StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 405: The Alliance of Vera, an exclusive 4 galaxy

The Villa Federation's referendum went on vigorously for a month, and the results did not surprise Beltt.

For a Vera, it is truly unacceptable to let those low-level third- and fourth-level civilizations climb onto themselves in the future, rather than becoming a subsidiary civilization of a higher-level civilization.

And when everyone understands this, the result of the vote is doomed.

97% of citizens agreed to join the human federation’s subsidiary civilization system, and the remaining 3% are die-hards, but they can no longer affect the overall situation!

A few days later, Gonggong came to the orbit of the Vera Federal Capital Star again.

"Belt, this is the subsidiary civilization treaty formulated by the Federation for the civilizations on the four main swing arms. The core clauses have not changed, but the problem of the boundaries of each civilization has been given a solution!"

"You should understand that after mankind unifies the galaxy, the entire galaxy will become the stronghold of mankind, and other civilizations need to make room!"

In the meeting room, Lin Fan pushed with his hand, pushing a virtual interface in front of him to Peelt.

Belt was not surprised, after all, what Lin Fan said, he had already expected.

What mankind wants is to make the entire galaxy the base camp of mankind, and naturally will not allow other civilizations to remain in the galaxy.

Operating the virtual interface, Belt began to look at this subsidiary civilization treaty line by line.

Belt saw some of the previous content very quickly. After all, humans had publicly published the civilized treaty templates on the arms of Orion before, and they were exactly the same as what they were looking at now, no difference.

However, the following content is somewhat different, no, it should be said that several items have been added.

Among them, the most important content is about the settlement of civilizations in the galaxy.

According to this treaty, all civilizations in the galaxy, after joining the federation, can get a free civilisation migration service from the federation.

And this so-called civilization migration service is the use of inter-galactic space transport technology by the Human Federation to help corresponding civilizations travel to other galaxies.

Helping to clean up the galaxy is not included here. The migrating civilization needs to open up wasteland on its own.

Of course, according to the size of each galaxy and the number of stars, the Federation has also formulated the maximum number of migration regulations.

For example, on the edge of the Milky Way, there is a galaxy called Triangulum with a diameter of about 60,000 light years and more than 40 billion stars!

For such a galaxy, the migration score given by the Federation is 400,000 points.

So, what does a migration score of 4000 mean?

There are also detailed regulations in this respect, 1 point for first-level civilization, 50 points for third-level civilization, 1,000 points for fourth-level civilization, and 100,000 points for fifth-level civilization.

When the total score of the migrated civilization reaches the upper limit of the galaxy, the Federation will close the migration application for the galaxy.

When Belt looked at it, his face was clear. If it is allocated according to the Federation, then with the score of the fifth level of civilization, a huge territory of at least 10 billion stars can be obtained in the new galaxy, compared to Vera. As far as the current territory of the Federation is concerned, it is a hundred times larger.

Under such conditions, even if human beings do not force themselves to migrate, they will beg to migrate.

Sure enough, migration is always the most cost-effective thing. No civilization can withstand this temptation, even if it is abandoning its home planet!

"Lin Fan, in our galaxy group, can all galaxies be selected?"

"Of course not, the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy and the 12 satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, the above 14 galaxies cannot be selected, these are the territory of the Federation, as for the remaining 36 galaxies, you can choose!"

"Well, I knew it was like this!"

After listening to Lin Fan's answer, Belt showed such an expression as expected.

You know, in the Milky Way, there are 3 large galaxies and 47 small galaxies. The three large galaxies are the Milky Way, the Triangular Galaxy, and the Andromeda Galaxy.

Among them, the triangular galaxy is the smallest, with only more than 40 billion stars, which can only barely enter the category of large galaxies, while the Andromeda Galaxy is different, with more than one trillion stars, even more than the Milky Way. More than ten times richer!

You know, the entire galaxy has only 100 billion stars!

Therefore, the Andromeda galaxy can be regarded as the richest galaxy in the local galaxy group, and there is no one!

If you can choose this place, Belt will definitely choose this place without hesitation, but he also understands that most of the human beings will not let it out of such a rich galaxy.

And Lin Fan's answer also proved this point well.

Well, don't force it, let's go for the second best!

"Understand, there is one more question. Will all of our Villa Alliance migrate to the same galaxy?"


Huh... Hearing this, Belt finally breathed a sigh of relief. For him, the most feared thing is that humans will dismantle the entire Vera Federation and distribute them in different galaxies.

After all, if it were him, he would definitely do it!

However, for Lin Fan, it doesn't make sense to dismantle the Villa Alliance. The Federation doesn't mind that its affiliated civilizations also have its own affiliated civilizations, and it doesn't pose any threat to him.

"Then we will choose the Triangle Galaxy in the Villa Alliance!"

"Yes. Later, we will have someone visit all the civilizations under your command and sign a treaty of subsidiary civilizations with them one by one."


After signing all the agreements, Belt returned to Capital Star, but now he was in a mixed mood.

Starting today, the Vera Federation is no longer the overlord, but a subsidiary civilization of mankind!

Such a change, even for him, is inevitable, and it is inevitable to be a little sad.


In three months, the human side finally settled all the civilizations under the Villa Alliance. With the great temptation of the leader to speak and demolish, almost all civilizations rushed to sign the treaty.

As for why it took three months, it can only be said that there are too many civilizations in the Vera Except for the official member states, the Vera Federation and 38 fourth-level civilizations. , There are still a large number of Level 3 civilizations under its command. This is not a small number, but a full number of more than 30,000.

Of course, if calculated according to the migration score of humans, the total migration score of the Vera Alliance has far exceeded the upper limit of the triangle galaxy. Therefore, Belt has selected three more satellite galaxies of the triangle galaxy before finally giving all civilizations to the government. Went in.

The Federation also promised that in the future, all galaxies in the local galaxy group will install a large number of stargate systems and provide inter-galaxy-level space transmission services.

Therefore, even if it is divided into four galaxies, it is not a big problem for the Vera Alliance!

Not to mention, the three satellite galaxies that are themselves triangular galaxies!

As for those first-level and second-level civilizations, they are not enough to be the subsidiary civilizations of which civilization. They will stay in the galaxy for the time being, and humans will not interfere too much in its development.

Until the day when they become a third-level civilization, the Federation will make corresponding arrangements for them!

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