Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 61: : 1 Something in Howling Tavern

"Tielong, remember not to cause trouble here!" After Yan Tielong drove the carriage to the Yehuo Hotel, Qi Limis got off the carriage and instructed Yan Tielong with a serious expression, and then she walked towards the street in the other direction.

"Kemidis, Ostero, ride Miloan, do we want to go have a drink with me?" Yan Tielong and the others were ready when the Yehuo Hotel was ready, and Yan Tielong suggested to his companions in the same room.

"Okay! Tielong, I haven't had a drink all afternoon, and I feel very uncomfortable." When Kemedis heard Yan Tielong's words, he agreed with Yan Tielong's proposal.

"Captain, if you treat me, I'll go." Qi Mi Luoan heard that Kemedis agreed with Yan Tielong's proposal, he said.

"Riding Mi Luo'an, please drink ale, would you like to go?" Yan Tielong asked directly.

"Captain, just have some ale to drink!" Qi Mi Luoan agreed.

"Ospyne, how about you?" Yan Tielong asked the last person.

"Captain, I'm a little uncomfortable, you all go!" Ospine responded to Yan Tielong a little tired.

"Ospine, then you can rest well." Yan Tielong saw Ospine's expression a little depressed, so he asked Ospine to take a good rest.

In the Howling Tavern, Yan Tielong and Ospyne were clinking glasses and drinking ale and punching, while Kemedis, who was sitting on the side, smiled and watched them drinking his own wine.

"Hey, Soilke, did you know! That brother of mine successfully joined the mercenary group of the Tooth Tigers." A middle-aged man dressed as a farmer at the table behind Yan Tielong said to his companions with excitement in his tone.

"Oh, Lisi Dili, congratulations to you!" Soyilke congratulated his companions.

"Haha, that stinky boy finally has a job, and I'm relieved." Lisi Dili took a sip of ale and smiled.

"Lisidili, I heard that the mercenary group of the Tooth Tigers that your brother Lisikorn joined is really good, but they charge 50% of the quest, isn't it too high?" asked.

"Hehe, that's what you don't know. The 50% of the quest is for the mercenary group to maintain equipment for future mercenary members, receive medical treatment for injuries, and receive a good pension after retirement.

This is what a large mercenary group should do. They don't care about the future for those small mercenary groups. Those guys take a very low commission to attract people to join their mercenary group.

When those uninformed newcomers join those mercenary groups, their weapons will be damaged or injured in the future, and those mercenary group leaders will not help them repair and treat them at all. At that time, many of them will be disliked.

Besides, those small mercenary groups received very few tasks, and sometimes in order to complete the only task, they often put themselves in a very dangerous situation. The regiment suffered heavy casualties.

It is different to join the mercenary corps of the Tooth Tigers. Their mercenary corps has a good reputation and has a large number of commissioned tasks. They can choose the tasks within their own abilities to complete, which is safe and secure. If such a mercenary group does not join, then It's a fool. "Lisi Dili heard that his companions were dissatisfied with the 50% commission fee charged by the Tooth Tiger, but he explained to his companions with a smile.

"Lisi Dili, listen to what you say, I think of the end of the night merchant mercenary group that was disbanded a few days ago!" Soylk heard his companion's explanation, and he remembered that there was some sensation in the Postro Fortress a few days ago. A momentary thing.

"Night Mercenary Corps! I remember that this mercenary regiment was established half a year ago, and I also heard that this mercenary regiment had more than 300 members a month ago, and it should be very promising. How could they disband?" K asked in surprise when he heard Lisi Dili say that the night merchant mercenary group was disbanded.

"Soylk, do you remember how the Night Mercenary Corps developed so many members?" Lisidili heard Soylk's words, he didn't answer Soylk's question but asked.

"Of course I remember, I remember the head of the night merchant mercenary regiment. He used to be a businessman. He used 15% of the mercenary quest to attract some newcomers who didn't understand anything. I don't know what means he used. The scale of more than 300 members developed in less than half a year.

I just didn't expect that since they would disband, it's really surprising! ' Soylk recalled.

"Hehe, it's no surprise, the Yeshang Mercenary Corps has developed so rapidly that three medium-sized mercenary regiments, the Sword Cat Mercenary Corps, the Green Eagle Mercenary Corps, and the Lijia Mercenary Corps, declared war with the Yeshang Mercenary Corps a month ago! He was willing to give up after four or five games a day. As a result, more than half of the prisons in the Postro Fortress are now members of these four mercenary regiments.

The three mercenary groups fought one mercenary group until half a month later, and the high-level nobles of the Bostro Fortress noticed that the security of the Bostro Fortress had become worse, and they sent people to notify the heads of the four mercenary regiments. , let them settle things outside. If they heard the four mercenary group members fighting and making trouble in the fortress, they would directly send troops to destroy them, and then the four mercenary groups would settle down.

The night merchant mercenary group was not destroyed in this mercenary group's siege, but the houses and items they damaged before and the compensation for the failure of the mission due to the relationship between the three mercenary groups cost them a lot of money. The head of the Tianye Mercenary Corps, who was unable to pay the compensation for the failure of the mission, was imprisoned, which directly led to the disbandment of the Yeshang Mercenary Corps.

If the head of the night merchant mercenary regiment charged thirty to forty percent of the commission, maybe their mercenary regiment would be fine. "Lisidili told that the night merchant mercenary group was surrounded and suppressed by three mercenary groups and survived. Unfortunately, it was finally disbanded because it could not pay the liquidated damages for the failure of the mission, and finally said with emotion.

"The head of the night merchant mercenary regiment only takes 15% of the mercenary rake, and he can achieve this level in the fiercely competitive Postro Fortress, which is considered amazing, but unfortunately this night merchant mercenary regiment Long, it's really stupid in terms of strategy, and it's stupid to use one against three.

However, you should really consider the commission for the task of supporting troops. You can't divide all the money evenly if you complete the task together as you do now.

Well~ After returning to the hotel, I have to discuss it with Ospene and Qi Miluoan! "Yan Tielong heard the information about the Yeshang Mercenary Corps behind him. He first commented on the head of the Yeshang Mercenary Corps, and then began to consider the matter of his own mercenary regiment's quest.

"Captain, what's the matter with you?" Qi Mi Luoan asked when he saw that Yan Tielong had been raising his glass without drinking.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just thinking about something." Yan Tielong came to his senses, he put down the wine glass and said to Mi Luo An.

"Qimi Luoan, do you think those guys are members of the Shanhong mercenary group you blocked last time?" Yan Tielong suddenly noticed a few mercenaries, and he found that those mercenaries were conflicting with Qi Mi Luoan. In the Shanhong Mercenary Corps, Yan Tielong rode Mi Luoan and asked.

"Humph! These little people!" When Qi Mi Luoan heard Yan Tielong's words, he looked in the direction of Yan Tielong's eyes. When he found out how many people he had beaten last time, he snorted coldly.

"Chimiluoan, you don't want to cause trouble here. Now the Bostro Fortress is under strict law. If you have a conflict with them, you are likely to be arrested by the patrolling soldiers and put in prison." The expression was wrong, he reminded.

"Uncle Kemedis, don't worry, as long as they don't come to provoke me, I will be patient." Chi Miloan heard Kemedis' reminder, he said.

And one of the members of the Shanhong mercenary group who was wandering in the tavern noticed Qi Mi Luoan, and he hurriedly reported to his companions. When several other Shanhong mercenary members also noticed Qi Mi Luoan when the member reminded him just now install.

Those Shanhong mercenary members did not come forward to look for Qi Mi Luoan for trouble. Instead, one member hurried out of the tavern, and the other Shanhong mercenary members found the table and stared at Qi Mi Luoan.

"Kemidis, please find someone to take us out of prison." Yan Tielong got up and sat beside Kemedis, he whispered to Kemedis.

"Hey, I see, looking at the appearance of those Shanhong mercenaries, I know they won't let Miluoan go." Kemedis sighed and said helplessly.

"There's no other way. After all, Qi Mi Luo'an is now a member of my mercenary group. If you trouble him, as the head of the regiment, you can't leave him alone!" Yan Tielong looked at Qi Mi Luo'an and stared at the Shanhong mercenary group. He said without paying attention to his own conversation.

"Hehe, then I'm going to drink elsewhere. I don't want to be affected, but no one will save you." Kemedis got up after he finished speaking.

"The two of you will leave me with the task." Kemedis said aloud and walked to the counter.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, we will make sure to complete the mission!" Yan Tielong assured Kemidis loudly.

"Captain, what's going on? I don't remember what mission we took on Kemedis?" When Mi Luoan heard Kemedis' voice and Yan Tielong's assurance, UU read www.uukanshu. com He recovered and asked suspiciously.

"Oh, Uncle Kemedis, he is now us. After the conflict, if we all go to prison, Uncle Kemedis will come and rescue us from prison. If even Uncle Kemedis enters with us. That place will become very troublesome." Yan Tielong smiled and picked up the glass.

"That's fine, if Uncle Kemedis has an accident because of us, then I'll feel bad about it.

By the way, if the head of the regiment meets the head of the Shanhong mercenary regiment later, I hope you don't take action. When Qi Mi Luoan heard Yan Tielong's words, he seemed to understand something and said to Yan Tielong at the same time.

At the same time, Ospene suddenly opened his eyes while resting in the hotel. He jumped out of the window on the second floor and went directly to the street.

Ospine looked up and noticed that a black-robed man on the street was walking in a dead end, and Ospine quickly followed. When Ospine entered the dead-end, he saw that the black-robed man seemed to be waiting for him on purpose. Same.

"Who are you, why did I come here after the commander and the others left?" Ospine looked at the man in black and asked.

"Confused people, a new era has come, you will gather new strength, return to your hometown, and regain what belongs to you. When you get what belongs to you, it is just the beginning, and new choices will also be made. Appear." The man in black robe did not speak, but his voice sounded in Ospine's heart.

"Well! What do you mean?" Ospine asked directly, but he saw the black-robed man slowly become transparent, and then disappeared without a trace.

Ospine looked at the empty dead end in front of him, he thought about it every day, and then walked back to the hotel.

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