Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 554: : Barna Keen's past experience

Yan Tielong noticed that Bana Keen was in a low mood, and he felt that his opportunity had come, so he gave Bana Keen a large glass of ale.

And Barna Keen is not polite to pick up the glass and drink it in one breath, and even ask for a glass.

Seeing Bana Keen drinking ale, Yan Tielong knew that the other party was in a very bad mood because of the change he had just talked to Qingyin Lites.

As a result, a small barrel of ale quickly bottomed out, so Yan Tielong went out of the cell to get two large barrels of ale himself.

Regarding Yan Tielong's behavior, Baron Jayne Hailun and the others were very puzzled, and even Qingyin Lites, who had been following Yan Tielong's side, was very puzzled. After all, he didn't know what the head of the group was going to do.

Yan Tielong didn't pay attention to the doubts around him at all, he was drinking with Banasian in the cell and looking for topics.

At first, Bana Keen ignored Yan Tielong at all, but when he drank too much, he let go of his guard, so the topic of talking about Yan Tielong also started.

Qingyin Lites saw that Yan Tielong and Bana Keen were very compatible, and he began to understand what his head of the group was going to do.

When Yan Tielong saw Bana Keen who was already drunk, he deliberately led the topic and wanted to know what kind of person Bana Keen was. After all, Yan Tielong believed that a drunk person would tell the truth, and he even had the confidence to confuse him. En's inner secret may not be.

And just as Yan Tielong thought in his heart, the drunk Bana Keen had regarded Yan Tielong as his close brother, and he began to tell his own experience.

It turns out that Bana Keen is the son of a fighter, and he is very talented, but Bana Keen is not like a fighter who inherited his father's identity, but yearns for a noble knight, so he learned knight books to start knighthood. career.

However, Bana Keen is very talented in bare-handed combat, but not with a sword.

At a chance, he met Baron Jayne's brother, and he wanted to become a knight of the Jayne family, so he had a sword battle with the previous patriarch of the Jayne family.

As a result, he was easily defeated by the previous Jayne family patriarch, which also prevented Bana Keen from becoming a Jayne family knight. After all, the elder brother of Jayne Hai Lun believed that Bana Keen was too weak to become a family knight.

Originally, Bana Keen was very disappointed and planned to return to his hometown to inherit his father, but he just wanted to rest in the hotel for a night and leave the next day.

Barna Keen just fell asleep, three or four gangsters came to the hotel to make troubles, so Barna Keen, who was woken up, got angry and taught the gangster who was making him sleep.

When Bana Keen knocked down the three thugs with five or six punches, he heard praise from a familiar person.

And praised Bana Keen as the elder brother of Baron Jayne Seawheel. Of course, the older brother of Baron Jayne Seawheel appeared in the hotel because of special reasons.

The brother of Baron Jayne Seawheel invited Bana Keen to drink, and at the same time he asked Bana Keen why he didn't fight him with all his strength? Are you looking down on him?

Bana Keen heard the other party's tone and temperament and asked, and he directly responded by saying that knights must not use swords in battle?

Brother Jayne Seawheel Baron heard Bana Keen's response, he kept spraying the wine he drank into Bana Keen's face, then apologized and asked who told him that knights must use swords!

When brother Baron Jayne heard that Bana Keen took it for granted that the books were written like that, he directly told Bana Keen that the novels were all deceptive, and the title of knight was a kind of identity recognition, not necessarily the use of swords , At the same time, it is said that many knights' swords are a decoration, but more weapons such as knight's guns are used. After all, riding on a horse is more advantageous.

The elder brother of Baron Jayne explained to Bana Keen the knight rules for one night in detail, and proposed to accept Bana Keen as a family knight again.

However, Bana Keen turned down the kindness of Baron Jayne Hai Lun's brother. In his words, he had gone the wrong way in the past, so he had to practice again. After he finished his practice, he joined the Jayne family. At that time, he hoped Jayne Don't refuse, brother Baron Hai Lun.

Brother Baron Jayne Seawheel agreed to join the Bana Keen practice after joining their family, but in order to make Barna Keen give up, brother Baron Jayne Seawheel directly took out a hundred gold coins as a travel fee for Barna Keen, and also gave a gift of one. horse.

You must know that the horses cultivated by the nobles are very valuable, and even businessmen with small wealth cannot afford such horses.

Baron Jayne's bribe was very successful, and Bana Keen was sure that he had made up his mind to return to his hometown to practice martial arts, and then repay Baron Jayne's kindness.

When Bana Keen returned to the Baron Jayne Seawheel after training his martial arts skills in his hometown, he knew that Baron Jayne Seawheel had died in battle, and he knew that Baron Jayne was no worse than his brother to deal with the surrounding robbers and mountain fighters (actually It was all solved by Yan Tielong and Qingyin Lites, but the propaganda was in the name of Baron Jayne, so the villagers thought that Baron Jayne led the soldiers to solve the problem.), so Bana Keen rushed to Baron Jayne. Request to become a family knight.

Bana Keen thought that Baron Jayne Seawheel would definitely accept him as a family knight because of the previous territory. However, the reality directly hit Barna Keen in the face, because Baron Jayne Seawheel was very upset because of women's affairs, and he didn't even see him. When he saw Bana Keen, he asked his butler to drive him away.

In fact, Bana Keen's choice of time is too wrong. If Bana Keen arrives a few months in advance, Baron Jayne Seawheel will definitely not want to accept Bana Keen as a family knight. Being suppressed by the surrounding outlaws in the castle, they dare not go out.

However, since the funds, weapons and personnel training support of the Sacred Mercenary Corps, Baron Jayne Seawheel has not only solved the lawbreakers in the territory, but also taught the surrounding aristocrats with bad intentions a profound lesson, which also makes Baron Jayne Seawheel unnecessary. Raising a knight, after all, he already has enough armed force to protect his property, and his wealth is somewhat insufficient. In addition to the trouble caused by the younger brother of Baron Jayne Seawheel's sweetheart, he is upset, so Bana Keen is tragic.

Banagian was kicked out of the castle, he didn't give up, he stayed in the hotel and waited for Baron Jayne to change his mind.

However, after Bana Keen waited for a few months, his money was running out. Just when Bana Keen decided to find a job to support himself, he inquired about any good jobs.

It happened that those merchants who wanted to steal medicinal materials hired local villagers at high prices to steal medicinal materials, but they did not know that Bana Keen was valued by those businessmen, so Bana Keen became a guarantee for those businessmen.

Slowly, Bana Keen noticed what the merchant was doing, and he began to suffer in his heart, because he knew that the merchant hired the villagers to steal, but he couldn't stop it, because he had already received the merchant's money, so he had to protect the merchant's safety, Only by completing the contract can you be free. After all, if you want to become a knight, your reputation is as important as your life.

Soon, Baron Jayne Hailun discovered that the medicinal materials belonging to the medicinal material origin of the Sacred Pattern Mercenary Group had been stolen in the territory, so he sent someone to investigate, and soon Baron Jayne Hailun reported that the merchants and the villagers who joined the new territory were stealing the medicinal materials. After all, the old man The lord and the lord share weal and woe, and they will not do anything that damages the reputation of their lord.

Regarding the stolen medicinal materials in the leased territory of the Saint-pattern mercenary group, Baron Jayne can't ignore it. After all, the leased territory is also his. If he doesn't take action, it will make the surrounding nobles bully him. Too bad, so he sent a hundred armed teams who had been trained by Blue Silver Lites for three months to arrest the thieves.

As a result, the 100-strong team was actually blocked by the businessman's bodyguard, and that businessman's bodyguard was Bana Keen, but in the end, Bana Keen still couldn't bear the 100-strong team to be arrested.

Originally, Baron Jayne was very interested in armed men who could withstand a hundred people. UU reading www.uukanshu. com But when he found out that the prisoner who was arrested actually introduced himself to him as a knight of his family for a few months, and the butler said that the prisoner would be handed over to the Sacred Mark Mercenary Corps, so he was not interested, after all, his reputation was not good. He didn't want to see him at all.

Of course, the reason why Bana Keen was arrested was also Bana Keen's intention. He hoped that he would not only pay back the merchant's commission but also atone for his sin. After all, he knew that he was forced to be hired, but what he did was still a crime, so he was in In the end, he was able to escape but was caught by the soldiers.

When Yan Tielong saw Bana Keen who had fallen to the ground drunk, he expressed some disappointment. After all, Yan Tielong wanted to know the details of the businessmen and villagers who hired him from Bana Keen.

"Captain, are you okay?" Qingyin Lites asked worriedly when he saw Yan Tielong getting up and shaking a little.

"It's alright, Lites, it's not like you don't know how much I drink, but what do you think of this Bana Keen?" Yan Tielong waved his hand.

Qingyin Lites heard the head of the regiment ask him about Bana Keen. After thinking about it for a while, he objectively thought that Bana Keen was a good character.

When Yan Tielong heard that Qingyin Lites felt that Banakien was good, he proposed to recruit Banakien. How does it feel?

Qingyin Lites heard that Yan Tielong was going to recruit Barna Keen, he poured cold water and said it was impossible, because Barna Keen had already identified Baron Jayne, and it was a bit sleepy to want Barna Keen to give up Baron Jayne. After all, the credibility of the Knights can be said to be the highest.

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