StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 33 Arcturus Mengsk

Chapter 33 Arcturus Mengsk

The skyscraper that temporarily serves as the temporary headquarters of the 33rd Ground Assault Division was originally owned by the UNN Global News Network. About a thousand people once worked in this sky-high building. Now it is deserted and silent like a ghost town.

The elevator in the UNN branch building had long stopped running, and Augustus and Warfield could only take the stairs to the 42nd floor. This made Augustus begin to wonder if his brother had some evil taste.

After climbing the stairs honestly, Augustus finally reached the top floor. Judging from the sign that had not been erased, this floor was the office of the editor-in-chief of the local station. The guards at the stairs checked the ID information cards of Augustus and others and completed the retinal scan before letting them go.

There are no guards guarding the door of the division commander's office, and an oil painting of a lion hangs on the door. Arcturus has always been fond of this kind of earth creature that only exists in literary works and film and television works, and has always been eager to defeat this mighty beast one day.

After carefully checking that his uniform was neat and smooth, Warfield knocked solemnly on the door.

Come in. Arcturus's voice is very similar to Augustus's. Most of the time, it has an indescribable magnetism, is gentle and calm, and can make people feel close to him in an instant.

Aren't you going in? Augustus looked at Warfield who gave way.

This is a private conversation between you, Warfield said seriously.

Okay. Augustus said to himself that since you are not going to see Arcturus, why bother to smooth out all the wrinkles on your uniform meticulously.

When Augustus pushed the door open, his brother Arcturus Mengsk was facing away from him, standing in front of a huge glass window looking at the Pride of Pork in the darkness. Arcturus wore a dark brown school officer's coat, and the shoulders of the coat were covered with tasseled copper epaulettes.

Although it is a temporary building, the furnishings in the office can still tell people at a glance that this is the residence of a nobleman. Arcturus's desk is made of expensive Cha Sara sun wood. The tabletop that retains the original wood texture is only painted with a layer of anti-corrosion and dehumidification varnish. Countless small sun textures of several feet are scattered in clusters, which is extremely beautiful.

There were piles of documents and books on the table. Augustus noticed the only wooden-framed photo on the table. It was Arcturus, when he was twenty, with himself, his sister Dorothy and Mother's photo.

Augustus didn't even recognize himself in the photo for a moment, because standing between his mother and brother were two little girls who looked very similar, with silver twin tails and white dresses.

Augustus contemplated destroying the picture one day.

The tiled floor on the ground was covered with a carpet, and the carpet was embroidered with gold thread on the star map of the Tyranid Federation's territory in the Koprulu star region.

Next to the desk are two wine cabinets with genetic locks, which are filled with wine, whiskey and ale produced by the Federation from the core planet, the Dominion to the edge planet. This is obviously due to the Mengsk family's consistent preference for alcoholic beverages. .

The wall opposite the office chair is covered with beast heads and shotguns, while on another wall hangs a single oil painting of the portrait of Augustus’s mother, Catherine Mengsk.

This is a painting of Catherine by an artist in the 25th century using the art style of the Middle Ages Renaissance. The artist seemed to refer to the paintings of the Virgin Mary, portraying Catherine in a red evening dress as extremely sacred and radiant.

Augustus, my brother. Come here, let me see you. Arcturus heard the sound of the door opening and immediately turned around. The lines on his face were like those carefully carved by a Greek sculptor. A smile that comes from the heart.

Augustus felt that his brother's smile was unadulterated. Although Arcturus himself never admitted this, the habits and behavior developed by his father as a politician have repeatedly affected him. People always say that politicians have a thousand different masks, and for Arcturus this is true.

So Augustus relaxed his tense shoulders and walked towards Arcturus with a defenseless look - just like in the past in his memory.

I heard that you defeated a group of Kaimorian assault cavalry on the first day you graduated from the boot camp. Arcturus is taller than Augustus, and Augustus is only in his early eighteen years. Compared with Stuart, at the age of twenty-eight, his shoulders were broader. Colonel Arcturus is a man who is as solid as steel and has a straight back. When he looks at others calmly, he has a sense of oppression without anger or self-power.

Haha, what do you think I said to the staff officer who reported this to me? I said the Mengsk family should be like this! As he spoke, Arcturus patted Augustus hard. Looking over his shoulder, he looked with satisfaction at Augustus standing still like an iron tower in the wind.

I always have good luck. Augustus also smiled and said: The group of Kemorians just happened to break into our resting place.

Then I have to admit, your luck is really good. Arcturus's cold gray eyes were very bright, as if they were shining with light. Since joining the army, he has not returned to Korhal and seen his family for seven or eight years. If there were, it was only for brief, inter-galactic video calls that were always very spotty.

On rare occasions, the two-year supply fleet that plyes Char, Sigmar, and Tarsonis delivers supplies to the fringe systems, handing soldiers letters from home, recent family photos, and quarantine photos. Hometown specialty. Arcturus' father Angus never wrote to him. Only Catherine and his younger siblings always sent things and wrote letters to the eldest son of the family.

When he was young, Augustus regarded his brother who was a soldier as an idol. He respected and loved his brother who was a hero in his heart.

Although he became more and more rebellious as he grew up, he would still send his brother some specialties from his hometown year after year, such as the cold weapons forged by the Steelling Master Craftsmen Association for the nobles and rich people and the Korhal IV subcontinent. King No. 7 whiskey produced in the central city of Pasha. Augustus always asked Arcturus about his military life in his emails, dreaming of stories of exciting adventures and glorious legends.

Arcturus's most recent impression of his younger brother was that of Augustus when he was fourteen.

At that time, Augustus had the image of a rebellious young man with long hair, a ponytail, and pierced ears and tattoos.

In the end, Angus personally dragged Augustus to the best laser plastic surgery shop in Stillling to repair his ear piercings and remove his tattoos. Currently, the most advanced laser plastic surgery technology can perform plastic surgery non-invasively and without sequelae, so others can't even see it. There was no trace left on Augustus' ears.

In the end, only Augustus' hair survived, but he soon cut it off himself because some people thought he was a girl.

Arcturus is very happy that Augustus has lost the impetuousness of his youth and has become calm and self-possessed. Originally, he was worried about his younger brother.

How is mom? Arcturus pulled up two chairs and sat down with Augustus, chatting with him about things at home naturally.

Mom is very good. Augustus said: After Dorothy was sixteen, her mother took the lead in establishing more than a dozen charitable foundations and orphanages in Stillling. Mother was admired in Keha, and she worked hard every day. We are all very busy, but also very fulfilling.”

Where's Dorothy? She doesn't write to me anymore. Arcturus nodded, but then said sadly.

Her schedule at the academy is always very full. In addition to taking classes, she also has to learn etiquette, dance and court swordsmanship. Augustus said: Dorothy is a grown girl, and she is now as beautiful and charming as her mother.

Yes, Dorothy has grown up... Arcturus paused and said.

When Arcturus was still at school in Korhal, Dorothy and Augustus were still little children sitting on his lap and playing around.

Does she have many suitors?

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