StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 37 Kaimorian Labor Auxiliary Army

Augustus ordered his men to advance in the originally planned three four-man firepower groups, and then held the Gauss rifle in his hand and followed the marines in front to start charging.

In front of him, there were at least hundreds of silver-gray armored 4th Brigade Marines running forward at the same time.

Several Federal Air Force Avenger fighter jets passed by at a height of several hundred feet above their heads. In a matter of seconds, the missiles mounted under the wings landed on the distant Kemerian position along with dense smoke trails. , setting off a series of dazzling orange-red light spots.

Just in front of Augustus on the left, an artillery position was still firing towards him. Several electromagnetic artillery shells landed in the middle of a platoon in front of him, bringing up several bloody stumps, broken arms or bones. helmet.

But when Augustus stepped over a Marine who fell to the ground, a deafening explosion came from the direction of the shell. Under the concentrated attack of the federal bomber group, the Kemorian artillery position immediately went silent.

Since the previous warnings issued by the Terran Federation's scouts and reconnaissance aircraft were not delivered to the commander of the 4th Brigade in time, everyone thought that they were just heading towards an undefended town.

Many people even naively thought that there, in the destination town of Valinor, local residents had already boiled hot water and they were just waiting to enjoy the local delicacies. They would then sleep all afternoon in comfortable wooden houses before launching their attack in the early hours of the next morning.

Unexpectedly, the town of Valinor was filled with only a group of crazy Kaimorians.

The Marine Corps' command system was somewhat chaotic at first, but soon each battalion and each company knew where they should capture the position, or provide cover for that brother unit and friendly forces.

Where are those son-of-a-bitch Camorians? Don't let me catch them! Renault asked as he ran through the communication channel of Class One.

I'm going to smash their heads! Ward roared on the communication channel.

What happened? The mission briefing clearly stated that there should be no Kaimorian troops here. Omo said.

But now we have it, Tom. Augustus said: Follow me, follow your leader. In front of us, there are two battalions of nearly a thousand people. When they rush to the high ground, we Just go up and congratulate them.”

Don't rush too far forward. This will not do you or any of your comrades any good. Do you understand?

Yes, monitor!

No problem, boss. A burst of affirmative answers came from the communication channel.

The soldiers of the first squad followed closely behind their squad leader. Facts proved that what Augustus said was not wrong. As early as when their squad was still trekking in the jungle, a battalion of the fourth brigade vanguard had already attacked Z-103 Highland launched an attack. By the time they reached the foot of the high ground, the red and blue flag of the Confederacy had been hoisted.

Second Lieutenant Reagan was not far from Augustus at that time, with the 2nd Squadron of the 3rd Platoon. So the third platoon quickly assembled under the high ground. Under the platoon leader's order, this unit bypassed the Z-103 high ground and headed toward the town of Valinor in the northeast.

At this time, several of the positions established by the Kemorian on the highlands had been captured by the Federal Marines. Some of the Kemorian troops evacuated the highlands at the last moment and fled towards the towns behind the highlands. At this time Augustus's task became to pursue these fleeing enemy troops.

The third platoon entered the town of Valinor along a country gravel road that was only 10 feet wide. On the way, they also did not see even a single figure of the Camorion. Instead, squads and platoons of the Federation Marine Corps were captured by them one after another. Caught up.

Augustus had only seen a few bodies of Camorians, and this was also the first time he saw the regular Camorian army other than the assault cavalry, rather than the holographic projections in the boot camp.

Different from the unified standard CMC-200 power armor of the Federation Army, just as these Camorians use all the materials they can find to build heavy combat vehicles and tanks, their armor and weapons are almost no two. Exactly the same.

Among these Camorians, only the tallest, strongest and bravest ones wear power armor that is highly similar to the CMC power armor. At first glance, there is no difference between the Camorian's power armor and Augustus's, except that a layer of black paint is applied to the original paint.

The violent transformation of the Camorian style is almost all over the body of this armor. For example, the one in front of Augustus has sharp copper nails driven into every part of its power armor, and two bladed Turasis The hunter's dagger was welded directly to his shoulder armor, and the black armor was painted with messy graffiti with white paint.

All Augustus could recognize was the unique insignia of the Kaimorian Rippers he had learned in boot camp—a spiked hexagonal warhammer that shattered windows with shards of glass. The rest were even weirder, with animals and symbols of unknown meaning, which Augustus guessed were the emblems of the Camorion warrior's family or guild.

And Augustus knew that generally those who are qualified to wear power armor must be at least elite veterans or people of the Camorion guild foreman and above.

As for other Camorian soldiers, their equipment is much shabby. More than half of the soldiers only wear blue-green woolen uniforms and use smaller Camorian electromagnetic rifles as weapons. Some wore suspenders and jumpsuits, multi-pocketed uniforms that looked more like work clothes than military uniforms.

Others have more luxurious equipment. They wear round helmets with a ridge in the center and goggles. The helmets have two capital letters KM arranged vertically from top to bottom.

In addition to their uniforms, these soldiers also wear rough armor made of kinetic armor plates sewn together with thick leather pads. This kind of armor is far inferior to the federal CMC series armor that can provide power, and the armor coverage rate is also very low. The better ones can cover the calves and forearms, and the worse ones only cover the part from the trunk to the thighs.

The proportion of such soldiers in the Kaimorian army is much higher than that of Rippers who can wear power armor. Before they took up arms and stepped onto the battlefield to fight the federal army, they were just factories in various guild mines. of miners.

After the Kailian War broke out, these people were recruited by the guild government. This is the Kaimorian Labor Auxiliary Army, which is composed of a group of miners. They lack armor but have a tenacious will.

As Augustus's squad moved forward, they saw more corpses along the way, including some federal soldiers killed by landmines. The fighting in the town of Valinor has subsided, and charred houses can be seen everywhere. Federation soldiers are dragging the corpses of the Kemorians to the center of the town, loading them on trucks and transporting them to other places for burial.

This afternoon, Augustus and the soldiers in his squad huddled in a private house they were assigned to rest, preparing for the general attack early tomorrow morning. All the houses were packed with sweaty Marines, and more were pitching tents in the town.

No one knows where all the native people of Valinor Town have gone.

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