StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 3 Space Marines

The escort convoy of the Mengsk family with the golden wolf head emblem passed through the magnificent city wall left over from the colonial era and entered the urban area of ​​Stillling, the capital city of Korhal. Recruitment center in the city.

The sky was immediately shrouded in the shadows of high-rise buildings and the glimmer of glass, and the convoy of vulture motorcycles and armored vehicles seemed to be traveling through the canyon fissures made of steel and glass.

There are gradually more and more ground-mounted cars and floating cars in the driveway, and there is an endless stream of people. Augustus's expression remained as calm as water, but in his heart he was amazed at the technology and prosperity of this city.

It's morning in Stillling, and the sidewalks on both sides of the highway are filled with people in formal suits and work clothes, as well as IAA cleaning robots and sales robots. In Steelling when the sun rises, countless people are busy working for their dreams and families. This is the life of countless ordinary people that supports this prosperous world.

A holographic projection screen of a skyscraper belonging to the UNN Global News Network is showing dazzling luxury goods advertisements, ranging from art treasures made of gold, silver and rare materials to floor-length dresses endorsed by celebrities.

The armored vehicle slowed down as it passed Stillling College, and Angus deliberately asked the driver to slow down.

The dean, principal and deputy dean of Stillling College have tried to expel you many times, saying that you disrupted the teaching order and violated school rules. Angus looked out the window at Stillling's marble covered in deep purple vines High walls and majestic gates. When the crowd near the college looked toward the armored vehicle, Angus waved with a politician's signature smile.

Those teachers long ago ran out of knowledge to teach me. Augustus recalled his usual rhetoric in the past, pretending to be indifferent and disdainful: Staying in their classes for graduation is just a waste of life. .And haven’t you fired all the co-directors and deans?”

After nearly two hundred years and more than a dozen generations of accumulation, the Mengsk family's industries have spread across Stillling and other prosperous cities in Kohal. Angus is also the principal of Stillling College, Kohal's most prestigious institution of higher learning. The investors, teachers and managers are actually working for him alone.

That's all because these people are glamorous on the surface, but secretly enrich themselves and take bribes. Angus said, No matter what, I hope your time at the academy will be a good memory in your life.

So Augustus turned his head and glanced at Stillling College. On the lawn behind the gray railings, leaning against the gray granite clock tower, statues of historical greats, fountains and flower beds, a young man in a slim dress The beautiful first-year students are practicing elegant light sword swordsmanship under the guidance of their swordsmanship teacher, with light steps and gorgeous moves.

Augustus was not good at swordsmanship, but his elder brother Arcturus Mengsk, the eldest son of the Mengsk family, loved cold weapons.

Arcturus is always the best at what he loves, and he is a master swordsman who became famous at a young age. He learns swordsmanship not to kill enemies but to hone his will. Although the first-year students may seem elegant, they can only get a weak comment from his brother.

After pausing on the girls' snow-white thighs for a moment, Augustus withdrew his gaze at the right time.

It's not too bad, said Augustus.

Protect yourself. Out of nowhere, Angus suddenly said something that had nothing to do with the previous topic, but then he changed his words: Limited by experience, young people always have to take some detours. But one day , you will eventually return to the right path.

Men of the Mengsk family are born to accomplish great things.

Augustus nodded in response.

Not far from the college is the federal government's recruitment center in Stillling City, located in the best location in Queens. The recruitment center is a cold alloy steel structure. A red and blue flag flutters in the wind on the top of the recruitment center. There is a diagonal cross composed of blue diagonal lines on the bright red flag, and there are many white dotted between the diagonal crosses. Star logo.

Standing at the arched frame door of the recruiting center were two federal soldiers wearing light blue power armor and holding rifles. They were more commonly known as federal marines.

The chest, back, shoulders, upper arms, forearms, thighs, calves and buttocks of the two federal marines are all covered with extremely thick exoskeleton armor. The pedals have a larger bottom contact area and have gripping hooks. anti-fall boots and an orange matte helmet.

These exoskeleton armor components are connected together by screws, capacitive servo and tactile feedback systems, and have built-in life support devices. The servo motor set allows marines wearing power armor to pick up heavier heavy weapons, such as the AGR Gauss rifle. .

CMC-200 powered armor.

Before the Battle of Kailian began, this type of power armor was hailed as an epoch-making advancement in Tyranid military industry. This reliable individual armor is still very popular among Federation soldiers even today when the CMC-300 came out and became popular. Of course, on some of the more remote colonial planets and edge worlds, vigilantes there still use some older models of power armor and gunpowder weapons from centuries ago.

When wearing power armor, the Federation soldier's height is far higher than the average height of a normal Korhal male, a full eight feet tall, and his body is much burlier. In front of the six-foot-tall Augustus, they looked like giants.

The convoy came to a slow stop, and groups of security personnel in dark brown uniforms holding plasma rifles filed out of the armored vehicles and ordered the onlookers to retreat and set up a cordon. Field, the Mengsk family's guard captain, got off a Vulture motorcycle and personally opened the door for Angus and his family.

Just when Augustus was about to get out of the car, a pair of soft little hands held Augustus' face from behind. The little girl stood behind the back of Augustus's seat and bent down to bury her face in it. Between the right half of my brother's face and shoulder.

Augustus, Dorothy said softly, you promised to write to me.

Augustus's collar was soaked with Dorothy's tears in just a few seconds. The little girl must have been crying silently for a long time, her face covered with tears, but he just looked at the scenery outside the window, not caring at all. noticed.

An uncontrollable sadness filled Augustus's heart. Although as a traveler, he had no feelings for his family in the new world, the memories of the past still deeply affected him.

Augustus knew he could not ignore the cries of the little girl, the darling of the Mengsk family.

I will, little one. Augustus used the name his brother Arcturus calls his little sister: I will send you an email every week.

Augustus stood up, leaned down and kissed Dorothy's smooth forehead, then he smiled with a gentle expression.

But this smile that once fascinated many lovely girls from Stillling Academy soon froze. Augustus saw his mother with a distorted face and about to collapse. child... Catherine suddenly hugged Augustus, her shoulders kept twitching, and she was almost speechless.

Thinking back to the first time I saw seemed like a lifetime ago... The mother's mood stabilized a little, and she changed from wailing to trembling sobs.

You have to be strong and know how to respect everyone who will fight alongside you in the future. Maybe one day, you will become the leader of these people and lead them to the end of the star sea, to a place we can no longer see. But remember, Korhal will always be your home.

Forgive your father and we will always love you.

Changed the name, StarCraft: Tyranid Empire, adding keywords may make it easier to be searched (miserable)

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