StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 103: Sisters reunion

   In the orbit of the planet Iao, there is a beautiful white fortress, and the beautiful streamlined body does not show any mechanical feeling at all.

   This is the headquarters of the Io Federation Star Fleet. The sound of preparedness sirens that has not sounded for hundreds of years is resounding in every corner of the fortress.

   In the port, there is a huge white warship docking here. This is the flagship of the Federal Third Army. At this moment, the warship is also resounding in the warship!

"what's the situation?"

  A heroic female angel walked into the bridge and immediately shouted loudly. She is the commander of the Io Federation Third Army Corps Elfie, who commands the 300,000 warships.

   "Catherine, the commander of the Elfi Legion and the garrison fleet commander, reported that a fleet that does not exist in the database has entered the metropolitan area, and the intention is unknown! The number is 20,000, and we ask for support!"

   "There is no matching fleet in the database? That is to say, it is an unknown fleet. Is the legion ready?"

   "It's ready, ready to strike!"

   "Let the army attack all at once, and inform Commander Catherine, don't force it, wait for us to pass, after all, she only has 1,000 guard warships."


   Dealing with 20,000 warships and dispatching the entire army of 300,000 warships may be unwise in the eyes of some people, but Alfie doesn't think so.

This is an unknown fleet of unknown civilization. No one knows how powerful it is. The best way to deal with this unknown enemy is to attack with all strength without reservation. She doesn't want to become a refueling tactic because of her stupidity. .

  The huge army drove out of the fortress one after another, and began to assemble an array not far from the fortress!

   30 million kilometers away, the main ship of the garrison fleet.

   "Commander Catherine, the Elfie Corps commander has led the Third Army to attack. She wants us not to force it and wait for the Third Army to arrive."

   "I understand that there are only 1,000 guard warships, and I will not mess with the lives of my sisters! Have the detailed data of the opposing warships been scanned?"

   "It has been scanned. The opponent has a total of 20,000 warships, of which 18,000 are judged to be Battlecruiser-class warships! The remaining 2,000 should be large aircraft carriers!"

   "What, are you sure you are right? The 20,000 ships are all battlecruisers and aircraft carriers?"

   "Yes, Commander Catherine, I have confirmed it again!"

   Catherine was a little sluggish at this time, with 18,000 battlecruisers and 2,000 aircraft carriers, what kind of fairy configuration is this.

   You must know that even in the Third Army, out of 300,000 battleships, there are only 50,000 battlecruisers, and the opponent does not have the cooperation of frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. Is this combat power achievable?

   "After the warning message was sent, did the other party reply?"

   "Not yet, Commander Catherine!"

   "Continue sending!"


   At the same moment, 8 million kilometers away, inside the Uranos.

   Liang Xue was playing the warning message sent by the other party.

   "This is the garrison fleet of the Iowa Federal Capital Region. The unidentified fleet ahead immediately stops and informs the identity and intention of the arrival, otherwise we will take military measures!"

   Listening to this warning message, Lin Fan smiled slightly and waved to the side.

   That was one of the first twelve angels rescued, named Angela, very well-behaved, and also the angel who asked Lin Fan why he had no breasts...

  Lin Fan and Liang Xue both liked Ahn'Qiraj, and even took care of her like a sister along the way.

   "Angela, I am sending a communication request to the opposing fleet now. After the connection is made, can you explain it?"


   Angela is very excited. This is the star system Io, her hometown. She didn't expect that she would be able to return here one day.

   "Take a few deep breaths, don't get too excited!"


   Okay, but even more excited, Lin Fan smiled helplessly.

   "Liang Xue, send a communication request to the other side!"



   "Commander Catherine, the unidentified fleet in front has sent a communication request. Are you connected?"


   After the communication was connected, a man and a woman appeared in the picture. When Catherine saw the person in the picture, she was stunned for an instant, but she soon became excited again!

   "Angela, why are you?"

   The other angels in the bridge also looked at Catherine in surprise and who was Ahn'Qiraj. Of course they knew that Commander Catherine’s sister, who disappeared in the Battle of Seres 50 years ago, was suspected of being captured.

   "Sister, it's really you, I always thought I would never see you again in my life, wow..."

   After seeing Catherine, Ahn'Qiraj could no longer maintain his emotions, so he cried.

   Liang Xue cracked and walked over, gently hugging Angela, constantly comforting.

   Although Catherine was very excited by the sisters' reunion, she was also vigilantly looking at Lin Fan and Liang Xue in the picture.

   These two people have the same appearance as their own race, but there are some differences, that is, there are no wings behind them.

   Who are these people? How could Angela be with them?

   "This commander, Ahn'Qiraj is a little unstable, let me explain it below!"

   Lin Fan looked at Catherine who was wary, smiled slightly, and continued.

"We are from the Human Federation. Some time ago, the Ox Empire invaded our territory, so we counterattacked it! After conquering its capital area, a large number of enslaved angels were found on the Ox, this time too. The upper level of the Federation ordered to send these angels back! Therefore, we are not your enemies, so don't be overly nervous!"

   "What, you said that you captured the capital area of ​​the Ochs Empire?"

   Catherine said with a shocked face.

   That is the Ochs Empire. It is even stronger than the Io Federation. It is the leader of the surrounding generation of star regions.

   But what did I hear just now? The person in front of him said that he had already laid down the capital area of ​​the Ochs Empire? Doesn't it mean that even if the Ochs Empire is not destroyed, it is definitely crippled?

   Are you kidding me?

   "How do you prove what you just said?"

   Catherine remained vigilant about what Lin Fan said, and asked.

   Just as Lin Fan was about to reply, an unexpected person next to him spoke first!

   "Sister Catherine, I don't allow you to doubt Brother Lin Fan, he is the benefactor who rescued Angela from hell!"


   Catherine looked at Angela speechlessly, not knowing how to respond for a while.

   Instead, Lin Fan smiled slightly. This girl, Liang Xue and I didn't take care of her in vain on the way!

   "Well, Commander Catherine, how do you think we appeared here? If we are malicious, you, the 300,000 warships coming from behind after 1,000 warships, can stop us?"

   After Lin Fan's voice fell, Catherine was stunned? What does he mean by this? How did it appear here?

   Yeah, how did I forget this most important thing? How did the other party suddenly appear in the metropolitan area?

  After thinking for a few seconds, Catherine suddenly came up with four words in her mind, and her face was pale!

   curvature engine!

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