StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 509: Weaknesses of the impact ship


There are still ten minutes before the fleet exits hyperspace.

At the same time, after nearly half an hour of onslaught, the advance fleet also expanded the safety zone to a radius of 5.2 AU, which was even a little bit beyond Lin Tian's original request.

But in the same way, with the expansion of the safety zone, the area of ​​the entire defensive line is also expanding, and the final result is...

The delicate balance reappeared again, the speed of killing the Zerg race was almost the same as the speed that the war worms replenished, and the front stalemate once again!

However, this is not a problem for Lin Tian.

After all, for an advance fleet of only one million warships, this is already doing quite well.

As for the rest, just leave it to the main force!


Tens of thousands of light-years away, a certain insect is watching every move on the battlefield through the Zerg Spiritual Network, and may even be more attentive than Alba.

"Almost the impact of the speed of light, how did humans do it?"

You must know that this is not through transition or space transmission, but close to the speed of light.

Although the Zerg is a biological civilization and does not follow the path of science and technology, the Emir has lived for so long to say that he has seen too many civilizations and destroyed too many civilizations.

Therefore, there is still such a basic common sense!

That is, there is no such thing as superluminal speed in the true sense!

Of course, this is based on the civilization of the highest level seven, after all, it has never seen a higher civilization.

As far as the so-called super-light speeds known to Emil are concerned, they are not super-light speeds in the true sense, but take shortcuts.

Whether it's a jump, a space transfer, or the latest hyperspace navigation of mankind, although it can be called a super-light speed, it is not in the true sense.

Strictly speaking, these technologies are shortcuts, that is, through tricks, to achieve a result that exceeds the speed of light, not a process!

And just now, the kind of weird weapons used by humans, if they read it right, is infinitely close to the speed of light.

This should have been impossible, but it really happened in front of my own eyes.

For the Emil, the shock that humans have given it recently is too much, and it almost makes him feel even more powerless when facing humans than facing the Saint Dimension Empire.

But powerlessness to powerlessness, this is not a better explanation. Is human beings the most suitable target for that plan of oneself?

It's just that how to establish contact with humans is a pretty big problem!

Emil thought with a headache.


At the same time, inside the worm's nest channel.

Seeing his huge swarm of insects being crushed by just one million warships, Alba did not look angry, but calmly thought of countermeasures, and he really thought of a way!

"At present, humans are pressing the zerg to 30 million kilometers away, do they only need to control the zerg and actively dodge it?"

"After all, this strange weapon of the other party did not exceed the speed of light, but 099 times the speed of light."

"So, even if it has the speed of light, it still takes a full one hundred seconds to reach the Zerg when it launches an offensive. After all, even the speed of light is only 300,000 kilometers per second!"

"The most important thing is that the opponent's armed forces do not have the ability to maneuver while moving at 0.99 times the speed of light. Once they start, they can only be straight to the end!"

"And myself, have more than 100 seconds to control this swarm of insects to get out of the impact path?"

I have to say that Alba is still very smart, and in just a short while, he has seen the Achilles heel of the shock ship.

Yes, very deadly!

Now that you have thought of it, do it immediately and try it out first.

Alba immediately controlled a swarm of insects through the Zerg’s spiritual network. On the opposite side of this insect swarm, more than 20 shock ships had already taken action, and the golden hoop-like afterimage appeared in the void again. Inside.

"It's now!"

A large number of instructions were immediately sent out along the Zerg's spiritual network.

Under Alba's personal command, all the war worms in the entire swarm suddenly became like trained soldiers, and the linkage between worms and worms was orderly.

Can you imagine that in a war bug swarm with trillions of units, the bugs adjusted their positions one after another, without any collision?

It's almost the same as when the Federal Fleet changed its formation.

Soon, more than a minute passed, and more than 20 bodies, which were continuously elongated, were instantly submerged in the insect swarm, and continued to extend until they emerged from the other end of the insect swarm.

No fog appears...

There is also no large number of war insect fragments swaying in the void...

Nothing at all!

And inside a Dreadnought-class battleship operating these shock fleets.

"Captain, according to the evaluation of the battlefield, the impact of this attack on the fleet is zero!"

"Impossible, too outrageous, recalculate!"

"Yes, Captain... after the recalculation, the strike effect is still zero!"

"Bring out the observation image for me, let me see the actual strike effect!"


Soon, an image was projected into the bridge.

After dozens of seconds, the captain finally understood why the strike effect was zero!

At the moment after the impact ship set off, the entire insect swarm began to change, and until one minute later, within the insect swarm, twenty-four passages with a diameter of about 100,000 kilometers had appeared.

That's right, it's the channel, nothing!

After that, the twenty-four shock ships were like tourist sightseeing, entering from one end of the channel vacated by the Zerg, and then exiting from the other end. They ran away lonely for nothing, and found nothing.

"Captain, the swarms of insects are beginning to press up!"

It was originally a very delicate balance, so that the entire front was stabilized in this position, and no one could continue to advance, even if it was one step.

However, this balance is fragile after all. As long as any party makes a mistake, even if it is only once, the other party can use this opportunity to instantly push it up!

Obviously this wave of assault ships has missed, giving the Zerg a great opportunity!

"Captain, it is clear that the Zerg has captured the weakness of our assault ship. Do you want to retreat slowly while maintaining firepower?"

"No, once we retreat, it will affect the arrival of the main fleet. All the bugs must be suppressed here!"


The captain waved his hand and organized his men to continue talking.

"Needless to say, not only do we not back down, but also to meet up."

"Didn't the Zerg use the weakness of our assault ship's slow speed to evade?"

"Then we get close enough, so close that they don't have time to avoid it."

"Activate the phase shield, the seventh speed of the battleship, the super large swarm in front of the target!"

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