StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 323 Battle with Aliens

"Boom..." The pontoon bridge had just connected the two banks of the Yellow Spring River, and the alien came out faster than the velociraptor. The velociraptor ran on all fours when running quickly, but the alien relied on its two thick hind legs! The three pontoon bridges are quite wide, each with a height of fifteen meters. Even thunder beasts can pass through freely. However, in front of the overwhelming velociraptors and alien army, these three pontoon bridges are no different from three single-plank bridges!

At the moment when the first velociraptor collided with the first alien, the power of the velociraptor's limbs finally surpassed the alien. The velociraptor jumped into the air, just like a predatory cheetah, with its two forelimbs pressing on the alien's shoulders. The sharp claws penetrated deeply into the alien's shoulders and chest, and threw the alien to the ground with great force. The sharp blades behind the velociraptor passed over its head, stabbing towards the alien's head like two spears. Who knew that although the alien had lost a move, it didn't mean that he had no power to fight back. At close range, he suddenly opened his mouth, and the inner teeth deep in the mouth thrust out and retracted "Whoosh!" Looking at the Velociraptor again, there is a wound as thick as two thumbs running through the entire head from the center of the eyebrow to the back of the head!

After killing the target, the alien did not immediately push the Velociraptor's body away. He opened his mouth and the inner nest teeth popped out again. However, this time, the inner nest teeth were covered with a layer of white-brown stuff, and the inner nest teeth shot into the Velociraptor. The insect's neck was shot directly to break the cervical vertebrae! Then, the two forelimbs of the alien pushed the body of the raptor away and continued to kill towards the army.

Velociraptors and aliens each have their own characteristics. The speed of velociraptors is almost the same as that of aliens. Even if it is a little faster, the speed is still limited. The two arthropod blades of velociraptors can kill a large number of aliens as long as they maintain a distance. , the aliens at medium and long distances are not the opponent of the velociraptor, but as long as the alien approaches the velociraptor and shoots out the inner teeth in the mouth, the velociraptor will have no choice but to die. The hard skull of the velociraptor is fragile under the attack of the inner teeth. It's no different than a piece of paper.

The fighting between the two sides was very fierce. Many corpses were left on the pontoon, but more of them fell into the Huangquan River next to it. However, Ye Wan soon discovered an interesting thing, the corpses left on the pontoon. , nine of the ten were from the Zerg race, and the remaining one was an alien. This obviously could not be a coincidence, but a deliberate move by the alien. Upon discovering these, Ye Wan immediately stepped up his observation and immediately discovered that the alien was heading toward It shows the scene of using the inner nest teeth to "attack" the corpse twice.

However, this doubt was soon solved.

A minute later, the body of the first velociraptor died, and its belly suddenly swelled slowly but evenly. This phenomenon did not escape the sight of the powerful king worm. In the perspective of Ye Wan, the bulging belly bulged. After a minute, it was like a pregnant woman's belly, and then with a "bump!" sound, a thin alien jumped out of the Velociraptor's body. The small alien's figure was very different from the Velociraptor's bulging belly. Matching, the body was already more than one meter long when stretched out. As soon as the little alien appeared, it began to devour the corpse. While devouring, his body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Let's go, Ye Meng, it turns out that you velociraptors can still get pregnant. You really have to live and learn..." Ye Lei said with a serious look on his eyes.

Ye Meng rolled his eyes vigorously, "Go away, do you want me to give you some female velociraptors to play with?"

Ye Lei sneered and said something that almost made Ye Luo jump off the Flame Nightmare, "Just for fun? Can the rabbit hole hold a golden jade pillar?"

Ye Ye curled his lips at the two of them speechlessly, "My Emperor, this is why you like the aliens..."

Ye Luo nodded and said with a smile, "Injecting young eggs is only one of the reasons. Don't worry, the exciting things are yet to come!"

Under Ye Luo's instructions, the velociraptors retreated while fighting, leaving the pontoon bridge on the Yellow Spring River. The alien army came to the shore through the pontoon bridge, and the entire front line instantly stretched more than a hundred times!

At this time, the newly born little alien once again made Ye Luo and others grow their mouths. This guy hatched from the body of the velociraptor hatched in two minutes and entered the mature stage in three minutes. The mature stage His body shape is quite different from other aliens, but surprisingly similar to that of a velociraptor. While running, he also uses his four limbs, and at the same time, there are two arthropods and sharp claws sticking out from his back!

But what attracted Ye Luo's attention the most were the "personal guards" who rushed out from the Alien Queen! These aliens were roughly divided into two types, one type, numbering about a thousand, and their bodies were slender and stronger than ordinary ones. Fully doubled in size, they maintained their basic human form, but their hands did not have palms. Instead, various weapons grew directly from the wrists. One held a shield, another held a sword, and two held guns. There are also those holding whips in one hand. Although they are in human form, they still carry a long tail behind them.

The lethality of this kind of opposite sex is also good. Even if they don't come into contact with each other, Ye Luo won't be able to tell that the weapons in their hands are made of steel ore. Find Shuyuanwwwhaoshyan.omm or they really grow out of the body, but with In the battle of velociraptors, their weapons can kill several velociraptors and collide with the velociraptors' claws many times without breaking. The quality is also quite good.

The other type of alien is the long-range attack type. Their number is even smaller, only about five hundred. They stand at the back of the army and maintain the basic shape of the alien, but they have sprouts on their waists or shoulders. Their whole bodies were shaken by the sarcoma-like launch capsule. The launch capsule opened, and six blue balls drew an arc, flew across the fierce battle line, hit the velociraptors at the rear, and crackled into pieces. A ball of blue slurry! This slurry is actually more powerful than the corrosive acid of the Xenocorruptor. It is very similar to magma. Anyone sprayed by the blue slurry will be burned out with a big hole!

"This is a plasma cannon?" Ye Luo finally put some of the knowledge he learned in the interstellar network to use. "It seems that these aliens are not exactly the same as those in the movie. There are many more variables, but this is okay. The stronger their fighting ability, the more qualified they are to become a member of the Zerg tribe!”

The battle between the velociraptors and the alien army had lasted less than ten minutes, and the number of both sides had been reduced by at least one hundred thousand. The number of aliens was not originally large, but after their death, they could parasitize the target's corpse and seize the energy to hatch small aliens, allowing them to As long as the number of deaths is not less than that of the opponent, the battle can continue. On the contrary, if the number of velociraptors killed is more than that of the aliens, then the number of aliens will continue to fight! _xcxs

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