StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 1 Augustus Mengsk

Thank you for asking for milk. I can't travel to a plane in the Koprulu sector. Thank you brother!

This was the last word He Shuhan heard before his vision went dark. When he opened his eyes again, the computer desk, chair, and other furniture in the room were gone.

Instead, there was a round mahogany table carved with pastoral scenes and hunting scenes on horseback. The table was filled with gold and silver cups, and the light from two golden candlesticks and crystal chandeliers complemented each other.

He Shuhan was sitting on an exquisitely crafted chair. On the table in front of him were a folded white tablecloth, a glass of sparkling rose wine and mushroom risotto, while on the beautifully decorated dinner plate were sliced , chargrilled steak drizzled with sauce, and a small poultry cooked to a glistening shine.

This is such luxurious furniture and luxurious furnishings. The floor is covered with colorful carpets of various sizes, and every piece is made of exquisite materials and fine workmanship. Downy velvets, damasks, and silks hang from the walls, and above are several portraits of family ancestors edged with gold ribbons.

The Guardian of Korhal, the Imperial Wolves, and the Mengsk Family.

Augustus, you know how much effort your mother put into this dinner. Don't ruin it.

The stern male voice brought He Shuhan back to reality from his trance. He raised his head and looked across the dining table. The person speaking was a middle-aged man with dark gray hair and white sideburns and beard.

His temples were white, and he had a weird accent when he spoke, but it didn't seem distorted. He Shuhan quickly realized that this was not Chinese but English, but suddenly, English was like his native language to him. Generally familiar.

He Shuhan only glanced at it and immediately lowered his head, picked up the knife and fork, and naturally dealt with the food on the plate. Obviously, in the eyes of others, he must have been in a daze for a long time just now.

Feeling the fragrance in his mouth, He Shuhan knew that if all this was true, then thanks to a mouthful of poisonous milk from a certain Xudong old immortal, he had really traveled to the Koprulu star region. At present, it seems that this is at least a decent middle-class family.

When he lowered his head to enjoy the food, He Shuhan behaved elegantly and confidently, holding the knife and fork skillfully and flawlessly. He did not use the corner of his eyes to look at the other family members sitting at the dining table, but tried his best to recall the memory of this body after time travel. Fortunately, although it was incomplete, he was able to find some buried memories in a short period of time and gained a basic understanding of his current identity.

Augustus Mengsk.

A member of the Mengsk family, an elder family on Korhal IV, one of the thirteen core planets within the territory of the Tyranid Federation. This is an ancient and prominent family. The founder and several generations of ancestors of the family led the original colonists to overcome obstacles and establish their homes in this beautiful world for hundreds of years. Augustus was the second son, named after his grandfather.

Augustus' father, Angus Mengsk, is the current owner of the Mengsk family's various properties. He is also a member of the Korhal Council. He enjoys high prestige in the political arena and has millions of staunch supporters among the people. followers.

His mother is a strong and beautiful Korhal woman. Like other wives of nobles and upper-class people on Korhal IV, Katherine Mengsk is good at taking care of the housework, likes cooking and researching recipes, and she is also a multi-talented woman. Major funder of philanthropy.

Augustus also has an older brother, Arcturus Mengsk, who is a colonel commander of the 33rd Ground Assault Division of the Union Marine Corps, and a sixteen-year-old sister, Dorothy Mengsk. And he had just graduated from Stillling College in the capital city of Korhal IV this year and had just turned eighteen.

It is the age of youth and frivolity.

Compared to his brilliant brother and lovely sister, Augustus was a source of worry to his parents, and his record at Stillling College was spotty.

Skipping classes, teasing the staid grade dean, cracking down on the principal who engaged in fraud, holding a magnetic levitation motorcycle competition in the college, illegally modifying the IAA advertising robot at the school gate, and gathering a crowd for a barbecue at the graduation ceremony. This young and flamboyant aristocratic son was covered in everything. All reveal a disregard for secular rules and authority.

Augustus. We have been fighting the war with Kemorion for two years, and the situation is still unclear. The federal government of Tarsonis has lowered the minimum age for recruitment several times, and the UNN controlled by those corrupt founding families of the Federation has and Global News Network were vague about casualty figures but trumpeted honor and sacrifice.”

The voice of his father Angus once again awakened Augustus from his memories, and he seemed to be trying hard to create some topics of conversation with his rebellious son.

The atmosphere of today's family dinner is very different from the etiquette but equally warm and harmonious family dinners that Augustus remembered in the past. In the past, Angus would never bring political and business matters to the table, because the little ones in the family Dorothy always had lots to say.

Whenever this happened, even Augustus, who could never calm down, would patiently listen to her tell about her friends in school and the imaginative fairy tales she had spun.

Augustus sensed something was wrong. When he raised his head and stared into his father's eyes, pretending to listen to what he said, he noticed that his mother and sister were also depressed.

In Augustus' memory, he almost never saw his mother cry, and that was usually the time of separation and death. Augustus immediately searched his mind for information about the war his father was talking about, and he was keenly aware that this matter should be related to him.

This is an all-out war between the Tyranid Federation and the Kaimorian Federation, a human power that has the same origin in the Koprulu sector. The two sides are fighting for precious crystal mineral resources and colonies. So far, the war has affected hundreds of millions of people in more than a dozen marginal colonies, and millions of soldiers, miners and civilians have died as a result.

The all-out war showed no sign of ending, with both the Terran Federation and the Kaimoryan claiming to be in absolute superiority.

Only high-ranking federal officials like Angus know that the two sides have a winner and a loser. It can be said that they are evenly matched. The war has evolved from the initial exchange of fire in local areas to a mutual bombardment between fleets, and even the use of nuclear weapons. To win, the federal government is sending young people in the dark into a meat grinder.

As a politician, Angus only shows clear anger when he criticizes corruption and argues for the interests of potential vote holders. The reason he was so out of sorts today was that his second son was desperate to join the Confederate Marines like his older brother, and tomorrow was when Augustus left for boot camp.

The Mengsk family has been trying to free Korhal from the rule of the Tyranid Federation and achieve independence as an independent dominion rather than a colony. As a result, there was an irreconcilable conflict between the Mengsk family and the federal government. Augustus's move to join the federal army was undoubtedly a betrayal of his father's cause.

The boot camp was in a remote colony a few light years away from Korhal, which was at least a distant world that could only be reached by a spaceship equipped with a warp drive and capable of long-distance jumps. Angus's second son is also leaving him. This is not just as simple as the fact that he may lose his heir. He loves every one of his children deeply.

This is the last time I tell you how cruel war can be. It is not the childish games you have played. Have mercy on your family. When you made such a callous decision, your mother almost cried faintly. Die! continued Angus, as Augustus recalled all this.

Beyond the walls we built for you is a cruel world, and the battlefield is a hell in a cruel world. It's all because you are used to living a privileged life, doing whatever you want, without any scruples. God, how I wish you could Show even the slightest bit of remorse!”

Augustus was shocked. You're crazy, let's let the aristocratic young man lead a bohemian and bohemian life, but how hard do you want to be a fifty-dollar good brother?

This is a fan novel set in the StarCraft worldview.

(The world view of StarCraft is a combination of the game, official books, peripheral chess boards, interviews and questions and other background story settings. I do not seek to write a book with the rigor of writing a historical article, but I only seek to try my best to restore the part of this interstellar world that I like. two.

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