Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 574: : Leasing part of the territory of Baron Togo Bassin

At 10:00 on February 19, 1174 in Xingyu, Yan Tielong led the team to bid farewell to Baron Jayne Hailun. Of course, before Yan Tielong left, if Baron Jayne Hailun wanted to get rich and become a well-off, he had to build roads, reduce tolls, and ensure crossing human safety.

Regarding Yan Tielong's instructions, Baron Jayne Hailun still agreed. After all, because of safety, many merchants and caravans pass through his territory, so he assured Yan Tielong that the road would be well built.

In fact, Baron Jayne Seawheel will assure Yan Tielong that it is because he is not short of money now. After all, Yan Tielong gave him the hush fee, and the Istuglass Chamber of Commerce admits that the payment of a large amount of compensation is enough for Baron Jayne Seawheel to pass. to a wealthy aristocratic life.

"Boy, you took those captives and took care of their food and drink, why didn't you hand them over to the baron?" Yan Tielong, who drove the ducks and camels from Borong Muya, asked about the fifty captives in the last six carriages.

Hearing Senior Sister's question, Yan Tielong directly said it was to make money.

When Bo Rong Muya heard Yan Tielong's words, she muttered in a disdainful tone, "How much can a human trafficker make?".

Yan Tielong heard Senior Sister's disdainful muttering, and he just said that the most profitable industry right now is a lot of traffickers; like those captive men with healthy bodies, each of them can be sold for twenty gold coins, or even more.

However, those who are sold to the mines will not end well, but Yan Tielong has no intention of selling the fifty captives to the mines, and has previously made a verbal transaction with the Governor of Rosen.

Of course, because of the laws of the Feilong Kingdom, Yan Tielong has no right to traffic in human beings, but is a prisoner's labor reform movement procedure.

That is to say, Yan Tielong captured the criminals, he escorted the prisoners to the nobles or the official law enforcers to be convicted, and then traded them with time to punish them for their crimes.

King Feilong has a law which stipulates that criminals do not enjoy the rights of civilians during their sentence, and they can sell them like slaves. Therefore, nobles with mines like to spend money to buy these criminals for mining.

If the prisoner dares to resist, the employer who bought the prisoner does not need to take any responsibility even if the prisoner is killed on the spot, even if the prisoner is due tomorrow, there will be no problem.

Therefore, when the Bostro Fortress is capturing a large number of rebel nobles, those rebel nobles are sold to the mines, instead of being handed over to the governor of Buluo Saien to expand Guyu Town. Handed over to the step Rosen with almost no oil and water.

Of course, it is not a simple matter for nobles to hand over criminals. After all, there were nobles who arrested passing businessmen and framed criminals before selling them.

At noon, Yan Tielong and the others were having lunch at the castle of Baron Tugu Bakishen, a friend of Baron Jayne Hailun. For Baron Tugu Basshen, a new friend of Baron Jayne Hailun, Yan Tielong felt that the other party was different from traditional nobles, and he was more like a Businessmen like to measure things by value.

Of course, Tugu Basshen asked Yan Tielong to lead the convoy into his village, and inviting Yan Tielong to have lunch at his castle was not only a matter of trust, but also that he wanted to do business with Yan Tielong.

The business is about arms. Because of the recent riots by lawbreakers, Baron Tugu Basshen is a little worried that the equipment of the soldiers in his territory is not good enough. After all, the equipment such as wooden robberies, wooden bows, and wooden shields are equipped with patches to protect the citizens. Molecules may be a little underwhelming.

When Baron Tugubassin's armed strength is so poor, it is related to the previous generation of barons, because Baron Tugubassin's father Tugulan Laki is a very strange person. The title and territory were improperly wagered. Even his own son, Baron Tugubassian, was taken as a bet by him to lose to a merchant as a servant. This also led to Baron Tugubassian being like a businessman and not a nobleman. At the same time, this piece of Tugu family territory is very poor.

Of course, Tugu Bassin was the baron's direct son, so the businessman who won Baron Tugu Lanlas was very kind to Tugu Bassin at first.

The merchant hoped that Baron Tugu Lanlas could redeem Tugu Bassin at a high price, but the businessman learned from his friends that Baron Tugu Lanlas continued to gamble with others, and the Tugu family’s property was getting less and less, even the territory Taxes have been lost for fifty years, and he seems to have forgotten the son of Tugu Bassin.

In order to get compensation, the merchant directly made the young man Basshin serve as a servant to his three daughters.

Since the businessman is a wealthy and stingy person, he asked a tutor to teach his three young daughters, hoping that they would grow up to be regarded as noble ladies by the nobles, so that he could earn more money, which also made Tutu Gubasshen has learned a lot of knowledge.

A few years later, the businessman was worried that his daughter would be harmed by Tugubasshen, so Tugubassin became a commercial apprentice to make money for the businessman.

Because Tugu Basshen was born with agility and business intuition, he quickly made a lot of money for businessmen, and he also knew that he had such a wonderful aristocratic father.

A few years later, Baron Tugulanlas became ill, so he announced that his own son would soon return to him to inherit the territory.

Knowing that his own father recruited him to inherit the title and territory, Tugu Basshen was very excited to run away, but was caught by the merchant.

Originally, Tugu Basshen thought he was doomed. After all, he hated the businessman who had been exploiting him. However, the businessman gave him two choices. The first was to marry his daughter and become the new owner of the Tugu family, and the second was to go to the underworld. report.

Tugu Basshen had no choice but to marry the daughter of a merchant.

It was just that the merchant and Tugubassin did not expect that it was the merchant's daughters that Tugubassin was the first heir to the baron, and they all wanted to marry Tugubassin.

You must know that it is too difficult for a commoner to become a nobleman's wife. After all, aristocratic marriages are political marriages. Noble lovers and continuation wives can be commoners, but nobles' main wives must be nobles' daughters.

Under the threat of their daughters' lives, the merchant directly packaged the three daughters to Tugu Basshen, but Tugu Basshen also paid for the monopoly of the territorial grain and wine trading, which means that all the ingredients and drinks that Yan Tielong bought yesterday From the father-in-law of Baron Togobastian, who himself did not receive a single copper coin

After Tugubassin inherited the baron seat, because his father gambled away the land rent tax, Baron Tugubassin only collects tolls for some merchants and caravans. After all, many businessmen pass by the territory for free because of his father's relationship. .

Baron Tugubasshen felt that he was forced to inherit the baron, but he was poor, so he wanted to organize a caravan to run business to make money, but he found that his armed forces were really worrying about his own safety, so he I want to strengthen my defense force.

And Baron Tugu Basshen met Baron Jayne at a banquet of other nobles, and he found that Baron Jayne's armed guards were not only very well equipped, but also that those armed forces were full of energy No better than those veterans from the Legion, so he used his communication skills to communicate with Baron Jayne Sea Wheel.

Baron Tugu Basshen learned from the other party that the other party was also very poor before, and that the equipment worn by the elite soldiers of the legion was exchanged for the lease of the territory, so he also came up with this idea, After all, except for the land in the village, his territory cannot be used, and he has the right to use other land.

After learning about Baron Tugu Basshen's request to use his land lease in exchange for equipment, Yan Tielong agreed after careful consideration, but he also made several requests, that is, the leased land he passed, Baron Tugu Basshen could not ask him Charge any fee, of course other merchants and caravans pass by him to lease land, he can charge tolls. First release https://https://

When Baron Tugu Basshen heard Yan Tielong's request, he did not agree to Yan Tielong's request immediately, but considered his own gains and losses.

After Baron Tugu Basshen thought it through, he took out the blueprint of his own territory and asked Yan Tielong which piece of land he wanted to lease.

On the map of the Tugu family's territory, Yan Tielong drew a small hill of nearly 50 acres of land not far from the territory of Baron Jayne Hailun.

Baron Tugu Basshen frowned at the leased territory drawn by Yan Tielong After all, the place Yan Tielong painted belonged to fertile fields, which was completely different from what he imagined, and the change that day was not under his control within the range.

Yan Tielong heard that a large piece of land painted by Baron Tugu Basshen did not belong to the Tugu family, so he thought about it and proposed that he pay Baron Tugu Basshen to recover the land and lease it to him.

In fact, Yan Tielong did not want to plant a small hill, but planned to build a business road. After all, the Tugu family's territory is very well located. After all, there is a territory to the west that is the Postro Fortress. You can also go north. If you can go east, you can also go south to this important and important place. If you develop a little bit, you can make a fortune by collecting tolls.

Regarding the leased territory that Yan Tielong painted, Baron Tugu Basshen agreed after careful consideration, but he asked Yan Tielong to send an instructor to help his militiamen train, otherwise even if he had equipment, he would not be able to clean up the robbers' cannon fodder.

Yan Tielong agreed to Baron Tugu Basshen's request after a little thought, so they began to sign a contract.

After signing the contract, Yan Tielong gave the weapons seized from fifty criminals yesterday to Baron Tugu Basshen as a gift. Of course, more than fifty weapons were definitely made of iron, but the quality of Yan Tielong's eyes It's full of worthless and inferior goods, even Baron Jayne Seawheel can't look down on it. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Baron Tugu Basshen was very happy for Yan Tielong to meet him. After all, the equipment of his armed forces finally did not lose to the robbers.


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