StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 343: Demon’s Attack-Secret Attack on Chen Cang

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, under the well in the Black Mountain, Ziyang frowned slightly and glanced at the huge well in the sky.

The sun is shining down from above the underground well. People in the fairy world like it very much. The violence, bloodthirsty, and cruelty of the demons are just like the beasts living in the ancient wasteland. They fight each other when they don't agree with each other. The winner eats the defeat at will. The body of the deceased...

In fact, they are completely different. The difference between immortals and demons does not lie in the skills at all, but in the human heart. If you have a good heart, you will be an immortal, and if you have a bad heart, you will be a demon. Ziyang is a human being, yes, it is the lower realm of the immortal world, Chitian One of the humans on the mainland, before the war between immortals and demons, was attracted by Zitian, a demon from Chitian Continent. Zitian and Ziyang saw through the hypocrisy and pretentiousness of the immortals. The immortals treated human beings like livestock, so they made a decisive decision. , and Zitian came to the devil world.

How many years have passed, and now he has become a demon sect (eighteenth level). However, when he thought that the power of the demon world was about to reach its peak, he was attacked head-on by the Zerg.

There are three major underground wells in the Heavenly Demon Realm. Under the underground wells is the Abyss of Ten Thousand Demons, which is almost as vast as the surface of the earth. There is a full kilometer distance between the Abyss of Ten Thousand Demons and the surface of the earth. In the middle, there is a layer of Zi Yao Stone mineral layer. Zi Yao Stone The mineral deposits are like pillars supporting the surface of the earth. The extremely hard mineral veins make underground wells the only entrance for surface creatures to enter the Abyss of Demons. And now, all the demons have completed the transfer from the surface to the Abyss of Demons. Near the three major underground wells , it also cost countless talents, treasures, manpower and material resources, and set up countless restrictions.

Ziyang's master, Zitian, is now one of the demon kings in the Heavenly Demon Realm. The only three remaining demon kings are ordered to lead 50,000 demon warriors each to guard the three underground wells. Therefore, Ziyang has also been entrusted with important tasks.

However, even though the colorful forbidden light looked reassuring, Ziyang's heart was heavy. When had the demons ever been so cowardly? Besides, what's the use of simply hiding here passively? The Zerg feed on the mineral veins. The longer the delay, the stronger the Zerg becomes...

"Ziyang Demon Sect..." Suddenly, a gentle call from behind interrupted Ziyang's meditation.

Ziyang knew who was coming behind him without looking back. Ziyun, Zitian's seventh son, had just reached the peak of the Demon King's strength. He and he had grown up together and were brothers. In this battle, Zitian also appointed him as his deputy. .

"Ziyun...have you discovered anything?"

"No! There were a few Zerg probing outside the underground well just now, but now there is no movement. However, the probing formations we left outside have also been removed one by one. I'm afraid the Zerg attack will not It's too far!" Ziyun said, taking out a jade pendant from his arms. He carefully rubbed it with his palms, his eyes full of friendship. Slowly, he raised his head, "Ziyang, promise. Something about me..."

Ziyang frowned slightly.

"If I unfortunately die this time, give this jade pendant back to Qingqing..."

Ziyang shook his head, stood up with a smile, and hugged Ziyun's shoulders, "What nonsense are you talking about? My brother, you will be fine..."

Ziyun smiled reluctantly.

However, Ziyang's heart became even heavier. At this time, it was like a giant meteorite pressed down from the underground well, pressing on his heart, making him feel suffocated! Although Ziyun is not as strong as him, he has been gifted with extraordinary talents since he was a child and has a strong premonition ability. Ziyun's current depression is definitely not a whim...

Ziyang looked at the top of the underground well. The light falling from the sky seemed to be extremely dim because of his mood...

No! wrong! This is not an illusion! The light above the underground well is blocked!

Ziyang's eyes widened instantly, and boundless demonic energy burst out from his body!

"All warriors, prepare for battle!!!" An angry shout continued to spread below the underground well. The dejected demon warriors around them immediately clenched the weapons in their hands.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped down from the top of the underground well. The black shadow was about two meters long and more than half the height of a man. It fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed!

"Buzz!" The underground well was a kilometer long, and the black shadow jumped down into the underground well to interrupt. In the second half, thousands of energy rays suddenly shot out from the walls of the underground well and into the other side! It's like a sniper net formed by infrared rays!

"Boom!" The black shadow hit the energy ray and fell down without any hindrance, but what fell down was already hundreds of pieces of flesh and blood! Everyone's eyes were focused on the flesh and blood that fell to the ground and stirred up a lot of dust and mist...

"Rumble..." Suddenly, an earthquake-like tremor was coming from above the well. The tremors went from weak to strong, as if thousands of troops were running down the edge of the well!

Ziyang held Xiao in his left hand and pointed his right hand towards the front. The exploration array set up at the end of the underground well immediately flickered, and in front of Ziyang, a ripple spread out. Among the ripples, thousands of swift insects were moving along the underground well. They were like spiders, completely ignoring the vertical height of the well, and their four hooves were running on the wall of the well, as if they were walking on flat ground!

Among the large number of velociraptors, there were also black lump-like armored cockroaches mixed in. Their movement speed was far slower than that of the velociraptors, so the velociraptors simply stepped over them...

Ziyang turned the jade Xiao in his left hand and shouted coldly, "The first team, strengthen the formation defense, the second team is on standby at any time, ready to activate the entrance formation!"

"Boom!" A thousand meters away, in the blink of an eye at the speed of the velociraptors, the front velociraptors once again collided with the ray-filled channel. They seemed to be going crazy, ignoring the threatening rays, and crashed headlong into the tunnel. Above, it was cut into hundreds of pieces!

The defense underneath the entire underground well was like a machine filled with big dumplings. The velociraptors flew down from above intact, and then were cut into pieces of flesh and blood and fell down!

The demon warriors below the terrain widened their eyes and looked for Shuyuan www. The flesh and blood falling from the sky was like hailstones, "hu la la la..." It didn't stop for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, the bottom of the terrain was piled into a hill of flesh and blood.

The strong smell of blood penetrated everyone's nose, and the splattered blood covered many soldiers. It was impossible to tell the parts of the fallen corpses. Even the tongues might have been cut into four or five pieces!

"Well..." Even the demons couldn't help but feel their stomachs churn in front of such a bloody and brutal scene...

The flesh and blood falling seemed to have no end. Ziyang was worried about whether the energy of the ray could be sustained. He gritted his teeth and issued an order, "Second Brigade, activate the entrance formation, the magma surges!"

At the upper end of the underground well, countless velociraptors have surrounded the water, and they are lining up and rushing down crazily. Suddenly, a black mist spreads from the top of the underground well, and the velociraptors outside jump into it, but they seem to have stepped on a somersault cloud. , unable to pass through the black mist!

As for the velociraptors in the underground well, without the constant support at the entrance, when the last one fell down, the ray array at the end suddenly got a breather..._xcxs

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