StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 82 The mine is now open

Several arched windows facing the mine in the supervisory office of the New Apollon Mining Industrial Zone were open. The morning breeze blew in, and the tight curtains swayed along with the light yellow tassels of the bookmarks on the bookshelves.

The gray hair on Augustus' forehead swayed slightly, the report paper on the mahogany desk rustled, and his coat and hat were hung on a branch-shaped hanger nearby.

An old record player that Reno and Harnack bought from the New Apollon community market last week was still working hard, and the melodious and relaxing Tarsonian tune was always jamming, but Augustus knew that this might play a role in the colonization. It’s a wonder that an antique from an earlier era can still speak today.

Maybe this record player is not as old as the locals said. After all, Renault bought it for scrap metal.

Thinking about it now, even though there were two Arc-Light tanks and a platoon of resocialized soldiers standing at the gate of the community with loaded ammunition, Renault and Harnak were able to walk out intact from the angry residents of the Camorian community. It's no small miracle in itself.

In the supervisory office, Lisa, wearing the uniform of a medical sergeant, was clearing out some collections left by the former Camorian mining supervisor, including some ores that emitted colorful light but had unknown uses, portraits of beautiful women that fit the aesthetics of the Camorian people, and Gold-plated mining pickaxe.

After cleaning up, Lisa turned to hanging the oil paintings of Augustus's mother and several cage guard swords that Augustus himself used to practice swordsmanship and other ancient fighting skills. To improve his terrible melee combat ability, the only one he has used that is better so far is the Salted Fish Thrust.

What is this? Lisa took out a simple safe from a box.

The wine from Tarsonis Taiping Island, I remember correctly it should be the 14th year. Handle it with care. Augustus raised his head and glanced.

As for putting it in the safe? It's just a bottle of wine. Lisa put it down gently.

You don't understand that the Mengsk family are fond of fine wine, just like the Camorians are keen to find beautiful stones in the mud. As for safes, this is a tradition. Augustus said: Just like you like beautiful things. The skirt is a thing.

In this world, there are other things besides crabs that can also make people feel happy, such as happiness, satisfaction and achievement.

Well, you are always right. Lisa shook her head: I haven't touched them for almost two months, and I no longer think about that stuff all day long. I'm trying to let other things Stuff became everything in my life.”

I'm so happy for you. Augustus put down the pen in his hand again, with a smile on his face: It seems that the drug rehabilitation has been successful so far. I believe that one day you will no longer need my supervision. In this way, you You will no longer be subject to those hallucinogenic drugs and be in a state of confusion all day long. Lisa, I think your life should be your own.

It's impossible that I can't control myself for the rest of my life. Just like the doctor said, I'm weak-willed and hopeless. Where Augustus couldn't see it, Lisa's pink lips with lipstick shrank: Augustus.

. Augustus looked at Lisa, waiting for her to continue.

You still need supervision. Lisa said softly.

...You have so little confidence in yourself. Augustus was stunned for a moment, thinking what should I say: If that doesn't work, I can hire a few maids to look after you after leaving the army.

Something's wrong, it sounds like he's keeping a mistress.

Of course, I have other options. Augustus changed his mind and said, What are your plans after retirement?

The future, I don't have any plans for the future. Lisa took out a framed photo from Augustus' box. It was a little girl with a silver ponytail, about ten years old, and she looked like It's already very high.

Is that your sister? she asked.

Looks like it. Augustus said uncertainly. Well, give it to me.

And get me a cup of coffee, okay?

Augustus still has a lot of work to do, calculating the profits of the mines, calculating labor costs and transportation costs

After the ceasefire agreement came into effect, all offensive plans of the Tyranid Federation army have been suspended, and most of the landing troops have returned to the battleships staying in synchronous orbit.

However, Augustus took the initiative to apply to stay in New Apollowen, and promised to resume production at the local factory in the shortest possible time and transport sufficient Adien crystals to the Meinhof Space Port.

Originally, no one would pay attention to the opinions of a young second lieutenant, even though Augustus was already quite famous, whether in the small circle of officers of the 33rd Ground Assault Division or in the larger civilian class.

Augustus's old boss, Lieutenant Colonel Warfield, would not help him in applying to manage the new Apollonian factory, because Warfield always insisted on fairness and justice. He could tolerate some minor problems, but in the big picture, Always a straight-faced person on issues.

In the end, it was his brother Arcturus' subordinates who were still in the army for the time being, and an old subordinate named Chuck took over the matter.

Today is the first day the document was issued, and Augustus got his wish and became the manager of a large mine, earlier than his brother. If nothing else, Arcturus, who had just left the army, was driving a space engineering vehicle on a deserted planet in the edge star region to mine and analyze the sampled ore.

In addition to the Heavenly Demon Platoon, Augustus also had a resocialization company under his command, and he also commanded the four arc-light tanks that remained on the ground.

These troops are more than enough to maintain law and order, and the main force of Kaimorian does not dare to risk unilaterally tearing up the ceasefire agreement to attack an ordinary mining area.

The war has been going on for too long, and both sides need time to repair themselves.

As for whether to continue fighting or conclude a peace treaty after this, that is decided by the governments of both parties.

Although there has been a ceasefire, there are still small frictions in various parts of Meinhof. Some officers do not want to die on a planet full of stones and Kemorians on the eve of the end of the war. This is the main reason why Augustus was able to get this appointment.

The problems caused by the high proportion of resocialized soldiers are also beginning to appear, that is, there are fewer and fewer soldiers who can handle management tasks flexibly.

At this time, some noisy sounds suddenly came from outside the window. A smile appeared on Augustus's face, and he knew that this was the arrival of the Camorian miners he hired.

There are many ways to become rich in the Koprulu sector, but ownership of a rare crystal mine is undoubtedly a stepping stone to the upper class - whether by selling the ownership or hiring someone to mine it.

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