StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 60 Kaimorian No. 34 Asylum

It’s half past six in the morning on July 27th.

Augustus's third platoon assembled on time on the military camp playground. After their new platoon leader carefully checked whether everyone's clothes were clean and tidy and met hygiene and military appearance standards, the forty-four members of this platoon were dressed in winter clothes. The uniformed Marines boarded two buses heading to the Fortress Opera House.

I didn't know there was a children's play to be performed in the opera house today. Tychus was sitting opposite Augustus: Mengsk, the only thing I want to do is to kick those actors' ridiculous butts, because they are Waste of my precious time.

Speaking of which, I fell asleep last time. Hanak said embarrassedly: You can't blame me. I originally thought it was a sexy condolences performance.

I think the epic opera depicting the galactic hero Ender is wonderful! Lundstein's opinion was shared by no one.

The information I received was that this was supposed to be a lecture, Augustus said.

Fortunately, I brought a pillow and blanket. Josephine's words caused a burst of laughter.

Okay, I will take you to the bars in Hawei Town tonight. Augustus looked at them and said.

Yeah! Harnack shouted.

I'm not sleepy anymore when it comes to this.

When the bus stopped at the not-so-wide entrance in front of the Fortress Opera House, the third row got off the bus and lined up at the door, because Augustus required them to line up in an orderly manner at all times.

An assistant sergeant with short brown hair was standing at the door waiting for them. She had curly brown hair, big blue eyes and red lips. Her tight-fitting military uniform outlined a slim figure.

Sergeant Mengsk. The sergeant walked straight to Augustus holding a stack of document bags: You can let your soldiers enter.

Is Major Warfield here? Augustus waved his men into the opera house.

He said he would be there soon, the sergeant replied.

Do you know who is giving this speech and what is it about? Augustus looked at her.

I don't know. Rather than this, Sergeant, do you mind if I save your personal terminal email account? The assistant sergeant was much shorter than Augustus, so Augustus looked down at her when he looked down at her. It was inevitable to look into those charming eyes.

Of course, I don't mind. Today, Augustus was wearing a military uniform with a tight belt and a stand-up collar. The anchor badge he had just received was pinned to the center of his wide-brimmed military hat. His military temperament represented Augustus himself. His handsome appearance is a plus, making it easier for him to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

So. The female sergeant suddenly started to squirm, biting her pretty red lips.

Mengsk, the speech is about to begin. At this time, a strong hand rested on Augustus' shoulder.

Augustus looked back and saw that it was Warfield. After smiling apologetically, they both walked to the opera house.

Am I disturbing you? Warfield whispered.

No, replied Augustus.

You're always so popular, Warfield said.

It is true, said Augustus.

The opera house in Fortress Howe is not very big, and can only accommodate a maximum of three hundred people. The four walls are made of sound insulation material with holes, and under a semicircular auditorium that rises step by step, there is a stage with a golden curtain. There's not always a show going on here, most of the time it's vacant.

Augustus and Warfield sat in the front row of the auditorium.

Who is the speaker? A politician who wants to be famous, the editor-in-chief of UNN, or a salesman from an arms manufacturer? Augustus asked Warfield.

A transport ship captain who was once captured by the Caimorians wants to introduce us to the Caimorian prison where she was once imprisoned. Warfield never sells his secrets.

Oh, what does this have to do with us? Is she going to tell us that we would rather die in battle than be captured by the enemy? Augustus asked.

Actually, this is related to a rescue mission we are about to launch. Our company's next mission is to attack the Kemerian prison where the captain was once detained and rescue other federal prisoners there, Warfield said. .

I thought we could rest for a while. Augustus was not very enthusiastic about dangerous tasks.

When this war is over, we can take a break, Warfield said.

But the war never ends, said Augustus.

At this time, a man in a long trench coat walked onto the stage with the support of a nurse. Augustus could hardly tell from her figure that she was a woman.

She was so thin that even though she was wrapped in a windbreaker, Augustus could see her exposed ribs. She was so skinny that she looked like a skeleton wearing a burqa.

I am Claire Hobath, I was the captain of a Federation transport ship. She said in a hoarse voice: After my transport ship was destroyed by the Camorians, my crew and I were imprisoned by them. No. 34. I need not go into detail about the torture I and others suffered there, because you can already see how they destroyed a man with a healthy mind and body.

I am only twenty-seven years old, and yet I am lying in bed waiting to die like a terminally ill patient.

There was silence in the audience, and the first class behind Augustus were listening attentively.

There are at least four hundred federal soldiers and spaceship pilots detained in the 34th Internment Camp, including many combat heroes and ace fighter pilots whose planes were shot down and crashed in enemy-occupied areas. They are tortured there, and we want to All you have to do is rescue them.”

This is a schematic diagram of the shelter taken by an orbiting satellite. It is a three-dimensional model created by computer synthesis and completion of tens of thousands of photos.

A holographic projection containing various terrains and rivers appeared in front of Augustus and others. The 34th shelter was located between three Z-shaped hills. The tops of the hills were heavily fortified, with machine guns and Automatic turrets and land defense guns.

Six rectangular white military camps are hidden among the hills. The rest are command centers with satellite communication base stations, water towers and spherical bunkers deployed among the hills.

This is the battle plan. Hobas moved her hands across the holographic avatar, and the three-dimensional imaged building immediately enlarged in her hands: Our air force will give priority to destroying the bunkers on the three hills, and then you will launch the attack from the front. .”

I cannot agree with this plan.

Augustus sat in the front seat, so if he spoke, Hobas in front of him could hear him clearly.

If we attack from the front, we will need at least eight tanks or a company of artillery units to provide fire support. If the Air Force cannot confirm that their strikes can definitely destroy the target, then even if there is only one heavy machine gun on the hill, it can still fire Shoot, and my men will be in danger,” said Augustus.

I have to create a new battle plan, otherwise my troops will not participate in this rescue operation.

Thanks to Agent Rongrong and Admiral Jaina for the reward, thanks to the blue sky for taking me soaring, Admiral Jaina, and Star Revenant’s monthly ticket!

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