Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 54: : Urgent mission for 5 copper coins

"Okay, let's burn it here today! If I haven't come tomorrow, I'll burn the charcoal according to this procedure." Yan Tielong took out the charcoal from the furnace with long iron tongs. Andao.

"Yan Tielong, why do you bother to burn charcoal, can't you buy it outside?" Skrotie, who was watching his son and Yan Tielong burning charcoal for an afternoon, asked curiously.

"Hehe, charcoal is of course sold outside, but the charcoal in Guyu Town can only be regarded as middle and low grade. If you want high-grade charcoal, Gu Yu Town's level is not enough, so I have to make it myself." Yan Tielong looked at the charcoal he made. Charcoal explained with a smile.

"Yan Tielong, the charcoal you burn is of the highest quality!" Skorotie asked in surprise when he heard Yan Tielong's words.

"The charcoal I made is definitely not all high-grade charcoal, but it can reach more than 60% of all high-grade charcoal." Yan Tielong explained the probability of burning high-grade charcoal by himself.

"So the quality of Yan Tielong's remaining charcoal should also be of medium quality?" Scorotie asked again.

"Hehe, that's about it, alright Uncle Scorotie, I'll go back first, see you tomorrow!" Yan Tielong said goodbye with a smile, and then walked out of the blacksmith shop.

"Xiao An, did you ask Yan Tielong for the blacksmithing secret book I sent back?" Skorote asked Yan Tielong as he walked out of the blacksmith's shop. He looked at his son seriously and asked.

"Yes!" Scotien replied directly.

"Ai~, I originally wanted to use the value of that blacksmithing book to not only make Yan Tielong forgive our four and a half generations of black hematite ore, but also let me get rid of my heart disease, and let him teach you blacksmithing wholeheartedly, now that you Just take it back, forget it!" Scorotie sighed when he heard that his son had taken back his precious blacksmithing secrets.

"Father, that guy's blacksmithing skills are just half-baked. You don't need that blacksmithing secret book for him to teach me." After hearing his father's words, he didn't believe that Yan Tielong was capable of teaching him at all.

"Hehe, Xiao An, you underestimate Yan Tielong too much, but he found me as a treasure of the real value of blacksmithing cheats. Do you think his strength will really be poor?" Skrotie asked his son.

"This, no, it's impossible!" Scotien said in disbelief when he heard his father's words.

"By the way, I see. It must have been Aunt Kirimis who told Yan Tielong the value of our blacksmithing secrets. After all, they have a very good relationship." Skotiean suddenly thought of Kirimis, and he guessed.

"Xiao An, you guessed wrong, Miss Qi Limisi, she doesn't understand the value of my blacksmithing cheats. I got this ironing cheats back then when a knowledgeable scholar helped me identify them, and I don't have the level of a master blacksmith. I can't fully understand this blacksmithing secret book, and Sister Qilimis also said that Yan Tielong may have the level of a master blacksmith." Skolotie told Skortie that Yan Tielong might already have the level of a master blacksmith.

"No, it's impossible, Yan Tielong is so young, he doesn't look like he has the level of a master blacksmith."

"Ai~, Xiao An, you have experienced too little, and you can't understand how many geniuses there are in this world. It seems that it is time for you to practice outside!" Scorotie looked at his son in disbelief. Sighed.

"Father!" Scotian shouted inwardly as he watched his father enter the inner room with disappointment.

At the same time, Yan Tielong returned to the Rou Rou Hotel. When he was about to take a bath, Ospine had something important to do with him.

"Ospine, what's the matter?" Yan Tielong accelerated to clean himself, and when he left the hotel men's bathhouse after taking a shower, he looked at the anxious Ospene and asked.

"Head of the regiment, the official crusade against the greenskins has just been released urgently!" Ospene said to Yan Tielong.

"Oh! What's all the fuss about crusade against greenskins? Isn't the official mission to crusade against greenskins all the time?" Yan Tielong was not interested when he heard Ospine say the official crusade against greenskins.

"Captain, this time is different. The official has just doubled the greenskin's bounty." Ospyne heard the disinterest in his commander's tone, and he said directly.

"The official raised the greenskin's bounty, why is that?" Yan Tielong murmured with some doubts about the official's sudden increase in the greenskin's bounty.

"Captain, I know why the government wants to increase the greenskin's bounty." Ospine said directly.

"Oh, what's the reason?" Yan Tielong asked.

"Just now, on the official task list in the tavern, it said that the rate of occurrence of green skins has become the usual **** recently. The official also said that there may be a green skin invasion incident in the near future. The official hopes to reduce the number of green skins around the town, so as to reduce the incidence of green skin invasion. There is pressure on the fortress." Ospene explained why the official raised the price of the greenskin bounty.

"Ospyne, are you going to crusade against Greenskin?" Yan Tielong asked.

"Well, I heard from Aunt Kirimis that every green-skin invasion will cause heavy losses to the town, and at the same time it can also exercise itself, so I want to do my part!" Ospine nodded in response.

"Ospene, now my main task is to help you make a good sword, maybe I don't have time to fight with you, I hope it can be forged before the greenskin invasion.

Well, let me lend you the Crimson Wind first, and you can work hard with Mi Luoan and my share. "Yan Tielong took out the Crimson Wind and lent it to Ospene.

"Captain, riding Miluoan has been unable to go with me to crusade the greenskin these days." Ospine said directly.

"Ah! Why can't he go with you while riding Mi Luo'an?" Yan Tielong asked in confusion.

"That's right. His carpentry skills in riding Miloan are very good. He is now assigned a construction site by Aunt Kirimis as an important task. He has been unable to perform tasks for a while." Ospine explained why Miloan was riding. The reason why I can't go with him.

"Yeah! I didn't expect Aunt Kirimis to find out that the carpenter who rides Miluo'an is talented!" Yan Tielong muttered to himself when he heard Ospine's explanation.

"Brother Yan Tielong, there is a child looking for you outside!" Yumi Lili found Yan Tielong and she said to Yan Tielong.

"It's all this time, who is looking for me?" Yan Tielong murmured in confusion when he heard Yumi Lili's words, while Yan Tielong walked towards the door of the hotel.

"Hey! Little Kurt, are you bringing your friends to play with your brother?" Yan Tielong asked when he saw that it was Little Kurt and a little boy who was also covered in patches.

"Brother Tielong, we are not looking for you to play, but to look for brother for business." Little Kurt looked at Yan Tielong seriously.

"Oh, I don't know what little Kurt has to do with his brother?" Yan Tielong squatted down and looked at Little Kurt and asked with a smile.

"Brother, this one next to me is my good friend. His name is Ah Ku. He heard that brother, you are a mercenary. He hopes to entrust you to help him find his father." Little Kurt introduced his friends and explained Why ask him.

"Big, big brother, this is a commission, please be sure to find Dad." Ah Ku took out five copper coins with a whimper and handed it to Yan Tielong.

"Ah Ku, right? Then tell your brother, what's your father's name?" Yan Tielong asked with a smile.

"Dad is dad." Ah Ku responded timidly.

"Brother Tielong, Ah Ku's father is Uncle Wuman who often delivers firewood to the church." Little Kuter told Yan Tielong the name of his friend's father on behalf of his little friend.

When Yan Tielong heard what little Kurt said, he asked Wuluo Aku, "Aku, tell my brother, why are you looking for Dad?".

"Big brother, Dad said in the morning that he would be back by noon, but Dad hasn't come back yet, woohoo, I miss Dad so much." Wuluo Aku started crying as he spoke.

"Ah Ku, don't cry, tell brother, your father went to a place to cut wood?" Yan Tielong comforted Wuluo Ah Ku and asked.

"Wow~, Dad said he went to work in the old place." Wuluo Aku replied while crying.

"The old place, is it the low wind forest 800 meters south of the town? I remember that the wood quality there is poor, but it should be very safe. Why has Uncle Wu Romanen still not come back, is it really out? What's the problem!" Yan Tielong muttered when he heard Kut Ah Ku talking about the old place.

"Big brother, please help me find my father." Wuluo Aku prayed to Yan Tielong with five copper coins in both hands with tears in his eyes.

Yan Tielong looked at the tears in front of his eyes and asked him to find his father's Wuluo Ah Ku. Yan Tielong smiled and took the five copper coins and promised: "A Ku! Brother accepts your entrustment, UU Reading You have to be good. Do you know when your dad comes back?".

"Ah Ku, I just said that Big Brother Tielong will definitely agree!" Little Kut said excitedly to his little friend when he heard Yan Tielong agreed to accept the commission.

"Okay, you all go home and wait for the news. Brother, will you go out immediately? I hope to get out before closing the city gate, or you will have to wait for tomorrow." Yan Tielong ran into the hotel after he finished speaking.

"Ospine, there is an urgent task. Get to the hotel barn and bring the carriage to the front of the hotel." Yan Tielong directly instructed Ospine who was still in the hotel lobby.

Yan Tielong had just retrieved the green-skinned battle sacrificial stick from the hotel warehouse. When he quickly came to the hotel lobby, he heard, "Captain, did something happen to you when you got the stick?".

"Riding Mi Luo'an, there is an urgent task, you come with us too!" Yan Tielong saw that it was riding Mi Luo'an and stopped himself, he said directly.

"Okay, head!" Qi Mi Luoan responded and followed.

Yan Tielong and Mi Luoan got into the carriage prepared by Ospene, Yan Tielong said to Wuluo and Ku, who were still waiting, "Ah Ku, my brother will definitely help you find Dad, it's not very safe at night, now Just go home and wait."

"Yes! My brother will wait at home for Dad to come back." When Wuluo Aku heard Yan Tielong's assurance, he responded, and then followed Little Kurt towards the direction of the church.

"Drive!" Yan Tielong drove the carriage out of the town.

"Captain, was that kid our client just now?" Ospine, who was beside Yan Tielong, asked curiously.

"Yes! The bounty for this mission is five copper coins. The most important thing is that Ah Ku's father is a good person, and I don't want Ah Ku's father to make Ah Ku an orphan by accident!" Yan Tielong nodded and said.

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