StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 25 Psykers

As for why Rick Kidd, a sniper, would join an ordinary Marine squad, it's understandable.

While the Union Marines typically formed a special tactics team around snipers for more covert missions, Rick clearly lacked qualifications as a new recruit.

Only after accumulating a certain amount of practical experience and military achievements to prove his ability, and obtaining the Marine Corps sniper qualification certificate, can Rick form or join a special tactics team on his own.

Among all Rick's comments and reports, Augustus paid most attention to several comments given by the training camp instructor Sergeant Peters: He has a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle, extraordinary hand-eye coordination and extremely The rare X factor.

In response to the X factor in the comment, Sergeant Peters gave a rather detailed comment in parentheses: This type of talent is extremely rare in our tribe. Usually, only one in one thousand to ten thousand people can appear.

X-Factor's ability in sniping is manifested in having some kind of unexplainable sniper intuition. Some snipers with this talent even claim that the passage of time will slow down significantly within the first two to three seconds they pull the trigger. , which is obviously related to paranormal phenomena.

We still don't know much about this talent, but geneticists believe that this special ability hidden in some humans is related to some kind of psionic power. It is certain that (the part crossed out with a signature pen) had already launched a research project on psychic energy long before the military.

In some remote areas that are so far away from the core world that communications with the civilized world are cut off, locals refer to psychic energy as witchcraft. There are countless religious beliefs based on this, as well as new gods and religions born out of it.

For now, we know for sure that new recruit Rick Kidd is a rare psyker.

Based on Augustus' past understanding of StarCraft, Rick's psychic powers should not be very strong. In his impression, only people with PSI (Psychic Power Level established by the federal government) level 5 or above can have telepathic abilities.

Rick, no doubt offended, I would like to confirm whether, as a psyker, you can read minds? Of course, the more official term would be telepathy.

Augustus turned to look at Rick, who was confused by his words: In other words, can you hear other people's inner 'voices' and read other people's thoughts?

Why do you ask that? Of course I can't. Rick was stunned for a few seconds and thought seriously for a while before answering. He already knew the contents of the report and was not surprised by what Augustus said.

Oh, your P-1 report mentioned psychic powers. I heard that psychics can read minds and know what others are thinking even if they don't speak. Augustus said.

I really can't do this. Rick shook his head: You care about this?

Yes, but it's not that I hate psychic powers and psychics. Augustus said frankly: I'm just not used to being around someone who can read my thoughts at any time. This makes people feel sad. Uncomfortable. At least, if you're reading my mind, at least let me know that.

I can understand that 'privacy of thought' is also very important to humans. Rick tried to look at the issue from Augustus' perspective and found that he couldn't stand that kind of telepathy either. By. It would be really terrible if there was no privacy between people.

Your psychic level shouldn't be too high, so you don't have many supernatural abilities. Augustus put all the materials into the storage bag: I heard that some powerful psychics He can be called a living god.”

They can see the deepest evil in your heart at a glance, control your thoughts, enslave your soul, or directly blow up your head.

That sounds like magic. Rick showed a puzzled look: But the education I received since childhood told me that what supports the operation of this world are the laws of the universe, science, and physics.

During this period, the human psykers represented by the Ghost Agents in the original game had not yet appeared in the public eye, so it is not surprising that Rick did not know much about them.

Psychic potential is prevalent among the human races in the Koprulu Sector, and all research related to psionic power seems to prove that this potential is inherited from their ancestors. Moreover, psychic abilities seem to be evidence that humans are constantly evolving and are slowly being strengthened with each generation of humans.

However, so far, overly powerful psykers often suffer from mental problems when they are young and cannot control their overly powerful psychic abilities, thus harming themselves or others. A significant number of psykers die prematurely at an early age.

Rick's psychic powers are quite satisfactory, not overly powerful, but he also possesses some special abilities that ordinary people don't have.

...You are right. Augustus spread his hands, took out his personal terminal, and pulled out a group photo taken when the first class graduated from the boot camp, preparing to end the previous topic: No Let’s talk about this, you are a new member, let me first introduce to you who are in the third platoon and the first class. In case you don’t understand their bad habits and get into trouble later.”

Okay. Rick nodded.

I am the temporary squad leader, Augustus Mengsk, from Korhal IV. My family is considered a noble. Augustus pointed at himself and then at his personal terminal.

That guy with messy red hair and a grin that stretches to the back of his head is Harnack Hank, but don't look at it like this. You'd better not mess with him.

This is Jim Raynor, a short-cut black-haired guy. He is a little too serious for the camera, but he is actually holding back a smile... He is a very easy-to-get-together person.

Tom Omo is the youngest among us. Even though he is shy and clumsy, he is a boy with a great personality. He often talks in his sleep at night and talks about his dream, which is to protect his fellow villagers.

Xander Marks, well, despite his small stature, he has a very long chin. I always say he looks like an alien. He likes grenades, explosions and cigarettes. Look, he doesn't lick his cigarette butt in front of the camera. A pinch.

This dark brown-haired kid loves to laugh, and his smile is really bright. He is a good kid who can't refuse help from others. Oh, his name is Amy Brandon, and we all call him Little Amy. .”

Augustus held a personal terminal and introduced each member of his class to Rick with a smile on his face: Conor Ward and Benjamin Crandall are the biggest ones here, and they both have bad tempers. Not very good, and I don’t like to laugh.”

However, Ward will sulk about himself when he is angry, and Crandall will beat up anyone who angers him. He is a monk, and he always prays and says hallelujah before doing anything. said Augustus.

Kate Josephine's crew cut looks pretty good now. When he was in high school, he had long pink hair and braids.

This bastard is a playboy, a playboy, a scumbag, whatever you want to say about him, he will smile when you see him. He is not angry or annoyed. I have never seen Josephine angry. Augustus said as he said While looking at Rick, if the other person didn't want to listen and felt bored, he would stop there.

Rick reflexively smiled back when Augustus looked at him, and Augustus assumed that he was willing to listen to his nagging.

Although Alain Rundstein's family belongs to a large aristocracy, there are three generations of artists, painters and musicians in his family. He is the most aristocratic among us.

Ilya Kurovsky was born in the frozen world of Brysis, where his name means Hand of God. He is the best drinker and the bravest warrior in our class - I I can’t believe that such a great guy could get carsick, and only on motorcycles,” Augustus said.

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