StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 186 2 Exploring Kamodo (1)

The teleportation array flashed continuously, and everyone returned to Likas Palace. When they returned here, they discovered that they had only been in the passage for half a day, but a full five days had passed outside.

In the insect nest behind Likas Palace, Ye Luo and a dozen other Ye family brothers sat in a circle, their spiritual power emitted from the simulated insects. Ye Meng stood up first, with a look of reluctance. "My Emperor, let's use our body to fight back now, and we guarantee that we will clear the level directly!"

Ye Luo glanced at Ye Meng and said, "Go back, are you the one who made the Zerg so powerful? Everyone, go back and rest. We will explore the passage again tomorrow morning."

As soon as Ye Meng and others dispersed, Ye Luo began to summon the Hydralisk research hero!

An hour later, a big guy that was obviously taller than the average hydralisks and had an extremely bloated body appeared in front of Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was surprised.

This was the first time that he had seen a Zerg unit appear directly in Zerg form.

The Hydralisk research hero's answer is also very straightforward. He really doesn't like the weak and ugly body of humans, and he likes to wag his tail when researching Hydralisk technology. This behavior is like when humans are thinking about problems. Likes to bite the pen barrel.

Ye Luo shrugged and let him go. The original human form of the Zerg hero was the Zerg Nest. In order to make Ye Luo accept the Zerg faster, the Zerg Nest succeeded. Although Ye Luo thought the human form was pretty good-looking, but seeing the streamlined Ye Luo's heartfelt appreciation for swift insects and tall and mighty thunder beasts always proves that Ye Luo's aesthetics have changed.

Ye Luo originally wanted to give the Hydralisk research hero a loud name, but the big guy declined, "My emperor, the name is just a code name. Why don't you just call me Hydralisk No. 1. It's simple, easy to remember and direct." Identify themselves……"

Ye Luo agreed again. His several nods today made Ye Luo feel that he was a very democratic person. This discovery made him very proud of himself.

The emergence of Hydralisk One directly provided Ye Luo with two technological upgrades of Hydralisk, one, doubling the range, and two, exploding bone spurs.

The new Hydralisk evolved from the insect nest. It was two feet taller, reaching a height of two and a half meters. The muscles on its body were more angular, especially its green pupils, which were full of cold killing intent.

Ye Luo pointed to a big tree far away from the insect nest, "Attack!"

The big tree was extremely far away from the insect nest. Even with Ye Luo's vision that had been strengthened several times, he could only see an outline. This distance was far beyond the attack range of the first-level hydralisks. However, under Ye Luo's order, the thorn snake The pupils of the snake's eyes slowly narrowed, as if it was searching for a target to take aim. Then, the hydralisks' muscles began to shake at a very small amplitude but at an ultra-fast frequency. Five seconds later, there was a scream of "whoosh..." and Ye Luo fell. I only saw a black shadow flashing past, and the trees in the distance exploded with a bang. Broken limbs and fallen leaves were scattered everywhere by the explosion. In the entire ten-meter-high giant tree, there was no one that was as long as a month. A complete branch of more than 1 meter!

Through the sight of the Sky King Insect, Ye Luo slowed down the image of the attack and saw the one-meter-long bone spurs of the hydralisk flying more than three or four times faster than before. The bone spurs hit the trees and were as hard as The steel trunk was directly pierced. According to the impact, the bone spur should have penetrated out. However, when the center of the bone spur passed the trunk, it exploded. The strong airflow and sputtering acid pushed the entire tree from the trunk position. It was torn apart directly and turned into fragments all over the sky.

Ye Luo's evaluation of this upgrade was in four words, "Changing a shotgun with a cannon!"

The attack power of the first-level Hydralisk is almost the same as that of an archer. Well, if I had to point out the difference, it would be that the Hydralisk's attack is farther and more powerful than that of an ordinary archer. But now, Hydralisk has completed the transformation from archer to artillery! The explosive acid contained in the bone spurs is the racial ability of the second-level Hydralisk. Of course, this ability will change again when the Hydralisk advances to the third level.

The explosion attracted a crowd of brothers, but they were quickly dispersed by Ye Luo. If you want to see the Hydralisk's performance, just wait until dawn...

The night passed quickly.

At dawn the next day, the sky was slightly bright, and the Ye family brothers gathered here. This time, what was about to enter the passage of Dracula's civilization was the endless Zerg army behind them.

Ye Luo didn't know how many warriors those stone statues could distinguish, but he knew one thing very clearly, that is, any attempt to compete with the Zerg in numbers would be shooting oneself in the foot.

"Boom, boom, boom..." In the passage, the violent aura shook crazily. The Hydralisk team rushed forward this time. As soon as they entered the passage, they started long-range bombing on the stone statues on both sides of the passage. The Void Corruptors spat out mouthfuls to lower their defenses. of acid, and then hundreds of hydralisks, like hundreds of missile launchers, bombarded the stone statue with bone spurs, exploding crazily.

The stone statues were blinded by this unruly fighting method. Under the attack of corrosive acid and exploding bone spurs, more than thirty statues were destroyed in one minute.

This kind of cluster bombing was immediately met with a frantic counterattack by the remaining stone statues a minute later. Shadows flew out from the stone statues, then turned into reality, and rushed towards the Hydralisk with weapons raised.

However, as soon as they rushed out of the two units, they were blocked by a crazy swarm of swift insects.

The entire passage was crowded with velociraptors and stone statues. The biggest advantage of velociraptors, speed, could not be used here at all. On the contrary, the stone statues had high defense and high attack. They killed hundreds of velociraptors in ten seconds. , and the stones that hundreds of raptors gnawed from the stone statue were piled together to the size of a fist.

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo simply thought hard. The velociraptors no longer attacked, but frantically pestered the stone statue. Then, the void corruptors continued to spit out corrosive acid, hydralisks, and banelings, attacking indiscriminately!

"Boom, boom, boom..." The addition of banelings made the Hydralisk's attack even more violent.

The entire passage was constantly vibrating under the endless bombardment, which made Ye Luo worried for a while whether their attack would cause the passage to collapse.

With such a firepower attack, look for Shuyuan wzhoshyan.c. The stone statue finally could no longer hold on. Although the destroyed stone warriors would continue to be summoned by the stone statues on both sides, as long as the banelings took a step forward, countless banelings would rush towards them on both sides. stone statue.

Under the crazy attack of the Zerg troops, the "mine clearance" work was carried out slowly but surely.

More than 300 stone statues, after half an hour of cleaning, were all reduced to pieces!

Ye Luo and others, on the other hand, became completely bystanders of the battle.

"My Emperor, in this battle we lost a total of 7,192 Velociraptors and 10,03 Fluorescent Banelings!" Ye Wan's analytical skills made Ye Luo feel more and more abnormal.

Ye Luo looked at the passage with an expressionless face. This amount was absolutely a drop in the bucket for today's Zerg race, and it was not a waste for the fourth-level Teruob resource planet at the end of the passage. "Continue!"

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