StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

It’s on the shelves, let’s say 133 sentences

Now available! Let’s start with a group number, 560573327. Everyone is welcome to join!

Let me make two points.

First, about fees.

Brothers who want free money, I'm really sorry. Writing a book of 300,000 words depends on interest, but 3 million words require income to sustain it.

I type 9,000 to 10,000 words a day, which takes three to four hours a day.

I gave up lol, threw away King of Glory, stopped going in and out of Internet cafes and movie theaters, just to write the stories in my heart, every day!

I usually have to work. In addition to eight hours of work, seven hours of sleep, commuting to and from work, eating, sleeping, playing Doudou, um, going to the toilet, most of the rest of the time is spent coding and designing plots.

As a newbie, I still have a lot of shortcomings, but I think the benefits for an author are the greatest recognition from readers!

Second, about this book.

So far, the book has reached 350,000 words. Thank you to my brothers for their support. "Guangyu Star", "*Still.:'s @time!!!", "I declare", "Liang Xiaoxiao", "Stars in the sky", "Blood Moon Red Dust", "Forgotten", " Cigarettes filled the lungs", "Abuse me a thousand times and I will take you like my first love", "Zhang Hao", "Xiaoqi from Heaven", "Langhua", "Single", "Fengxuan", "God", "Ye" …

Thank you all for your support! "Quick! Ye Meng, kowtow to the master!"

Every day when I hear the "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding" of my cell phone's tip, my whole body feels like I've been given a shot of chicken blood.

At the very least, it shows that the novel is not only read, but also recognized by the brothers.

Third, about the plot. "Hey, my emperor, didn't you tell me two things?"

In terms of plot, we are about to usher in the era of big bang interstellar war.

In this era, the Zerg's basic combat units, such as velociraptors and hydralisks... will begin a journey of continuous evolution, and a variety of interstellar battleships and colorful life cultures will soon appear.

There are indeed a lot of female protagonists in this book, about four to six. I will try my best to write down their different personalities. Behind every successful man, he hopes to have a group of women who support him... If you don't like it, Brothers, you can skip it, it’s no problem, you don’t like women, Ye Luo will lead you to conquer the country.

Regarding the plot, everyone is welcome to speak freely. Your good advice may very well change the protagonist's life trajectory!

Okay, not much to say, in short, thank you all for your support in the past, thank you to the editor "Latiao", thank you to the Genesis platform for giving us readers the opportunity, and our favorite game editorial department, haha, I hope this book The follow-up story will not disappoint everyone's expectations.

Um, I want to say one last thing, damn, when I was going to work in front of the school in the morning, an uncle in his sixties or seventies was walking back after sending his children off. As he was walking, he suddenly turned around and stopped walking. I braked suddenly and tried to avoid him, but in the end, I stumbled, and when I looked back, I saw that the uncle still fell... What a tragedy. Fortunately, the uncle didn't blackmail him, so he bandaged him up. He was in a hurry to go to work, and gave the old man a checkup with the only 300 yuan he had on him. Now The test results are not out yet, I hope nothing happens! Bless, bless, bless! 010

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