Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 560: : Outbreak of yellow water bean disease

On January 28, 1174, Xingyu, the mercenary group led by Yan Tielong arrived at the gate of Dixi City, Shuqi.

But what Yan Tielong didn't expect was that the Shuqi Dish City was actually in a semi-blocked state. Now everyone who wants to enter the Shuqi Dish City must undergo a full-body examination. The reason is that Yan Tielong was worried about the outbreak of the yellow water bean disease last year.

Originally, Yan Tielong had to be inspected, but Tianyu College sent Yan Tielong's pharmacy disciple Peggy Isher to respond, so the team entered the city without being inspected.

And Yan Tielong wondered why Shuqi Dixicheng became the current situation, so he asked his disciple Peggy Isher.

When Peggy Isher heard Yan Tielong's question, she directly answered her tutor's question.

It turns out that before the large-scale outbreak of yellow water bean, Tianyu had the ability to treat yellow water bean. With Yan Tielong's previous reminder, the college purchased medicinal materials for the treatment of yellow water bean disease on a large scale.

However, when Huang Shuidou broke out, only Tianyu College could treat it at a low price in the entire Shuqi City, and Yan Tielong warned his disciples that after the outbreak of Huang Shuidou disease, they should receive less profit and more fame and fortune, so the entire Tianyu College Pharmacy Department students were treated at low prices. Huang Shuidou, after all, the pharmacists of Tianyu College belong to Yan Tielong's lineage, and Principal Tianyu is also very supportive.

This also led to the fact that only Shuqi Dixi City could treat yellow water peas. As a result, the sick people did not want to die, so they all flocked to Shuqi Dixi City.

People with yellow water bean disease entered the Shuqi Dixi City, but the Shuqi Dixi City was not prepared. As a result, the people who were not infected in the Shuqi Dixi City were also infected, so Tianyu College consumed a lot of medicinal materials.

When Tianyu College's medicinal materials for the treatment of yellow water bean disease were consumed to the extent that the college's quota was exhausted, the medicinal materials for the treatment of yellow water bean disease in Shuqi Dixi City were sold to sky-high prices, and ordinary people could not get treatment at all.

And the governor of Shuqi Dixie City learned of the sky-high price of medicinal materials, and he also wanted to suppress the price of medicinal materials, but when he knew that the medicinal materials for the treatment of yellow water peas in the medicinal materials market were extremely rare, the sky-high prices would appear, so he could not do anything about it. "In fact, it was hidden by black-hearted businessmen, so that the price can be kept at sky-high prices. ".

The governor of Shuqi Dixi City could not lower the price of the medicinal materials. He first sent someone to notify the big bosses and nobles in the city to hold a meeting to discuss ways. If the disease is not controlled and the people enter Shuqi Dixi City, Shuqi Dixi City may become a In history, people who are waiting to die will definitely riot once they are instigated by someone with a heart. After all, no one wants to wait to die.

When the governor of Shuqi Dixi City and the bigwigs from all sides had not discussed the result, eight unicorn flying flame pterosaur knights suddenly appeared over Shuqi Dixi City.

It turned out that the king also learned of the outbreak of an epidemic in the city of Shuqi, so he sent eight unicorn flying flame pterosaur knights and a pharmacist who solved the yellow water bean disease to calm down the city of Shuqi. As a result, the kingdom sent a pharmacist and a unicorn. The Feiyan Pterosaur Knight just didn't bring any medicinal materials, which made the pharmacist who solved the yellow water bean disease useless, but fortunately, the eight one-horned Feiyan Pterosaur Knights were able to oppress those ill-intentioned people.

The governor of Shuqi Dixi City and the city's big bosses negotiated to isolate the sick civilians and nobles. After all, people who have not been treated can easily get yellow water bean disease.

After Yan Tielong heard the explanation from his disciple Peggy Isher, he felt that this outbreak of yellow water bean disease was a little serious.

When she arrived at the gate of Tianyu College, Peggy Isher suddenly thought of something, and she asked, "Teacher, did you bring a lot of medicinal materials with you this time?".

When Yan Tielong heard Peggy Ischel's question, he reluctantly said that he did not know about the outbreak of yellow water bean disease in Dishi City, Shuqi. In addition, this time it was time for potential members to come to the city for further study, so he did not bring much medicinal materials. .

The most important thing is that the monopoly of medicinal materials in Shuqi Dixi City is even more serious than that of the Bostro Fortress. All the medicinal materials brought in last time were consumed by Tianyu Academy, otherwise Yan Tielong would have to sell at a low price and lose a lot of money, so this Once, Yan Tielong just brought some medicinal materials from the first floor of the ruins of the Xingyu God for his disciples to study.

Peggy Ischel was very disappointed to hear that the instructor did not bring any medicinal materials for the treatment of yellow water bean disease. After all, she and the principal of Tianyu College thought that Yan Tielong would bring a lot of medicinal materials for the treatment of yellow water bean disease.

Entering Tianyu Academy, Yan Tielong was directly taken by his disciples to the top floor of the Magic Tower, that is, the principal's room.

When he saw that Principal Danny Xiong Li had serious dark circles under his eyes, Yan Tielong couldn't help but ask him if he hadn't slept well for a few days?

When Principal Danny Xiong Li heard Yan Tielong's question, he replied angrily that he hadn't slept for three consecutive days.

Yan Tielong heard that the other party had not slept for three days, and he also knew that the other party had not slept for three consecutive days because of the yellow water bean disease.

Through his own disciple, Peggy Isher, he said that, without the authorization of Yan Tielong, the only treatment method for yellow water bean disease was Tianyu College, so the people went to Tianyu College to seek medical treatment. Principal Danny Xiong Li could not prevent the people from seeking medical treatment, so he Organize magician guards to protect pharmacists like Peggy Isher. After all, some people with bad intentions don't want Tianyu Academy to treat the people.

According to Peggy Isher herself, there have been five assassinations since Tianyu College was treating yellow water bean disease, and all of these five assassinations were aimed at Peggy Isher and other pharmacists who were already able to treat yellow water bean disease.

The five assassinations were all discovered and solved in advance by the guards led by Danny Xiongli, but the academy also paid the price of three senior magicians seriously injured and five intermediate magicians slightly injured. After all, those criminals are good at lurking and assassinating. master. First release https://https://

"Tie Long, thinking about it, you already know that this outbreak of yellow water bean disease is so severe that it was man-made. Now the entire Shuqi City, even a few hundred kilometers, is in serious shortage of medicinal materials. Hundreds of thousands of patients are in urgent need of treatment. I don't know. What can you do?" Danny Xiong asked with a serious look at Yan Tielong.

When Yan Tielong saw Principal Danny Xiong Li's serious face, he was lost in thought, after all, hundreds of thousands of lives were no joke.

"Principal Danny Xiong Li, I have two methods. The first plan is to change the formula for treating yellow water bean disease, and replace the currently very high-priced medicinal materials with low-medium-priced medicinal materials. The second plan is to go there through the teleportation array to buy medicinal materials. Rescue the people here, but both methods take time, and I prefer the second option, but I need to keep the teleportation a secret."

Hearing Yan Tielong's proposal, Danny Xiong pondered for a while. He thought the second solution was reliable. After all, even if the first solution changed the formula for treating yellow water bean disease, it would not change the monopoly of medicinal materials here. There is simply no way to spend money for treatment, and even if you buy medicinal materials, you will become bankrupt.

However, Principal Danny Xiong Li asked Yan Tielong how many medicinal herbs for yellow water bean disease could be obtained through the teleportation array? After all, if the number is small, there is no room for manipulation.

When Yan Tielong heard the principal's question, he thought about it a little and replied that he could get about 50,000 or 60,000 medicinal materials, and of course there may be more medicinal materials.

Principal Danny Xiong Li heard that Yan Tielong could get medicinal materials to treat 50,000 to 60,000 people.

Of course, treating the people is indeed a very important thing, but President Danny Xiong Li thought about how to use Yan Tielong's five or six medicinal materials to let medicinal herb monopoly merchants sell their hidden medicinal materials at a low price.

When Yan Tielong saw that Principal Danny Xiong Li was thinking, he didn't bother, but let the little Miss Turo Ruth drink a cup of black tea and snacks while waiting.

"Tielong, go and prepare the medicinal materials. I want to discuss with the governor and the people from Wangdu how to solve the yellow water bean disease epidemic." Principal Danny Xiong Li instructed Yan Tielong very seriously.

Yan Tielong said there was no problem, and in five days, he would bring the medicinal materials.

Danny Xiong Li heard that Yan Tielong needed five days. He frowned and asked Yan Tielong if he could reduce the time. After all, five days will kill many civilians, so if you save time, you can save more people~www.wuxiamtl .com~ Yan Tielong heard Principal Danny Xiong Li's question, he reluctantly said that it would take him a day and a half to get to Shiroo Village by the fastest time on a duck and camel beast. In addition, it would take two to three years for people to collect medicinal materials. Days, so five days can be said to be the limit of Yan Tielong's speed, after all, he said that he can't fly. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Principal Danny Xiong Li heard Yan Tielong said he couldn't fly, so he asked Yan Tielong, if he flew, would it mean that he could get 50,000 to 60,000 medicinal materials in three days?

Yan Tielong said that theoretically, it would take half a day to fly from Shuqi Dixi City to the destination, but it also depends on the flight speed. If the speed is fast, it can be reached in half an hour.

Yan Tielong, who had just finished speaking, suddenly thought of something, and looked forward to asking Danny Xiong Li if he wanted to give him flying alchemy equipment?

Principal Danny Xiong Li heard that Yan Tielong was looking forward to inquiring. He said that he would not waste magic power, and that the slow flying carpets and flying brooms were flashy things, and he said that those things were a waste of time.

When Yan Tielong heard the words of Principal Danny Xiong Li, he thought that there were many flying magic brooms and flying carpets in the treasure house on the 18th floor, so he had no choice but to ask how to fly to Roaring Lion Village.

Principal Danny Xiong Li said to the little secret beside him, "Turo Ruth, please send Iron Dragon."

Turo Ruth heard the words of Principal Danny Xiong Li, she nodded and opened the window, then chanted a magic spell, and then a horse with white wings appeared in the huge magic circle, also known as the Pegasus.


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