StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 86 Indefinite ceasefire and Christmas holiday

As the twelfth month of AD 2488 approaches, the situation on Meinhof becomes tense again. Both the Tyranid Federation forces on the planet and the secretly armed Kaimorians are ready for another war. This dark blue planet, which is not considered beautiful and charming in the universe, is filled with a depressing atmosphere of an imminent war.

Officers like Augustus who were appointed to take over the surface factories had received advance notice from the Marine Corps Supreme Command to all levels of frontline combat troops: the war was over and would not continue.

When the first ceasefire agreement expired, more Kemerian factories, mines and even interstellar ports above Meinhof were taken over by the Terran Federation's forces. Approximately less than 8% of the light industry was not controlled by the occupying forces. The Federal High Command of the Marine Corps established its command center in Meinhof, the largest city.

Everyone knew that the Kemorian Alliance had been defeated, but they had not surrendered. Some of the more martial planets in the Commonwealth refused to carry out Moria's order for an indefinite ceasefire, so local wars continued.

Augustus knew that this war would eventually drag into 2489, and even drag on for a few more months. The governments of the Kemorian Federation and the Tyranid Federation would spend a long time working on the final peace agreement. Negotiation, arguing over even the slightest benefit at the negotiating table.

At the negotiation table, the status of both parties is not equal. There is no doubt that this peace agreement will be an extremely harsh and unequal treaty for the defeated Kaimorian Federation, and it will be an insult from the Terran Federation.

The Federation may have to cede most of the mining guilds or even colonies in the Koprulu sector in order to avoid being annexed.

But for Augustus and his demons in heaven, this was indeed good news. Once the war is over, it is a good choice to stay in the army or to retire and go home according to the normal process.

So, on a sunny day like December 20, Augustus and his men gathered for dinner in the workers’ canteen of the New Apollon Mining Factory. This is the best place they can find for a dinner party at present. The local catering industry is not developed, and mid-to-high-end restaurants can only be found in the city.

A table made up of five long alloy tables was placed with not very rich food. More than forty soldiers in brown military uniforms were feasting on the food while chatting about their thoughts about the future.

Although Meinhof is a world with quite limited supplies, Augustus still spent a lot of money to buy some good ingredients and asked the chefs in the factory to make something more delicious than individual soldier rations and steamed potatoes with stews. food. After more than a month, the demons in heaven once again ate cheeseburgers, grilled sausages, charcoal grilled steaks and creamy bacon pasta, and tasted valuable Marsala black tea.

To be honest, this holiday means nothing to me. Hanak said while stuffing food into his mouth: Shiloh is really boring. I just came to join the army to seek excitement. Alas, although it is a bit sad to say , but my relatives in town probably thought I was dead.

Then why did you apply for it? Renault, who couldn't go home in time to reunite with his family before Christmas, was angry.

In a few days, the first batch of rotation soldiers will be able to go home for Christmas - more resocialized soldiers will take their place, while the other unlucky ones will still have to stay at their posts, including Renault. He's an unlucky guy.

About a third of the people in The Devil are getting a week off, while the rest will have to wait until after Christmas. Augustus' application was approved, and he will return to Korhal IV by spacecraft at the interstellar launch port in Meinhof the day after tomorrow.

At this party belonging to the demons in heaven, their power armor technician Fike was also invited. Although the diminutive technician doesn't have a tattoo of a hooded skull, he's certainly recognized by the other demons of Heaven.

There's nothing to lose by applying. I don't have to go out for training. Wouldn't it be better to stay in the military camp and sleep? Hanak said: Speaking of which, I have lived alone since I was a child. For me, Christmas is just about picking up food. I got some interesting gadgets. Santa Claus has never visited my torn socks. For this reason, I even built a chimney without a stove at home.

That's because your socks are too smelly. Amy Brandon interjected.

Well, Hank, come back to Keha with me. Augustus said after swallowing the food in his mouth, I'll show you what a real big city is like.

Okay. Hanak nodded.

Tychus, where are you going for the holidays? Augustus then asked Tychus opposite.

I? I will never leave these sparkling little crystals in Meinhof, not even for a minute or a second. Tychus said: Even on vacation, I will not leave my post. I love the Marines.”

Jim, after I leave, remember to ask Kurowski to lead people to guard the gate and electrify the walls. Augustus shouted: Don't let Tychus bring women in, this is a military camp!

Also, you must make arrangements for our newly recruited workers. The Camorian named Rory Swann is now an external engineer for the Demon of Heaven. You must give him the best treatment.

No problem. Renault said happily: I can guarantee that not even a fly will fly in.

How do you know that boy Jim won't join in with me? This boy is at the age where he is full of longing for women. Tychus raised his eyebrows: You never let Jim have fun with us. This is outrageous.

No matter how strict a parent is, he should know how to relax.

I didn't say he can't have fun. Augustus shook his head: I just told you, don't lead him astray. When Kidd came, he wouldn't say a single curse word. After getting familiar with you, now Open your mouth and shut up, shit and piss.”

In the strip club, you and Josephine are having more fun than the other. Jim is still so young, and I don't want to see him indulge in indulgence and pleasure. When Omo died, he had shown that he was overly dependent on alcohol. Yes. Augustus looked at Renault, who was blushing.

“I trusted Jim because he never let me down.”

Okay, I'll just go out and have fun. Tychus gave up and began to imagine the beautiful body of a woman: I wonder what the Camorian girl tastes like.

When he pictured the short, stocky, bearded Kaimorian miner in his mind, Tychus made a sound of disgust, as if he had eaten a dead fly.

Augustus talked with others for a while. In addition to those who still wanted to stay in Meinhof and those who were preparing to go home, there were also Ward and Zander who wanted to go back with him. The former is a sad place that does not want to go back to the past, while the latter is from a slum and is still homeless.

As for Rundstein, although he also wanted to return to Korhal to reunite with his family during the holidays, his departure time was one day later than Augustus. Josephine said nothing about returning home, as if a gang of gangsters were waiting to hang him once he returned to Korhal.

After talking for a long time, Lisa, who seemed to have been forgotten by Augustus, finally spoke: Augustus, don't you ask me how I plan my vacation?

I remember your family is from Tarsonis. Don't you want to go back to see your father? Augustus looked at Lisa sitting next to him. Lisa has now gotten rid of her drug dependence, and her long, once dull hair now exudes a bright ginger sheen and a refreshing fragrance.

What's so interesting about him? He's just an old man. Lisa crossed her arms on her chest: I happen to be planning to travel to Keha.

It's just. I just want to drop by to visit your mother.

Okay then. Augustus spread his hands.

I feel so sorry for poor old Anthony Cassidy.

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