Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 319 Unable to get rid of the nonsense

While Platinum Jiuqian was reluctantly doing the aftermath, Xiao En and the group finally came to the end of the trip after a long ascent.

When the elevator door opened, everyone couldn't help but tense up, for fear that behind the door would be countless dark blaster muzzles, or simply burst into flames.

But unexpectedly, the world behind the door is as quiet and peaceful as if in a dream.

Lush green plants popped up from both sides, covering the gravel path behind the door mottled, a fragrance of flowers and plants rushed to the face, and there was even a melodious bird song in the distance, making it unbelievable that all this is actually a reality.


Now even Anping couldn't help gasping.

Although no one wants to continue the war on the top of the sky after a fierce battle with [Black Wing], this overly peaceful atmosphere makes people even more uncomfortable.

"No, it's not surprising. This is a shady passage." The Gungan blinked his big eyes and said, "Perhaps no one thought that a group of strangers would suddenly appear here."

Lu Nan said coldly: "Even if no one thought of it before, the [Black Wing] people went down to intercept it, no matter how stupid the higher ups are, they should have discovered the anomaly!"

The Gungan retorted: "That's not necessarily the case. The purpose of this secret passage is not something that can be exposed, so [Black Wing]'s actions are likely to be completely hidden from others..."

Halfway through the conversation between the two, they saw that someone had already stepped out of the elevator car first.

The Jedi apprentices did not participate in this pointless dispute, because whatever lay behind this path, now they could only move forward. Moreover, the moment the elevator door opened, Sean felt as if something in front of him was attracting him.

It was a faint gravitational force, like a hazy call, and like memory fragments flickering in my mind.

And as he moved forward, this feeling became more and more intense. The gravel path under his feet and the soft plant branches stretching out on both sides kept stirring his heartstrings.

It was hard to say that it was the guidance of the Force, but it was closely related to the Force. The Jedi apprentices had never experienced such a mysterious feeling. And just as he became more focused, a powerful image suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was a blazing totem like a star, and the strong light in his mind made him stop thinking.

The next moment, the impact from behind woke him up from this mysterious body sensation.

"Ah sorry, I didn't expect you to stop..."

Sean was a little surprised to find that the person who bumped into him was actually Nan Wuyou. Before he knew it, the eldest lady was already closely behind him, only one step away.

Xiao En couldn't help looking around, looking for Anping and others, wondering why they didn't like this unarmed young lady, but found that he had fallen from the front row of the line to the back without knowing it. There are people with ears and eyes ahead to investigate the situation.

"Awake?" Anping smiled and touched Xiao En's shoulder, "Then, what did you find?"

As a teammate who had been on many missions together, Anping obviously didn't think that Sean would be sleepwalking inexplicably at this time, and he must have felt something just now.

Sean just shook his head: "It's nothing, maybe it's just an illusion... What about you guys, what did you find?"

Suddenly Uncle Xu jumped out and replied: "The only thing I discovered is that the life of the rich is really too extravagant... To build exquisite gardens in such a place where every inch of land is expensive, and to set up such a large area and a tax circle of 170 billion people They were all spoiled by their extravagance!"

"Garden?" Sean couldn't help but look at Nan Wuyou.

However, Nan Wuyou also looked confused and even terrified at this time.

"This is not the garden I'm familiar with... It's very strange. In my impression, there should be no such place in the sky."

It is not a big secret that there is a garden dedicated to the group's elders to recuperate in the Dome of the Sky. For those ordinary people who live on the ground and have no hope of setting foot on the Dome of the Sky, one of the greatest pleasures is to guess the daily life of the people in the sky. As for the legend about gardens, there have been countless versions, which have been circulated among the people for countless years.

But Nan Wuyou obviously doesn't need to know the garden through legends, whether she followed her father Nan Heli before, or followed Nan Yujin not long ago, she has set foot in it herself. She is not a genius with a photographic memory, but she always has a memory of the environment and terrain in the garden.

But at this time, she found that the garden in front of her was completely different from the one in her memory, as if the freight elevator carried them to a strange place, and it seemed as if her previous memories were all just hallucinations.

Fortunately, someone soon answered this question for her.

That person came from a rockery in front of everyone. Before he spoke, no one noticed his existence. However, when his voice sounded, even the most nervous people couldn't help but relax.

"Because this is indeed not the place you remember."

While speaking, Li Yu came out from behind the rockery, hopping lightly among the rocks, and in a few steps, he passed the standing cones in front of the team and came to Xiao En and Nan Wuyou.

"Miss, you came here so fast, I thought it would take another half a day to join you... There are still some things that have not been cleaned up, you can wait here for a while."

The next moment, before Nan Wuyou had time to speak, Li Yu was surrounded by raging enthusiasm.

"Boss Li, why are you still alive!?"

"How did you appear here? Is it a human or a ghost?"

Facing the angry scene, Li Yu smiled casually: "Of course they are alive, although they almost died... The power of the explosion on the Silver was a little bit stronger than expected, and the non-standard batteries on the spaceship were used too much. More lead to a chain reaction that is a bit uncontrollable."

Everyone was dumbfounded: "The Silver exploded?!"

"That's right, if you don't detonate the Silver, how can you destroy Qiankun Security's first dock?"

"Why did you blow up the first dock?!"

"How can we attract as many security forces as possible without blowing up the first dock, so as to hollow out the dome? You don't really think that the only security force on the dome is [Black Wing]? What we encountered in the underground passage was not [Black Wing]'s armored vehicle, but a group bombing."

"You... I remember that the first dock is near the sky dome, in the bustling area of ​​Xiajing. Creating an explosion there is not just a simple matter of attracting the surrounding security forces."

"Yes, otherwise, why would I act separately from you and lose contact in the middle? It's not for the convenience of doing things."

Li Yu's series of natural answers made people suffocate.

There are countless questions to ask, but in the end there is no outlet for a question to ask.

This is indeed Li Yu's consistent way of doing things. When he decides on something, no one can stop him, and no one can even hinder him. He can always achieve his goals when people are caught off guard. Then leisurely enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by the noise of the crowd.

This time, Li Yu was still surrounded by the members asking non-stop, but while he dealt with it casually, he turned his attention to Xiao En.

Among this group of people, only Sean's reaction deserves attention.

The Jedi apprentice was silent for a long time, then shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to say.

Li Yu's actions undoubtedly touched his bottom line. No matter what the reason is, the act of creating an explosion in an urban area and endangering the safety of civilians is intolerable.

In a sense, there is no essential difference between Li Yu detonating the Silver and Xia Xi.

Perhaps he had carefully controlled the actual explosion range during the detonation process, and perhaps there were no innocent casualties in the end... But this is indeed something a Jedi apprentice would not do, nor would he be allowed to do.

But this is obviously not the time to care about these things.

Seeing Xiao En's silence, Li Yu nodded and waved to the noisy people around him: "Be quiet, this area hasn't been cleaned up yet, and the people who attract [White Wing] will be in trouble."

"What is [White Wing]?"

"You don't just make up an uncommon word to fool us, do you?"

Li Yu looked at Nan Wuyou: "Miss, you haven't heard of it either?"

Nan Wuyou shook his head: "Never heard of it."

Li Yu then reassured: "Very good, the quality of keeping the truth is worth encouraging, I am indeed fooling you by repeating a word..."

No matter how high Li Yu's prestige was, it still aroused public outrage.

Fortunately, he was familiar with the road, and before everyone spoke, he immediately restrained his smile, and shocked the scene with an extremely rare serious expression.

"[White Wing] is talking nonsense, but what I said is generally correct. The security forces here are very troublesome. Even if the main force is attracted by the No. 1 dock, the remaining ones are elite. I need to spend some time to get them Clean it up thoroughly, and then create a good enough space for the conversation later. While this time, I will explain your concerns."

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