StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 654: Battle of Two Stars - Attacking in the East and Attacking in the West

The magical auxiliary skills of the natural elves caught Ye Luo, who had no idea about this skill, by surprise. The distance of thousands of meters may be just one step away for him, but this seemingly one step away can actually make him feel unprepared. Do a lot of things.

Everything is silent, large-scale attack skills, skill release, targets within a ten-kilometer radius will be randomly attacked by vines! As for Kleist, who transformed into a tree man, he originally had thousands of vines. With such complementary skills, his entire body was like a dragon's cave and a snake's nest. Countless vine pythons came out instantly. At the same time, the tree man's own note The leaves turned into vine pythons, and Kleist's body was the strongest among the vine pythons!

The target of the vine python was the surrounding Zerg fleet. When Ye Luo chased after him, he had already rushed towards a Zerg cruiser. In the eyes of the Ye family brothers, he forcefully knocked a big hole from the side of the cruiser and got in. In the cruiser, the whole body was wreaked inside before being knocked out from the other side!

A Zerg cruiser was so broken into pieces by the vine python!

Although the other vine pythons are not as powerful as Kleist, they are superior in number. These vine pythons seem to know that the Hive Battleship is not easy to mess with, so they all avoid the Hive Battleship and move towards the Zerg destroyers and cruisers. Drill away.

I saw ten vine pythons approaching a destroyer from all directions. The destroyer's secondary guns kept firing, but the vine pythons were very agile. They dodged left and right and were not hit even once! After approaching the destroyer, ten vine pythons immediately wrapped tightly around the bow and stern of the destroyer. Then, the five vine pythons wrapped around the bow rotated clockwise, and the five vine pythons wrapped around the stern rotated counterclockwise. Just listen With a roaring explosion, the Zerg destroyer was forcibly twisted from the middle!

"Damn it, do you want to destroy our Zerg fleet with one person? You are too naive!" Ye Luo, who now has a big business, doesn't care at all about the destruction of one or two battleships, but what makes Ye Luo angry is , Kleist alone provoked the attitude of the entire Zerg race!

The golden flames in Ye Luo's left eye suddenly swelled, and his wings suddenly expanded to more than thirty meters. He opened his hands suddenly, and the flame army disappeared immediately. The golden flames continued to roll, and exploded into tens of thousands of golden phoenixes!

"A hundred birds look toward the phoenix, and a hundred phoenixes burn the sky!"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." The unified cry of tens of thousands of golden phoenixes made Cassandra and the Yejia brothers, who were not the target of the attack, feel palpitations.

All the phoenixes were like living creatures, full of spirit and pounced on different vine pythons. The phoenix closest to the vine python let out a cry and rammed towards the vine python. The vine python immediately gave up the destroyer in front of it and twitched its tail. It whipped towards the Phoenix like a hundred-meter long whip. The Phoenix refused to dodge and was about to be hit by the tail of the vine python. Unexpectedly, the phoenix suddenly turned into flames that filled the sky, and the tail of the vine python passed through the flames without any hindrance. , then, the flame transformed into a phoenix again, and before the vine python's tail could be retracted in time, it flew to the head of the vine python, and its sharp beak stabbed the seven inches of the vine python precisely!

It is strange to say that these vine pythons and phoenixes are originally energy transformations and should not have the weaknesses of real monsters. However, when the long beak of the phoenix pierced the vine python seven inches, the vine python instantly howled and its whole body was blasted. Surrounded by golden flames, he was burned to ashes while he kept struggling!

"All destroyers and cruisers move closer to the Hive Battleship. All Hive Battleships dispatch the Iron-armored Octopus to establish a defensive circle to stop the attack of the Vine Python!" This order was given by Ye Chao. He was originally waiting for Ye Luo's order, but soon Obviously, these tens of thousands of phoenixes are not really intelligent, they are just Ye Luo's mental power divided into tens of thousands of shares!

It is extremely difficult to operate tens of thousands of phoenixes at the same time, so Ye Luo has no remaining mental power to command the fleet. Realizing this, Ye Chao immediately issued an order.

Although the vine python is powerful, the armored octopus attached to the insect nest battleship is not easy to deal with. After receiving the order, the insect fleet immediately gathered its formation, and the armored octopus on the insect nest battleship also took off one after another, with eight sharp claws, now hard They are like eight sharp blades. Whenever a vine python approaches, they will be chopped into several pieces mercilessly. Softness can overcome strength, but if strength is far better than weakness, then steel will naturally overcome weakness!

Soon, under the pursuit of Ye Luo's thousands of phoenixes and the formation of the Zerg fleet, the fleet's losses were immediately reduced. Ye Meng, Ye Lei, Ye Zhang and others had also taken action, working together to besiege Kleist's incarnation. Although Kleist looked down on their fighting ability, he knew that as long as he was entangled with them for a second, the one that followed closely behind concentrated most of Ye Luo's mental power. The giant phoenix will tear itself apart in an instant! Therefore, Kleisthao was not fond of fighting, and would hide when he saw anyone. He relied on his speed and dexterity to constantly shuttle between the fleets...

One minute into the battle, tens of thousands of vine pythons were killed, three thousand were killed by the Phoenix, and two thousand were killed by the Iron-armored Octopus United Fleet. Seeing that Kleist was about to lose, Cassandra's anxious voice suddenly reached Ye Luo's ears. In the ears, "My Emperor, we have been fooled again. This Kleist does not want to defeat our entire fleet by himself. He is looking for Shuyuan www.zhoshyn.o. He is covering the battleships on the other side of the wormhole!"

Ye Luo's eyes widened as he woke up the dreamer. At this time, in order to reduce losses, the Zerg warships had been gathered together. Almost the warships were next to each other, forming a group. At this time, there was no way to monitor the wormhole. Once a fleet came from Rushing out of the wormhole, let alone whether the Zerg fleet has time to recharge the main gun, even if the charging is completed, you are next to me and I am squeezing you, it will not be able to fire at all!

"Buzz..." Sure enough, as soon as Cassandra's voice came, the entire wormhole immediately sped up. This was clearly a sign that a fleet was teleporting!

"What a cunning guy!" Ye Luo was shocked. This was the first time he encountered such a difficult enemy since he sent out troops. Ye Luo was not worried about Kleist's powerful combat power. What really made Ye Luo's heart palpitate was From the beginning of the battle to now, Ye Luo felt that his group was completely led by Kleist's control over the rhythm of the battlefield!

Making false claims in the east and attacking in the west was his usual tactic, but he didn't expect that it would be used on him at this moment.

"Do you want to come out of the wormhole? It's not that easy. Even if the fleet can't use it, I can make you come and die as many as you want!" Ye Luo thought, and several giant light gates unfolded from in front of the wormhole, one after another. A thunder beast stepped out of the air!

The rotation of the wormhole has reached extreme speed, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of second-order thunder beasts rushed out from the light gate!

"Buzz!" A battleship suddenly jumped out of the wormhole. However, before he could stabilize himself, twenty tentacles had already struck the battleship like lightning.

"Rumble..." Countless sawdust flew into the air, and the warship made of the Elf's sacred wood, which was stronger than steel, was so beaten that it fell apart! _mbg

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