StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 181 Directed and acted by oneself - both losers

The turtle shell of the Luoming was torn open, and the huge cruiser was like a yellow-flowered girl with her clothes lifted, exposed in front of the sturdy man of the Zerg. At this moment, there was no need for destroyers to attack. The flying dragons and flying snakes of the Zerg were , Brood Lord, and Fluorescent Baneling Bugs all began to consciously attack the Roaring Horn.

Edward's face was solemn. The difficulty of the war was beyond his expectation. On the screen on his right, orange dots representing human fighters, red dots representing bombers, and green dots representing mecha warriors were all there. Disappeared rapidly.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang..." Luoming's secondary guns were bombarding crazily. The shells of Luoming's secondary guns were not thermal weapons, but heavy-duty armor-piercing projectiles. These armor-piercing projectiles faced warships without shields. In front of enemy aircraft, laser beams are more effective than thermal weapons.

Edward obviously has a group of excellent gunners, and the secondary gun attack is crazy, and the damage caused is not much less than that of a fighter jet!

The fighter's cannon did not have a two- or three-second burst of fire, and the Blade-Arm Alien and the Flying Snake could not be killed instantly. However, when hit by an armor-piercing bullet, the armor-piercing bullet instantly pierced the Zerg's skin and armor and penetrated into their bodies. 03 After a delay of seconds, the bug was blown to pieces directly from inside the wound.

"Boom!" Something that the human camp is happy about is that the Joanna performed exceptionally this time. The energy fired from its two main guns accurately hit a Zerg destroyer, causing the opponent to reduce its numbers again!

The battle lasted only an hour. Three Zerg destroyers had been lost, two-thirds of the Blade-arm Mutalisks had been lost, and half of the Flying Serpents had been lost. The Brood Lords were almost completely wiped out, and the Fluorescent Banelings were rarely seen again.

On the entire battlefield, either human fighter jets were biting the Blade-Arm Alien or the Flying Snake, madly venting metal storms, or the Blade-Arm Alien and Flying Shooter were chasing the fighter jets all over the sky, just like an ancient small weapon on earth. A game in the Bawang Learning Machine, Pac-Doud...

The Zerg are running out of options!

This is what Edward firmly believes, because he finally saw the powerful Zerg warriors, dozens of them up to level 11, and one Zerg leader up to level 12.

They were fighting against the mecha warriors who were killing the blade-armed alien dragons.

These Zerg heroes are an important part of the intelligence exposed by Wilbur.

The heroes of the Zerg are all mobilized. Is this battle still far from victory?

The Luo Ming, under the command of Edward, consciously approached the Joanna. Obviously, he was planning to use the Joanna as a shield for himself.

As an ally of Kemalena, the Joanna was extremely generous. It cooperated with the launch of the Luo Ming and used its own energy shield to block half of the firepower for the Luo Ming. Moreover, Joanna's secondary guns focused on attacking those rushing towards the Luo Ming. The bugs that chirp greatly reduce the pressure on the horn.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Suddenly, a Zerg warship exploded crazily, making Edward and Darnell feel happy.

"Who is it?" Edward's surprised voice was simple and rough.

"Commander Edward, yes, it's Captain Sproul. He, he rushed towards the Zerg warship with three cluster bombs. He, he..." The reply in the channel kept sobbing.

Edward's eyes instantly turned red again, and he blinked hard to prevent his tears from falling, "Listen, Sparrow is a hero. He used his actions to fulfill his beliefs, and I I believe that under the leadership of a hero, there must be no cowards. Luoming First Bombing Team, tell me, will you use your own actions to defend the honor that Sproul created for you?"

This question shocked Daniel who was far outside.



"No!" The soldiers answered decisively and sonorously.

"Whoosh..." In an instant, under the cover of fighter jets, more than thirty bombers rushed towards another Zerg warship with the last bomb in their respective fighters.

"Hoar, ho, ho..." The blade-armed dragon went crazy. The remaining blade-armed dragons and flying snakes flew frantically towards the bombers, regardless of the fighter jets around them, blocking them from approaching their destroyers.

"Boom..." The cluster bomb was detonated in the air, blowing away a large number of flying dragons and flying snakes surrounding it. Then, two bombers rushed through the flames and slammed into a Zerg warship.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The fifth Zerg destroyer was destroyed!

There were silent tears in Edward's eyes. His fists were clenched and his nails dug deeply into his palms.

He had no choice but to fight now. The fighter jets had already run out of missiles, and the heavy bombs carried by the bombers were also exhausted. Each bomber would carry a cluster bomb in the center of the fuselage. This bomb was called "Glory" "Bomb", however, this glorious bomb was not used to prevent them from being captured when they were surrounded, but to allow them to die together with the enemy when they ran out of ammunition and food and were surrounded.

Of the six Zerg warships, five were destroyed and the remaining one finally began to retreat. The remaining Zerg swarms frantically attacked the bombers, fighter jets, and mecha warriors around them, and the warship was speeding toward the depths of the universe!

"The Luo Ming is moving forward at full speed. If we catch up with them, we must not give them a chance to breathe!" Having seen the super fighting power of the Zerg, Edward vowed that he will never give the Zerg a chance to come back. These terrible bugs themselves are Comparable to the existence of fighter jets and bombers, for this naturally fighting race, only destruction can prevent them from threatening the survival of mankind.

The Zerg destroyer fled first, followed closely by the Joanna and the Luo Ming. The Joanna's main gun was already aimed at the Zerg destroyer's propeller. As long as it is fully charged, the Zerg warship can be completely annihilated here. !

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Two giant ferries suddenly appeared from a distance and then disappeared.

Seeing these giant Gouchi fish, Edward knew that the soldiers they ferried in invisiblely were in greater danger.

Edward turned his head suddenly. On the monitoring screen of the Luoming, two steel destroyers had actually aimed their main guns at the Luoming.

"Boom!" Two beams of blue energy were aimed at the bridge of the Luoming!

"Damn it, this is our battleship, the one we sold to the Bugas civilization!!!" This was Edward's last thought. Find bookstore wzhaohyaco

The two destroyers that were captured by ship-seizing tactics in the asteroid belt became the last straw to overwhelm the Luoming.

Due to the cover of the ferryman, they suddenly appeared on the other side of the battlefield. The Joanna and the Luoming were walking side by side in the pursuit. Therefore, even if the Joanna wanted to block the bullets for the Luoming at this moment, it was too late.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

There were two explosions.

One group was the cruiser Luoming. After withstanding the continuous bombardment of more than ten guns from the destroyer, it finally exploded. The other group was the escaping Zerg destroyer. The Joanna was unable to rescue the Luoming, but it completed the final task. The charge provided a backing for the Luoming Horn.

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