StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 40 Moving along the street

By eight o'clock in the morning, the forward resocialization battalion had advanced several miles toward the center of the city and had lost contact with other units in the rear. After entering the city, Warfield's First Company chose to join up with the following brother companies and then take the lead in advancing.

Augustus's squad followed an arc tank beside him along an east-west four-lane road numbered 30, entering the city from Dunlin City in the northeast of Pork Pride, and then heading west all the way to Kai. The command center and orbiting satellite communication base station in the center of the Morian actual control area.

Turasis II It was drizzling in the rainy season in the northern hemisphere, and the cooling tower behind Augustus' power armor was covered with a layer of white steam. The rain slid down the upper edge of his mask, and the devastated streets gradually became hazy.

Thanks to the resocialization of soldiers, Warfield's troops encountered no resistance from the Camorians while marching on the road. Only the destroyed roadblocks and the corpses of the resocialized soldiers and Camorians could Revealing the brutal battles that took place here.

With every mile we advanced, there were more bodies on the road. The rainwater mixed with blood on the ground flowed into the unblocked sewers. Some rodent-like creatures got into the broken helmet masks as if no one was around, eating human corpses.

By noting the number of corpses of the resocialized soldiers, Augustus knew that the still charging resocialized battalion had lost more than half.

Augustus's squad did not encounter any organized Kemerian troops along the way, and tanks could provide them with cover in open areas.

Only some of the Kemerian labor auxiliaries hidden in houses, sewers, and trash cans suddenly burst out of their hiding places, strapped with explosives and electromagnetic grenades, trying to kill the tanks of the federal army.

With a wide field of vision on the road, these unprotected Kemorian soldiers were shot by federal soldiers as soon as they showed their heads.

Among them, Rick Kidd, the sniper in the Augustus class, has always had the highest number of kills. His shooting is precise and deadly, with headshots. The incredibly powerful Bosun's sniper rifle only needs to graze the enemy's The flying scalp is enough to lift the opponent's skull.

The good luck ended when it was only about 3 miles away from the city center. Since there are a large number of artificially excavated canals distributed in the urban area of ​​Pork Pride, there are rivers blocking each city. On the way out of Dunlin City and into the main city, , federal troops had to cross dozens of different bridges.

Most of the bridges have collapsed, and the traces of man-made destruction are clearly visible, and only the giant Goliath armed robot can wade through the artificial canals during the flood season. There were fewer and fewer options left for the federal army.

While crossing the last bridge across the river in Dunlin District, disaster happened. At that time, a platoon of federal marines and an arc tank were walking on this unexplored white bridge, heading into the distance. Augustus's squad was only eight hundred yards away from the bridge, and at their speed they would be on the bridge in less than a minute.

Suddenly, with a bang, the ground seemed to move five inches, and the thunderous explosion could be heard for miles.

Augustus's first feeling was that someone had slapped him on the ear. Amidst the roaring sounds, the wreckage of the middle section of a bridge flew up in front of his eyes, accompanied by twisted human bodies, steel and blood like rain. Falling onto the water.

The shock wave set off an earth wall, and the squad closest to the bridge crashed directly into the once extremely dense, horizontally moving air wall. Even the power armor was twisted like a pinched can. More than twenty people were like It flew up like a fly that had been swatted away.

This bridge with its white jade railings carved with gods was once a masterpiece of architects and artists, but now it has become a tomb of death.

You idiots, why don't you wait for the bomb disposal troops! The one shouting was the battalion commander of the 5th Battalion. He did not use the communication channel, but opened his mask and roared among the Marines who were about to get on the bridge.

Augustus didn't know which troop was on the bridge, but it wasn't necessarily the first company. Warfield's beeping orders in the command channel showed that he and the second platoon were the first to board the bridge and cross the river safely. The explosive device apparently used a timed fuse rather than another triggering mode.

Augustus naturally fell behind because he had to lead his squad to protect the tanks, but unexpectedly he escaped.

That's good, we have to wait for a while before we can pass by here. Josephine said gloatingly. He has no enthusiasm for war at all. Unlike Warfield, who must go to the front line of the war and go deep into the most dangerous areas, Josephine pursues the principle of doing what he can and never being the leader.

This is not good news. By this time, Augustus' tinnitus had improved a little, and he was far less optimistic than Josephine: I have seen it before, there is more than one way to cross the river.

Of course, this is the closest road in a straight line to the Kaimorian command center marked on the satellite map, and it is also the only road that can be passed by convoys and tanks. We can also take a detour, but we can only take small roads and cross the road Go around the nearby residential areas and commercial streets to the other side of the river. Believe me, Josephine, this is much more dangerous than the wide road.

Augustus is right. On the road, at least there are tanks following us, and there will be no Kemerian bastards that suddenly appear. Ward talked a lot more than others during the battle. From the moment he meets a Caimorian, he enters a state of excitement like an avenging angel.

This is too bad, lamented Omo.

The real trouble is coming. Augustus reminded his soldiers: As I said before the battle, if someone is knocked down, we will take him back no matter what.

So far, Augustus's class has not seen any attrition. But now Augustus may have to lead his warriors deeper into danger.

As Augustus had guessed, in the absence of Warfield, the fifth battalion commander, a hook-nosed lieutenant colonel, took over the command of Augustus' platoon and ordered them to report to the platoon in units of platoons. Go north and pass through an abandoned commercial area to cross the river on another bridge.

Reagan, the commander of the third platoon, had followed Warfield across the river, so the commander of the first squad became the commander of the fourth company.

The tanks could no longer penetrate deep into the residential areas with narrow roads and limited load-bearing capacity. Augustus could only bite the bullet and lead the men in his squad to follow the fourth company into a commercial district street that was much narrower than the highway.

This street is between the three attack routes of the 4th Brigade. No troops have ever penetrated here, which also means that there are likely to be hidden Kaimorian soldiers who have withdrawn here.

Since in addition to the fifth battalion, there are two battalions behind them, it is impossible for thousands of marines to just walk slowly from one commercial street to another. Therefore, most of them choose a street in platoon units and follow the orders of the battalion commander. bypass.

Augustus followed two squads of the fourth company of the fifth battalion into a commercial street numbered A-220. Benjamin, the heavy machine gunner of the first firepower group, and deputy Omo, who was carrying a bullet box, followed closely. Behind them is the second fire team of Renault and Harnack.

Thanks to Star Ring 1 for the reward, and thanks to the monthly tickets for Glory to the First Son, Star Wish Source, Zerostart, and Miao Kill Cannon.

UNN Evening News: The Rakhir ritual has failed, and the pigeon has been pushed into the ascension pit.

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