Sean's pause naturally aroused the attention of his teammates.

No one will question the courage of the Jedi apprentice - although he has mastered the skills of the Force, he is stronger than anyone else, but that does not mean that wading through the minefields does not need to take risks.

Sean is basically dancing on the line of life and death, and if he makes a mistake, he will die on the spot. Therefore, he has no reason to miss this opportunity that everyone, including himself, has tried his best to fight for.

At the same time, the much-anticipated Jedi apprentice was thinking with all his might.

Think about the other party's true intentions and ways to break the situation.

[Black Wing] The captain's negotiating request is quite weird. Every previous move of the other party clearly shows that they want to kill Bai Yin and others before they can - even including Nan Wuyou.

This kind of decisive position is not difficult to understand. After all, no matter how much grievance Nan Wuyou is carrying on her body at this time, and how powerful her cards are in her hands, in essence she is just a wanted criminal who failed in the political struggle.

Even if she died in this underground secret passage, the Qiankun Group only needs to hold a few prominent temporary workers accountable to suppress the matter.

As for the Jedi Apprentice? Although the existence of the Jedi Master is a kind of restriction, but this restriction is obviously not very strong for [Black Wing].

So, when Sean stepped into a serial trap, why didn't [Black Wing] detonate the bomb?

Killing the Jedi Apprentice would cause the Silver Knights to lose their most powerful weapon and fall into a deadlock. What reason do they have to be soft at a time like this?

For a moment, Sean couldn't guess the other party's intentions.

Then, according to what the other party said, let's talk first.

After all, for a person standing on a pile of explosives, it is always worth talking about it.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Captain Guo didn't answer immediately, but just looked at Xiao En with a look that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

At the same time, a warning message finally came from Sean's heart.

He gave up looking at Guo Shouming without hesitation, and flew back.

Under the strengthening of the force, his movements were as fast as lightning, and he left the roof of the armored car in a blink of an eye. The armor flew behind him at the same time, taking cover.

The Jedi Apprentice was sprinting almost faster than he had come, and the armored vehicle didn't detonate until Sean retreated under the protection of his teammates again.

This strange turning back made the Silver Knights confused, but Sean vaguely guessed what was going on while panting violently.

He whispered what he had seen and heard to Platinum Nine Thousand who had arrived at the front line, and asked, "What do you think?"

Bai Jin Jiuqian had a serious face, and the young man's militant smile had disappeared. He pondered for a while, and said, "It seems that the other party suddenly has some scruples, so that he would rather let go when he has a chance to kill him." But he soon realized that his scruples were wrong, and that’s why there was a subsequent change.”

Sean said: "The other party's concern must not be our lives, otherwise there is no need to start the killer, but, do we have anything more precious than lives?"

Platinum Nine Thousand's eyes lit up: "Memory card!"

A group of people entered [Chasing the Wave] almost empty-handed. Now they are wearing armor and guns, all obtained from the laboratory, obviously not of special value.

The only thing that may be noticed by [Black Wing] is the "evidence" in Nan Wuyou's hands. Perhaps they had to temporarily change their strategy because they suddenly discovered that everyone was holding such a big killer. And when Guo Shouming found that Xiao En didn't know the value of the evidence, he rekindled his killing intent.

Of course, this guess is very far-fetched: those materials were extracted from the laboratory's database by Nan Wuyou in a very short time. If it had such a strong deterrent effect on [Black Wing], how could it be safely stored in the database?

But in any case, guesswork is better than nothing. Because with guesswork, at least verification can be done.

"Senior Zhuang Yuanying, can the communication device on the train still work?"

In the communicator, the dragon girl's voice was a little dull, but extremely firm: "It's available."

"Okay, let the eldest lady summarize and refine the main content of that document, and prepare to publish it to the entire Qian galaxy—if possible, it would be even better if it can be spread beyond the Qian galaxy."

"Okay." Zhuang Yuanying didn't ask any further questions, but quickly conveyed the instructions to Nan Wuyou.

But soon, Zhuang Yuanying exclaimed: "Oops, the communication has been cut off!"

Platinum Jiuqian's heart sank, and he exchanged a glance with the Jedi apprentice, feeling that the problem had become more and more difficult.

The guess was verified, but it was too late.

The flaw of [Black Wing] only left a moment, that is, the moment when they learned that the Silver Knights had important information in their hands, so they had to give up the decisive blow to Xiao En.

Missing that moment, the [Black Wing] under Guo Shouming's command immediately filled the gap. They blocked the external communication of the entire tunnel, and the evidence in Nan Wuyou's hands was no longer harmful.

"Can you try to lie to them that we still have people in the lab?" Anping suggested.

But this suggestion was rejected by Platinum Nine Thousand and Sean shaking their heads at the same time.

Not to mention that they didn't keep any manpower at all - this is easy to verify. Even if they really did keep people, when the external communication was cut off, the people who stayed in the laboratory would have no way of knowing when to play the cards in their hands. go out.

"Understood." Anping chuckled, "There's nothing you can do if you miss the opportunity, let's fight to the death."

It seems that there is really only one road left in front of everyone: a fight to the death.

Facing a group of opponents who are more well-armed, have mental calculations but don't care, and occupy the right time and place, what else can they do except fight to the death?

The next moment, the urging from [Black Wing] arrived as scheduled.

The pitch-black armored vehicle slowly raised its main gun, and under the action of the emergency sprayed coolant, the main gun had resumed its firing ability.

However, before the main cannon fired, a burst of flames shot up into the sky and engulfed the entire armored vehicles. The violent roar caused the ground to tremble, and the shock wave wrapped in the heat wave pushed Anping and his bunker back and flew out together.

The leader of the Hongxing team, who is proficient in melee combat, rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment before regaining his stability. And when he raised his head again, he saw only a piece of wreckage left of the pitch-black obstacle blocking the front. Fierce flames burned metal, and the heat twisted the air. But Anping still had a clear view of the scene behind the armored vehicle.

The fighters of [Black Wing] were obviously stunned by this.

The detonation of the armored vehicle was not their handiwork—of course they had no motive to detonate the bomb in the vehicle at this time.

The person who detonated the bomb was Sean. When he felt that the crisis was coming again and flew back, he threw a thermal bomb into the armored vehicle, thus solving the deadliest threat in the long and narrow tunnel in one fell swoop!

And almost at the next moment when the heat wave from the explosion subsided, the Jedi apprentice raised the armor plate again and charged forward for the third time!

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