StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 95 Umoyan Ghost Agent

On Christmas Eve, Stillling City seemed like a shining gem in the dark night. Devout Christians rush to the city's churches named after the Virgin Mary and the Child or the apostles to attend services. When the bells ring, Steele souls gather around the sizzling oven and holographic projection Christmas tree at home. Opening gifts nearby.

The Mengsk family's resort estate on the edge of the northern mountains is brightly lit. Servants wearing Santa hats celebrate the holidays with their employers. Laser detectors scan the courtyard and residences every tenth of a second. Umoyan's intelligence Drones patrolled the skies like night owls.

In the martial arts room, there are training swords and open iron swords on the sword racks. On the wall are warning words left by Augustus's grandfather of the same name. One of them was one that Augustus repeatedly recited when he was a child: A man of integrity. A true king should fight for the oppressed, and a true king should protect his loyal people.

Augustus, wearing a white training robe, is practicing swordsmanship with his swordsmanship instructor. Both men held a guarded wooden broadsword that had been worn by Korhal's Lancers in colonial times.

After saluting, Augustus twirled the wooden sword in his hand, stepped out with his feet, and stood firmly on the wooden floor like a mountain, while his swordsmanship instructor maintained the same posture as him.

Do you remember what I once taught you? Augustus' swordsmanship instructor was a middle-aged man with an Asian face and dark pupils.

Augustus Mengsk, the eighth month of the twelve months is named after him. He is upright and brave, not vain, and was born to walk on the road of greatness and glory. Augustus side As he spoke, he stared closely into his mentor's eyes and the hand holding the sword.

Do you still remember the words he left for you? the instructor asked.

Defend noble ideals or fight for the oppressed. A noble man always stands firm in the face of tyrants who dominate the weak. Those who abuse power will be punished by heaven and earth, and honest people will not stand idly by and allow such evil to exist. Gustus replied.

Your character has proven that you will be the Lord of Korhal. The mentor said: You and your father are true Mengsk.

What about Arcturus? Augustus asked.

No, he's not like that, said the tutor.

Augustus was ready to strike, as if he would swing his polished sword forward at any moment. But in an instant, his mentor reversed the blade and slashed diagonally at Augustus at a tricky angle. The latter easily blocked after a beautiful turn. Two white figures moved forward to slash, block, and Spin, thrust.

Your reflexes, speed and strength are not as good as before. You were supposed to be the lion of Korhal or the wolf of Steelling that I trained, but now, why are you so weak that you are not even as good as a sixty-year-old man? . The mentor sent Augustus back a few steps with a powerful blow.

Even if you are in a military camp, you should not relax your demands on yourself.

I am too slack. Augustus gasped, his long gray hair falling limply on his forehead due to sweat: I am weak from wasted practice.

Then you should work harder until you can easily knock me down again. In the memory of this elder whose body has begun to age, Augustus began to follow him to practice swordsmanship, politics and politics when he was six years old. philosophy.

As a child, Augustus was not nearly as strong and powerful as his older brother, but he was very hardworking and perseverant, and also showed amazing talent in learning. Augustus was excellent in all aspects, but he was always arrogant and conceited, which was why he entered the rebellious period prematurely.

However, although the mentor was puzzled by Augustus's decline in swordsmanship, he had undoubtedly washed away his glory and became steady and restrained.

Augustus wielded the training sword in silence, and he was gradually regaining the feeling of the past. In his memory, at the age of sixteen, Augustus was already able to hit his mentor's vital point with one blow or knock off the opponent's sword with his youthful strength. He could skillfully use more than a dozen cold weapons and hot weapons. , knocking down a defensive adult man in a matter of seconds with his bare hands.

For nearly ten minutes, Augustus kept slashing or blocking, until there was a sudden knock on the door of the martial arts room.

Conor Ward came in with a Gauss rifle on his back. There was a black skull on his exposed forearm: Augustus, Umoyan Ambassador Aline Pasteur is looking for you.

He should have stayed in Umoyan and reunited with his family. Augustus bowed to his mentor and placed the training sword on the stand: Why not invite him in.

He was followed by a Umoyan soldier, Ward said. That guy made me feel uncomfortable.

Since Aylin brought it here, it doesn't matter.

Soon, Aline Pasteur, still wearing a dark suit, walked in with a blond young man wearing a tight-fitting light blue combat uniform. The circuit emits a silvery white light.

Augustus, this is the warrior you want. Aylin looked at Augustus proudly: A powerful psyker, super warrior.

Very good, but... why is there only one person? Augustus looked at the psychic that Aylin was talking about, and found that the other person had long, curly golden hair, deep eye sockets, a high bridge of nose, and those The light blue eyes showed a melancholy look and seemed to have no energy.

We have very few psychic warriors, and most of them have to serve as mentors for new students. But don't worry, there are still three outstanding shadow warriors who will come to Korhal IV in January next year. Aylin smiled at him. explain.

In Umoyan, people do not consider psykers to be aliens. We call these brave warriors the Shadow Guards, because they are the shadows that guard the elected council and the people.

Nice to meet you, I am. Augustus did not show the fear and disgust that a Tyranid usually has for psykers, but walked over to shake hands with the other person generously.

Although Augustus wanted a psyker who was only loyal to himself, the trained psykers of the Tyranid Federation were all under the control of the federal government, so he could only settle for the next best thing. Let’s solve the upcoming ghost agent assassination incident.

Augustus Mengsk, fighter for freedom, Wolf of Mengsk, military leader of the revolution. The Shadow Guard said: I can see your bright and great heart.

No, I'm just an ordinary person. Augustus was about to ask the other person's name, but the latter had already spoken.

We have only one name, and that is the Shadow Guard. He then smiled again: Of course, you can call me Malchus. This was my name when I was in Tarsonis.

Marchus, thank you for coming here all the way to protect me and my family. Augustus paused, and the other party expressed his inner doubts.

You are very curious about my psychic level, because the assassins of the Federation will probably be the highest level ten. Marcus said: In terms of the Federation's PSI psychic rating, I should only be at level eight, but I Brought psionic shielding field generators and laser anti-cloaking devices specifically designed to deal with psykers.

Sorry, I think you should wait for me to say what I want to say, otherwise it will sound like you are talking to yourself. Augustus smiled and said: I have another question. I heard Psykers are mind readers, so I'm curious how much you can read other people's thoughts.

Typically, we can only detect superficial emotions, such as what you are trying to say and what you are trying to do. Marcus replied: If you want to get down to the deepest thoughts, you can do that. , but it takes a lot of time. People are complicated, and you can never understand all of a person’s thoughts.”

You don't have to worry about me probing your thoughts. The psychic shielding device we brought can block telepathy, which is mind reading. Suddenly, he smiled.

You thought of torturing corrupt officials and finding traitors and those with disloyal intentions in the revolutionary army.

It's not stabbing and killing, which is good.

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