiting. .

This kind of foul-smelling environment is the most likely to cause riots, and it almost naturally restrains those elite soldiers who are "from a professional background".

After all, the Gan galaxy has not experienced war for many years. Most of the armed personnel are only well-trained and well-armed. And once the situation becomes chaotic, it will be too easy for the Silver Knights to find a loophole to sneak in and break through.

It's a pity that the plan is not as good as changing. Although Xu Bo succeeded in poisoning Death Bell and others, [Sword Feather Owl] arrived faster than expected. Ma Xueqin, who grew up in the same era as Xia Xi and An Ping, Either his intuition was comparable to that of a Jedi Knight, or he got the news in advance and ran almost directly to the reception room, even ignoring the laboratory administrative leaders who tried to entertain him along the way.

In desperation, it was Platinum Jiuqian who stepped forward. He single-handedly attracted the opponent's attention, and then boldly used the poisonous gas from the water dispenser to overwhelm the opponent, and won the most difficult level in one fell swoop!

In comparison, the troubles Xu Bo and others had in the reception room were nothing at all.

Xiao En looked at the [Sword Feather Owl] fighters who were dying on the screen, sighed secretly, and then said to Uncle Xu: "Don't worry about any trouble, you didn't alarm other people, so, just do what you just said. Act according to the plan. You guys put on their armor and gather at the Armed Forces Department with Platinum Nine Thousand."

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