Stargate: Lords of Time

Chapter 561 Chaos of Merging Dao (seeking monthly subscription ticket)

Li Hao no longer cares about how the outside world discusses and disturbs.

The harvest this time is not small, so it is natural to digest the gains.

Union City No. 9.

Li Hao is also filling his own small realm. Since the Thousand Realms, he seldom expends energy to fill his own small realm. He mainly relies on the Queen for supplies. The Queen's current fourth-level power can provide him with a lot of energy. .

The speed is actually not slow. Li Hao relies on the Queen's supply, and these days, he has also filled seven or eight small realms.

However, relatively speaking, there are few intuitive changes.

In just a short period of time, seven or eight small worlds were filled. This speed was actually very fast, and it was terrifyingly fast. However, for Li Hao, these days, the newly opened small worlds were not limited to so many.

At the beginning, I was worried that the Queen would support me to death, but now I was very early.

If you want to support yourself to death, wait until you reach the seventh level.

At the current stage, the energy provided by the queen can only be said to let Li Hao fight the tooth-beating sacrifice.

At this moment, Li Hao doesn't care about these things, and continues to open up his own small world.

Enlightenment, Li Hao must be more than a thousand.

It's just that before, because of the problem of energy and time, he was mainly perfecting his thousand worlds, and did not continue to open up too many small worlds. At this time, Li Hao was thinking while opening up small worlds.

The key is the way of the rules!

The power of the current Dao is all chaotic, or in other words, it all stems from chaos. The entire chaotic Dao is in a state of disorder. Is it better to be chaotic or orderly?

In the past, it may not be clear.

But in the previous battle, Li Hao had some judgments and an orderly way of rules. Although the man only made a sword and did not reveal more, it is obvious that orderly is stronger.

The destructive power against disorder is stronger.

With countless thoughts, his eyes turned to time and stars again.

With the continuous rotation of time and stars, Li Hao has also recorded many changes. The myriad ways of time and stars are constantly changing, but there is no pattern for this change at the beginning.

But now, Li Hao has actually seen some patterns.

At this time, he had to sigh with emotion, Emperor Zhan Tian was really a genius.

He was able to complete the combination of Wan Dao at that time, the combination of Wan Dao, the premise is to comprehend Wan Dao, after the comprehension is over, Wan Dao has to be sorted, and after sorting, he has to go deeper and change!

Level by level is getting harder!

The most basic step is to comprehend ten thousand ways. As far as this point is concerned, Li Hao has not yet completed it. Even if he has reached the seventh level, he has not completed this step. So much...that's really not.

And the perception of ten thousand ways is only the basis of time.

The basics have not yet been achieved. At this time, Li Hao still has no hope of going on independently. Therefore, Li Hao is still in the learning stage at this moment.

I have reached the seventh level, and I am still learning, learning from a sixth-level emperor... If it is spread out, I am afraid it will make people laugh.

But in fact, that is the case.

It's not just Li Hao of the seventh level. At the current stage, in the chaos, there may not be one who can construct time, otherwise, time will no longer be mysterious.

Wandao Pavilion may be the opportunity for Li Hao to quickly understand Wandao.

At this moment, he was just a little puzzled. How did Zhan Tiandi realize that he could comprehend myriad ways without leaving Xinwu?

As for traveling to the past and the future... that ability will only be available after the other party realizes ten thousand ways and constructs time.

In the beginning, it must be self-awareness.

Every world, in fact, has the foundation of ten thousand ways.

However, there are some points of emphasis.

In the new martial arts world, there are ten thousand ways, but there are some great ways, which are so weak that you can hardly detect them. How do you perceive such ways?

Li Hao was puzzled by this point, but also admired it.

It's probably impossible to do it yourself.

Sometimes, in comparison, outsiders think they are geniuses... But in Li Hao's view, it's not worth mentioning, and I can't do it, just inside Yinyue, I can comprehend Wan Dao.

In the broken and cracked earth world, a little bit of the power of the Great Dao spilled out, filling those newly opened small realms.

There are several realms in the original thousand realms, but purely in terms of energy, they have already stepped into the middle world level.

For example, the new world of thunder, the new world of Senlan, including the world of catastrophe...

They are all middle-level worlds.

Most of the other realms are still in the category of small worlds. Compared with the real world, what these imaginary worlds lack now is the source of life.

New Territories were opened up one by one.

At this moment, in the great river, there is still one person... Daoqi.

At this moment, Daoqi recovered its body, revealing the Wandao chessboard, and opened it up for Li Hao to observe. Daoqi was left by the Lord of Tianfang, and the Lord of Tianfang engraved his own space Wandao on the body of Daoqi.

For Li Hao, returning to the eighth level of Daoqi, it is more rewarding to watch and emulate.

Not only that... Near Daoqi, there is a book, Daoshu.

From Xinwu Supreme.

Xinwu Supreme has also entered the eighth level. Li Hao doesn't know how many ways he has comprehended. He just heard that Thousand Pages and Thousand Emperors. I have to say that the path taken by Li Hao is very similar.

Li Hao turned Dao into a boundary, and Xinwu Supreme is almost the same as Li Hao, except that the other party outlines the principles of Dao into a book, which is nothing more than a different form of expression.

At this time, Li Hao was still very happy.

He doesn't worry about bottlenecks.

The Dao of Daoqi has not yet been comprehended, and the Dao of the Supreme has been provided for myself again, and I don’t know how long it will take to absorb and digest it all.

Daoshu, unfolding page by page.

Words, like divine words, appeared in front of the eyes, and soon, they turned into supreme beings, as if they were practicing the Dao, outlining the Dao into a book, which is more intuitive.

Li Hao has always had this kind of thought, but now that he is in the cultural world, one text is one world, one world is one, and it is difficult to compress it...

It hasn't reached the level of supreme yet.

The supreme being able to compress the Tao into a book actually means that the other party's perception of the Tao and his control over the Tao are better than Li Hao's.

As for Li Hao, he can only control the cultural world first.

All around, small realms, in Li Hao's perception, constantly emerged, like bubbles, floating in all directions, and soon, a large amount of power from the Great Dao poured into them, filling the small realms.

This time, Li Hao has only one goal, to open two thousand realms first.

As for whether it can be filled, we will talk about it later.

Open up the small circle first, so that the next step is a filling process.

The first thousand worlds finally focused on the way of catastrophe and turned into the sword of catastrophe in the thousand worlds. At this moment, what Li Hao was thinking about was, what kind of way is the main way of the second thousand worlds?

Form your own 2000th Realm Sword!

Once the filling of the two thousand realms is completed, Li Hao believes that his combat power will be improved once, not to mention being comparable to the top eighth rank, at that time, at least the strength of three thousand or more.

His one-world power is at least half times stronger than those eighth-level monks who have not transformed into a world. This is the most basic.

Therefore, with 10% of the two thousand realms, his combat power is at least comparable to that of a monk with three thousand to four thousand Taoism.

At present, in the entire East, there are not many eighth-level monks with such strength.

Most of them are weaker ones, in the category of two or three thousand.

Lei Di and the others are actually at this stage.

"Bright Moon Sword, the first sword, Jie Dao Sword!"

With Qianjie as the foundation of the sword, how can the second sword be stronger at this level?

This is what Li Hao is thinking about at this time.

In the second thousand realms, which realm is the main one?

life and death?

Nirvana recovery?

yin and yang?

or something else?

In the early days, he did not major in Calamity Sword Dao, but later he entered the seventh level of Calamity Sword Dao first. The main reason is that he has experienced too many chaos and thunder calamities, and he has this foundation.

The destructive power of the catastrophe sword is actually quite strong, and it is not bad as the thousandth world sword.

Of course, this is not the real ninth-order way, otherwise, it would not be so weak.

Obviously, the 2000th World Sword cannot be the real Ninth-Rank Dao, but the 2000th World Sword should be used as a supplement to improve one's own Haoyue Sword, which can play a big role in dealing with powerful enemies.

"The fight between the strong is nothing more than trapping, suppressing, breaking, and destroying."

Thoughts floated in Li Hao's mind. The sword of catastrophe and the power of breaking are actually enough, but at present, the power of trapping and killing is not strong. His main means of dealing with powerful enemies is to freeze time and suppress.

Then use the sword to kill!

But time, after all, is not his own at present, once the time and stars are really broken, what should we do?

"The second way of swordsmanship should still be based on suppression and siege. The way of annihilation will be very effective. Moreover, the way of recovery can allow me to recover..."

Li Hao's understanding of the way of extinction and recovery is actually not weak, of course, it is worse than Kongji.

But this one, he is very familiar with.

Perhaps, the 2000th World Dao should focus on Nirvana recovery, directly suppress the enemy Nirvana, freeze it for an instant, and then slash it with the Dao of Jiejian, revive one, and extract vitality, which is comparable to the way of life and death.

With a thought, in the long river, soon, a boundary emerged and expanded instantly.

The way of death and recovery has long condensed the stars.

However, to extract from the original thousand realms, these realms have to be rearranged and sorted again, so as not to mess up the rules.

This is another big project.

This process of destruction and reorganization is also an opportunity for Li Hao to improve himself.


It took more than ten days for Li Haoxin to condense the small domain of the Thousand Realms.

Of course, it's barely filled.

These days, the power of the Great Dao is almost all used to open up the small realms. The new thousand realms, of which only a dozen or so realms, have been filled and perfected, and the improvement of Li Hao's strength is minimal.

As for the 2000th Realm, Li Hao finally decided to focus on recovery from extinction.

At this moment, Li Hao, who has been in seclusion for many days, is completing the general structure of the second thousandth world.

The entire long river is constantly in turmoil.

The boundaries are floating in the air, distributed along the long avenue, densely packed, it looks scary, but in fact, the strength has not improved much compared to before, and it is dispensable.


With a loud bang, all the dust in the 2000th Realm settled down.

At this moment, a cat floated on the long river, looked up and down, pouted slightly, and the cat's beard twitched, and soon, it appeared in front of Li Hao, looking at the two thousand realms that appeared on the long river, A little puzzled: "You should have some insight into the composition of time...Why don't you follow the path of time, you follow your own ideas like this...It may not be possible to form time in the end."

The arrangement of time has its uniqueness.

Li Hao has a certain understanding of the sequence of time and ten thousand ways. You can just copy it along the sequence of time. If you have to be ingenious and construct a new system, it will be very troublesome, and it may not be able to form time.

Li Hao smiled: "Time is changing, not static. Moreover, time is actually different in everyone's eyes... Besides, it is only a temporary construction. You have to copy the time of Zhan Tiandi to think it is Is it the only one?"

"I didn't say that."

Ermao muttered: "It's just that if you walk like this, you will get to three thousand, four may be difficult to walk."

"Don't worry, take it step by step."

Li Hao exhaled: "Now, let's fill up my two thousand realms first. At present, there is a lack of a lot of chaos power to fill up. The destruction of the realm is very fast, but there are so many worlds to destroy. At present... the queen The Tao is good, but very slow!"

It is too difficult for a queen of the fourth rank to push Li Hao to the eighth rank.

Li Hao was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Ermao, tell me, how about I temporarily attach time to the way of chaos? I am in chaos! Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, and I can't hope that Ling Yue will always be there for me. Providing a lot of Chaos unrealistic."

Perhaps, only myself, who enters the chaos and blends into the chaos, can hope to quickly improve my orthodoxy.

This is one of them!

Second, Dao merges with Chaos. In this way, for Chaos beasts like Dragon Lord, most of their Dao is also attached to Chaos. Then the next time they encounter, they will at least have a certain threat against Dragon Lord.

Ermao's chubby face was wrinkled at this moment.

Li Hao always thinks on a whim, Li Hao is fairly organized when doing other things, but when it comes to enlightenment, he always likes to take risks to try, to try, to see, anyway, as long as he doesn't die, this guy likes to mess around .

The body melts into chaos... Dao melts into chaos!

A fourth-rank queen almost killed Li Hao.

Li Hao himself has entered the seventh rank at this moment!

He melted into chaos, how much power of chaos would he have to absorb?

The speed is fast, but... too fast, is it a good thing?

Li Hao, who is at the seventh level, has merged with Dao by himself, and the 2000th realm may be completed soon. Can you quickly expand the 3000th realm at this time?

In fact, Li Hao was just asking. He didn't say that Ermao must agree, and he said to himself: "Next, I will construct the illusion of ten thousand Taos. The perception of Tao will definitely be faster. In the third thousandth world, It may not be difficult! What's more, Dao Chess and Supreme Dao Book can both bring me some insights and help... At that time, maybe I can quickly comprehend the Three Thousand Dao, the Four Thousand Dao..."

Ermao was speechless, and could only persuade: "Then when you build it successfully, you can just melt into chaos."

It's a good idea now, but what if it doesn't work then?

Isn't that the end?

However, Li Hao shook his head: "If you don't integrate now, it is difficult to perfect my 2000th world, so my combat power will always be maintained at the seventh level. If there is a fault at the eighth level, I will not be able to deal with it." Yes! As for you... I can't always hope that you will be my bodyguards, can I?"

At present, everyone says that the Yinyue side is strong, but in fact, the strong ones are all outsiders.

Three major eighth ranks, several seventh ranks...all outside Yinyue.

Although, everyone has a good relationship.

However, these high-ranking powerhouses have all left the Sifang domain in pursuit of freedom, and you can't let them be your guards all the time.

"During the establishment of the Myriad Dao Illusion, they may encounter some troubles. As for Xinwu, they still have things to do, so... they have to be strong themselves!"

Two thousand realms, completed filling, comparable to three or four thousand Taoist monks, in fact, two thousand, can definitely be regarded as an eighth-level emperor.

Li Hao at this moment is infinitely close, but it is indeed not as good as the eighth step.

Not to mention beheading the eighth order!

The second cat is still a little helpless, it is really dangerous.

What's more... This guy still wants to use Time and Stars to integrate the Tao of Chaos as the connection point in the middle. In this way, if one is not careful, Time and Stars may be exploded.

But Ermao also knew that since Li Hao said so, it meant that he was determined.

Advice, probably useless.

In all likelihood, he is already preparing for Dao fusion.

"When Ling Yuerong was in Chaos, she just proved the Tao, but now you are at the seventh level..."

At this moment, Ermao was also thinking, and said, "Will the existence of your level, fusion of Dao and Chaos, cause some changes?"

Li Hao shook his head, "I don't know, but Chaos Beast, even at the eighth level, can fuse..."

"They're all simple attachments, you're trying to fit in, aren't you?"

What Li Hao wants is to be completely bound to the Chaos Avenue just like the Queen.

But Chaos Beast is actually just a simple attachment.

This is different!

Li Hao nodded slightly, and Ermao said again: "Why don't you discuss it with everyone. If you really want to get married, if there are some accidents, there may be a way to solve it... Don't be alone, just steal it and get married!"

How dangerous!

This guy always does such inconsequential things. He is fine on weekdays, but when it comes to critical moments, he becomes a bit infiltrated.

Li Hao smiled: "It's okay, it's not bad to discuss it."

He didn't say anything more, and asked Ermao to inform people, while he closed his eyes and meditated.

Fusion Dao Chaos... It is best not just time, but the long road.

This is also what I thought before, the pseudo-chaotic structure also requires countless energy, and it is impossible for me to provide it, unless I really destroy the world!

That's... horrible.

Only by integrating the great avenue into the avenue of chaos and extracting the power of chaos can the second chaos be established within the chaos.

Now, it's just one step ahead.

Although the pseudo-chaos has not been constructed yet, it can be integrated into it in advance.


Not long.

Emperors emerged one by one.

Everyone has improved somewhat, and the one who has improved the most is naturally Yuan Shuo. This time, most of the energy, the power of the great way, was provided to Yuan Shuo alone.

At this moment, Yuan Shuo's Dao domain has been greatly expanded, and he is extremely powerful.

As for the breath, it is a little turbulent, fluctuating up and down the seventh level, and the power is a little out of control. Whether it is considered to have completely entered the seventh level depends on Yuan Shuo's self-stabilization.

If the stability is successful, that is the seventh order.

If the stability is not successful, it is only comparable to the sixth-order emperor with a great universe.

This is also the world of Silver Moon, apart from Li Hao, it is currently the closest existence to the seventh level.

Yuan Shuo was in a good mood, but when he heard that Li Hao was going to merge with Dao Chaos, even if he didn't say anything on weekdays, he couldn't help saying at this moment: "Why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you forcibly promote Ling Yue first..."

Aside, the queen is speechless!

That's what I said!

But that's right, I'm still only at the fourth level at the moment, and I've already merged with the chaos. If I forcefully upgrade, although it's a bit dangerous, it will be more reliable than Li Hao.

Although Yuan Shuo's words were somewhat selfish, all the emperors present were silent.

In fact, they thought so too.

At present, if you integrate into the chaos and the seventh-level emperor, you may absorb the power of chaos beyond imagination. Once you quickly complete the filling of the two thousand realms, Li Hao will encounter some bottlenecks and will not be able to complete the third stage. The structure of the Thousand Realms... is likely to be melted by the Dao!

Li Hao smiled, "It's not that dangerous, the Queen can survive by blending in... Besides, to construct a pseudo-chaos requires countless powers of chaos, and it's impossible to rely on the destruction of the world to complete it all the time!"

"Chaos is huge, and the power of chaos is everywhere! Compared with the Great Dao universe and the world, the power of chaos is a bit more chaotic, so it is more tyrannical, but it can be seen everywhere, and it can absorb countless powers of chaos at any time. That’s what we should be thinking about.”

I have been thinking about capturing the power of the pure Dao, it is too difficult.

Now, destroying one of the eighth-order universes may only fill up a few hundred worlds for oneself, so how many eighth-order worlds must be destroyed?

In fact, it's difficult to fill hundreds of them.

Wouldn't it be necessary to destroy at least forty or fifty eighth-order universes if one wanted to complete the Ten Thousand Realms structure?

The kind that has to be kept intact!

The entire chaotic eighth-order universe can probably be wiped out by itself.

What's more, when everyone gathers together, others also need to improve, even if one world is really wiped out, for example, this time, Daoqi and the others are all eighth-level, but they don't get a cent!

It's okay once, but every time, who is happy?

No matter how good the relationship is, if things go on like this, the eighth-orders will lose their affection.

I have been risking my life to fight with you, and every time I can't get the loot, and I am left with injuries. In the end, it is considered a good relationship if I don't turn my face, and it is inevitable to part ways.

Everyone doesn't care about it now, but Li Hao has to consider these too.

"The purpose of calling everyone here this time is not to persuade me..."

Li Hao said with a smile: "I have already made a decision. Let everyone come this time. In fact, there is only one purpose. I have just merged into the chaos, and I will inevitably attract countless forces of chaos, which will explode in an instant and flow into the long river... I may not have the energy left." To sort out the suppression, so I need to trouble you to sort it out and suppress it for me!"

"At the beginning of integration, the power of chaos must be chaotic and disorderly, so I need you to help me to purify it briefly, so as not to destroy my two thousand realms!"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that Li Hao's decision could no longer be changed.

Yuan Shuo frowned slightly and said: "You merged into chaos, there must be a lot of movement, and the power of chaos swept all around! Now, the East is not so peaceful... Once a strong enemy strikes at this moment... it will be very troublesome!"

Speaking of this, he thought about it and said: "Besides, if Xinwu wants to occupy the eastern land, if you extract countless powers of chaos in an instant, will it affect the relationship between them?"

He thought about it, looked at Li Hao and said, "I have an idea..."

"The teacher said?"

"Let's... go to Sifangyu!"

Yuan Shuo suddenly laughed and said: "The chaotic giants are also powerful by the power of chaos. As long as we melt together in the Sifangyu in an instant before Long Zhan and the others return to their senses, and draw a large amount of chaotic power, we can weaken the opponent! Of course, It is also very dangerous because it is easy to be attacked by the other party... I think I need to discuss this matter with Xinwu. It is best to protect the way for you together. Even if Long Zhan finds out, there is nothing we can do... We can still draw on the bottom line! "

Li Haorong said, how much power of chaos can be extracted?

It's not clear yet.

But back then, Queen Rongdao, just after proving the first-order emperor, she drew the power of chaos far beyond the power of the first-order. Li Haorong said, it is normal to draw a big world in an instant.

Such a big movement is actually very dangerous, and may even attract the attention of other three-party overlords.

Instead, when they arrived at the Sifang domain, the thunder field blocked them from the prying eyes of other strong men, and they only faced Long Zhan's side.

Long Zhan is not a good person.

That's the hater!

Li Hao killed a large number of chaotic behemoths. At present, the two sides have not clashed again, which does not mean that the grievances have been resolved. On the contrary, the fact that the dragon battle is not moving at this moment just means that there will be a thunderbolt in the future!

"It is said that eight eighth-level people from the extreme ice circles were dispatched before, but one eighth-level man was killed, and many seventh-level men died... It is conceivable that the current Long Zhan side is even stronger!"

Yuan Shuo reminded: "Don't forget about this great enemy! This guy is far more difficult than reincarnation! If this opportunity is right, I even suggest that joining hands with Xinwu can even bring in people from all walks of life in Jibing. Long Zhan they wiped out!"

Long Zhan doesn't care about Li Hao and the others, he is raising tigers.

In fact, it was the same for Li Hao. If he didn't deal with Long Zhan and the others at this moment, he would be raising a tiger.

Wushan said in a deep voice: "It's hard to deal with, the eighth-level emperor, dispatched eight people, failed to win the opponent, but was killed... If we and Xinwu join forces, there will be many strong... But once a full-scale battle really broke out, and now there are enemies on all sides... it will only hurt both sides!"

Yuan Shuo nodded: "I know this, so we are scruples, and Long Zhan will also be scruples. In this case, we can extract the power of chaos in Sifangyu, so we can extract it! At least, we must weaken the cultivation environment of Sifangyu. Some, lest they give birth to more powerhouses, this time they killed an eighth-level and several seventh-level, I am worried that they can still give birth to eighth-level emperors... It is difficult for Chaos Beast to advance, but the opponent's subordinates are still There are several seventh-order peaks, such as the Qingqiu emperor..."

If the delay continues, it will be even more difficult to deal with if the opponent gives birth to a few more eighth-orders.

Li Hao originally didn't want to go to Sifangyu, but what the teacher said made sense.

Now that the feud has been deep... It counts as being able to weaken the opponent a bit.


Li Hao thought for a while and said, "That's fine, let's go to Sifangyu to integrate the Tao! Moreover, the barrier of the minefield, relatively speaking, will also avoid some external troubles. Coming across the void is also a great danger to me!"

If it comes to Sifangyu, even if it really attracts the attention of the three overlords, the other party may not come.

Even if it comes, even if there is a big enmity with Long Zhan, at that time, Long Zhan has to find a way to expel the three overlords, and join forces with Xinwu and Yinyue to resist together, otherwise, allowing these overlords to enter the Sifang domain, it is very likely There will be catastrophe.

At this time, Lei Di also said: "By the way, that Wanhua Emperor is here... Do you want to go and see him now?"

"Not in a hurry for now!"

Li Hao shook his head: "Now integrate the Tao of Chaos first, and then talk about it after the integration is successful, otherwise, it won't make much sense!"

"Sooner rather than later..."

Li Hao said: "Then take a trip to Xinwu and call on a few eighth-level powerhouses... It's just a deterrent, and a fight may not break out. Long Zhan is a guy who can endure, and he just draws some power of chaos." , he also knows that conflicting with us may not be a good thing..."

After finishing speaking, Li Hao suddenly smiled and said, "Just go to the vicinity of Tianfang! Tianfang... I feel that he is about to recover, but drawing some power of chaos can also slow down the speed of Tianfang's recovery. Tianfang's recovery now may not be a good thing, it may be It's cheaper than Dragon War."

With a decision, everyone will not delay any longer.

Li Hao's long river swept across, disappeared instantly, without a trace, and the long river of time emerged, and walked away directly.

He doesn't know where Xinwu is at the moment, but he just needs to know where Tianji is.

It is easy to find Xinwu.


Nine Heavens.

Supreme and the others are also cultivating and digesting what they have gained. Now, Xinwu has born several seventh-level emperors, and their strength has risen again.

Suddenly, the supreme sensed something, and in an instant, several eighth-orders emerged one after another.

At this moment, King Ren's injury was almost healed. It has to be said that the injury was so serious, it seemed to be a common occurrence for him, and he recovered quickly. His ability to resist blows was incredible.

When Li Hao appeared, Renwang and Zhizun were a little puzzled.

Why did this guy come here on his own initiative?

"Seniors, I have something to do. I'm afraid I need to ask you seniors to help me a little bit."


The King of Humans was not polite, and said directly: "Except for dealing with myself, the rest is whatever you want, you can hit anyone..."

Li Hao laughed and shook his head: "It may not be a battle, I want to go to Sifangyu to practice some, the movement may be not small, it may attract the attention of Long Zhan, there are a few seniors here, if you can talk about it, talk about it, you can't If so, it's safer."

"Go to Sifangyu?"

The King of Humans rubbed his chin: "Last time, Long Zhan sent me the three-party world to let me go. I took advantage of it and promised to go away until Tianfang recovers..."

He kept his promise.

After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "Well, Lao Zhang and I will wander around the area for a few times... If Long Zhan doesn't find fault, we won't go in! If he finds fault, he will take the initiative to find fault... Let's go in and fuck him! In this way, It’s not a broken promise, I, Fang Ping, have always kept my promises..."

The new Martial Emperors all around looked at him one after another.

you sure?

You are pretty good to your own people, but to your enemies, you can’t take a word of it seriously!

Probably in front of a junior like Li Hao, he was too embarrassed to reveal his true nature?

Don't make up for it!

As for the supreme being, he was a little suspicious, a little confused: "going to practice in the Sifang domain... is it to open up the heavens?"

"That's not true."

Li Hao explained: "Recently, I lack a lot of the power of chaos and the power of Dao to practice. I want to integrate into the Dao of Chaos and directly connect with Chaos..."

As soon as these words came out, several emperors on the opposite side were stunned.

The Supreme One couldn't help but stared at him for a while, and said after a long time: "In the early years, I actually thought about it too!"

Obviously, he knew the problems and difficulties involved.

Wei Wei frowned and said: "You are very young and very confident. It is normal to feel that you can bear it! Xinwu also pays attention to as long as you can't die, then you will die! But, if you are a little bit stagnant, it may be the big one. Trouble...we didn't do it back then, the choice is still correct, if we did, because of the lack of yang energy, we have been stuck, and we might have been blown up long ago!"

He looked at Li Hao, pondered and said: "If you have thought about this issue, we will naturally not say much. You must have weighed the pros and cons of it. In addition, there is one more point, the Great Chaos, I mean, really The Chaos Avenue is very chaotic and disorderly... At present, a large number of ninth-level emperors have disappeared, which may be related to the Chaos Avenue! This point, you should also consider that all ninth-level emperors are In order to build an orderly world, the Avenue of Order...the Avenue of Chaos, will there be some conflicts with them?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Hao nodded thoughtfully: "I know, but... what I am trying now is to make disorder into order. If it is the way of chaos, it is the key to disorder, so I have to integrate it, you If you don’t go deep into it, how can you understand it?”

The Supreme One smiled: "Then I have nothing to say, you have a sense of propriety, if you have this idea, you can do whatever you want! Fang Ping and I can support around the minefield. Long Zhan is a smart person, he won't Hastily fought with us. This time, there is a high probability that they will just meet each other..."

Li Hao said with a smile: "That's because you seniors are powerful and able to intimidate, otherwise, Long Zhan would have punched me to death long ago!"

This time, there is a high probability that they will just take a look at each other, and at worst they will say harsh words to each other.

The probability of a war breaking out is very small.

But for this, you have to have the confidence, otherwise, Long Zhan is not the type to be slaughtered, and he would have lost his temper long ago.

"It's better sooner than later, let's go!"

Supreme didn't say any more, and he didn't think Li Hao's choice was too inconceivable.

In fact, he had also considered this path.

Finally gave up.

At the beginning, Xinwu's yin and yang were out of balance, and a group of people were stuck at one level and could not move forward. The same was true for him. Once he really walked the chaotic way, he would be blown up. Now, at the eighth level, he is not willing to go.

Although the power of the Dao is still lacking, it has not reached Li Hao's level.

A group of people are very straightforward. Now that they have made a decision, they don't delay.

Li Hao even activated the River of Time directly to locate the Human King and Supreme near the minefield, but he was not curious at all, or even if he was curious, he maintained the majesty of the elders and did not look carefully.

On the other hand, Emperor Guangming couldn't help but take a few more glances.

This thing is quite strange!

It is very similar to the teleportation of Dao Universe, but it is more hidden.

Kong Ji at the side felt a little ashamed. His old father was quite old, and he might be the oldest here, but he was curious and more direct than a group of young people. It was really embarrassing.


Along the way, everyone just chatted casually, and when they got near the minefield, the eighth-level human kings chose to stay and didn't go deep.

Li Hao, on the other hand, took Wushan and the others through the thunder field and headed straight for the Sifang field.



Tian Fang World.

The Dragon Lord has been here recently, even if foreign enemies attacked and was repelled, he returned to this place again.

Tianfang, there have been signs of recovery recently, and this time, it is really going to recover.

These days, he has been waiting.

Capturing the will of the Lord of Heaven, and even depriving the Lord of Heaven of some of his power of desire... These are all planned by him.

Very courageous!

But at this moment, Long Zhan suddenly frowned and turned his head to look out.

The next moment, an extremely violent fluctuation spread in all directions, and in the entire Sifang domain, countless forces of chaos began to surge wildly.

Li Hao arrived nearby, but he was very straightforward, and he didn't prepare anything at all.

Start melting directly!

With the queen in front, Li Hao knows the specific process and method. The difficulty lies not in the integration of the Tao, but in the surging power of chaos after the fusion of the Tao!

At this moment, Long Zhan sensed it.

His complexion changed slightly, becoming slightly gloomy.

At this moment, suddenly, a large amount of the power of chaos and the power of the avenue began to drain away from the originally fluctuating world of heaven and earth.

At this moment, in Tianfang's universe, a pair of eyes seemed to emerge, looking at Tianfang... Obviously, Li Hao's fusion of Dao and Chaos this time seems to have touched the heartstrings of the Lord of Tianfang.

Tian Fang just gathered a lot of energy and lost it again.

Dao deep in the universe.

On a star, there seemed to be a pair of eyes, watching silently, not knowing how it felt.


But Long Zhan disappeared quickly.

Several eighth-rank emperors also quickly disappeared together.

Outside the Tianfang world.

Not too far away.

A group of people surrounded Li Hao in the middle. At this moment, countless forces of chaos swept towards this side, and the whole chaos seemed to be rioting!

Dragon battle emerges.

He looked at the people in the distance, and sighed: "Li Hao, you don't want to stay in the east side, and return to the Sifang domain, just to absorb the power of chaos and merge with the chaos, you have to stay with me forever ?"

Li Hao was silent.

At this moment, giant chaotic beasts quickly emerged, and the moment he saw Li Hao, the eyes of the eighth-level black tiger instantly became crazy and bloody!

Li Hao!

And the Dragon Lord glanced at Li Hao, with some anger in his eyes, which quickly dissipated, and looked around, and soon, in a distant place, there seemed to be several eighth-level auras emerging.

Human King, Supreme, Bright, Emperor Cang are all here!

Plus a few eighth-orders here...

These guys are really brave!

But the strength is indeed strong.

In a distant place, the voice of the Human King spread through the void, shaking the world, and laughed loudly: "Old Dragon, I didn't come in. You gave me three big worlds, and I, Fang Ping, kept my promise! But...don't Take the initiative to find fault, or else, I won’t count as breaking my promise!”

Long Zhan took a deep look at Li Hao, then looked at the others, and after a long time, he chuckled lightly: "Integration Dao Chaos... It seems that even you think that the cultivation method of the Chaos Clan is orthodox! It's a good thing, But, Li Hao, you have completely merged into the chaos, and you have a lot of courage, but be careful playing with fire and setting yourself on fire..."

He chuckled lightly, didn't say anything more, waved his hand, and quickly disappeared with many strong men who were not reconciled.

Now is not the time to fight fiercely with this group of people.

This group of people, now gaining a foothold in the east, is actually his barrier. If a conflict breaks out, it's not a good thing. As for Li Hao's withdrawal of a lot of Chaos Power, even Tianfang's recovery may have to be delayed for a while. I'm not happy. It is inevitable, but at this moment, Long Zhan suppressed these discomforts.

I was just thinking in my heart, if I completely integrated into the Chaos Dao, would the harm outweigh the benefit, or the benefit outweigh the harm?

Can you... can you try it yourself?

As the strongest member of the Chaos Clan, he is actually half-attached to the Chaos Dao. Now, a human race actually went to merge with the Dao. It seems that Li Hao feels that it is beneficial to integrate into it.


He looked up at the sky, at the boundless chaos, the avenue of chaos, is it disorder or order?

Will Li Hao's move cause some trouble?

Someone on Li Hao's side integrated in before, but they were very weak, but now Li Hao, who has already entered the seventh level, dares to fully integrate... Be careful and walk around!


at the same time.

In the depths of chaos.

At the place where countless statues stood, at this moment, the statues opened their eyes. It was no longer a few one or two statues, but many statues opened their eyes, and the incomparably distant scene of the four directions emerged in their eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, someone's voice echoed: "Tianfang..."

A statue did not wait for the other party to finish, and interrupted slowly: "I know!"

"It's good to know, when will you return, the heavenly emperors?"


The person who asked the question didn't say anything.

Sifangyu, Tianfang's territory, since he knows it, there is no need to say anything more.

But at this moment, the scene of the Sifangyu appeared in the eyes of that huge statue, and Li Hao even appeared in the eyes. After closing his eyes for a long time, the emperors of Tianfang should have returned earlier.

Each of these young people likes to mess around more than the other.

If it goes on like this, I still don't know what will happen.

Fusion Dao Chaos... Chaos is disordered, boundless, be careful to reap the consequences, this person seems to be the cultivator of Time Dao, it is a pity that he died.

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