Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 119: Shock

   Since the first war fortress slayed the imperial sea monster and shook the mountain tiger, in the past two days, the entire Chinese nation has boiled and is in full swing.

   "Our Chinese nation has also killed the Emperor-level sea monsters! Our Chinese nation has also killed the Emperor-level sea monsters..."

   "It turns out that our China is so strong, not only the United States, Britain and other powers have this strength, our China also has it!"

   Among ordinary people, such inspiring words circulated everywhere, tears filled the eyes of the old people, and the children rushed to tell each other.

   China has risen!

   Yanhuang blood, the descendant of the dragon, the Eastern Hero, woke up from a deep sleep.

  Yellow race can also fly into the sky.

   What black and white people can do, so can the yellow race!

   The public was cheered, but the senior officials of Huaxia Kingdom were sad and gloomy, with a heavy shadow over their heads.

   The most stupid is the common people, how do they understand this world?

   "I remembered a distant story, when one Liu Hulan was killed, there would be thousands of Liu Hulan standing up...This matter, the top mecha fighters of the No. 1 War Fortress were a bit reckless." Someone sighed.

   "It's so stupid. You can't take people from Pearl City and the Yangtze River to bury you if you want to die. Come here with a group of imperial sea monsters and see how they clean up?" Some people were filled with indignation.

   So, in the past two days, some rich people and high-ranking officials in Mingzhu City, either openly or secretly, look for opportunities to escape here.

   In the eyes of these high-level people, Pearl City is already a place to be destroyed, so it is better to evacuate quickly.

"General Zhao, are you always confused? How can you agree with young people to do such a stupid thing? Do you want our Xi family to bear infamy and roll off the political stage?" the top head of Huaxia State roared in the video of the call. NS.

   The old general on the side of the No. 1 War Fort, with his head down, respectfully, without saying a word, let the chief roar.

After the chief's roar, the old general raised his head with piercing eyes. He watched the video and said: "The chief, the top priority is to mobilize a few top mechas to support Pearl City, and hope to save the millions of people in Pearl City. Common people."

It is indeed not the time to pursue the responsibility, the fire is over, and the chief is silent for a moment: "The top mecha of the Second War Fortress cannot be adjusted. The Haihe River in Jinhai passes too many cities, so the top mecha of Jinhai cannot be mobilized either. ...The top mecha of our Xi family can be transferred. The Pearl is broken, and our Xi family must also be broken, and we can no longer retain it..."

  Imperial-level sea monsters are very intelligent. If you know that the top mechas on the Guangzhou side are transferred to Pearl City, you will probably choose to attack the Guangzhou War Fortress.

   Other places are the same.

  Actually, now not only the Huaxia Country is very lively, but the whole world is also shocked.

   In the past ten years, more than a dozen countries have been destroyed or their vitality suffered due to the besieging and killing of imperial sea monsters. As a result, no country dared to do so again.

   But now, Huaxia Kingdom has done it at the risk of the sea monster!

   Is there any huge breakthrough in China’s scientific research achievements that can deal with groups of imperial sea monsters?

   "Hello, fascinating special seat, what happened? Does your country have weapons that despise the imperial sea monsters? The imperial thermal weapons, or the mass-produced top mechas that can be driven by fighters with a stamina below 1,000?"

   Leaders of various countries have called the number one head of China to inquire about the situation.

   After some exchanges.

  Mygod, it turns out that there is nothing, some are just blood.

  Fuck, Chinese people are really humorous, especially the boys.

   "I have nothing, only a heart that loves you forever, marry me?"

   Apart from the young guys from China who dare to confess to the girl like this, who else?

   This is not a fairy tale, nor is it a story in a book. Is this reality?

  Admiral Liang, Niu Admiral, and Major General Jiang were all scolded.

  Siruo is the oriental goddess, and survived the disaster, the other three were carrying the scapegoat.

   "The three lads are too passionate! Huh? One of the lads is a dissatisfied old uncle? Do they want to stay in the history or want to leave the stinks for thousands of years?"

   "In the name of God, I actually think we should fight back. Those three lads are good, and the goddess is good."

   "Lord, please bless the Huaxia Kingdom, because they are in the same group as us, we are all prosperous, and we will lose everything. How do you say that, if your lips are gone, your teeth will feel cold."

   Knowing the ins and outs of the whole thing, people in different countries have mixed reactions.

  Some blamed China for being too reckless, while others took a very far-reaching view, and encouraged human beings to rise up and resist, and no longer indulge in sea monsters.

   In the past two days, the leadership of Huaxia Nation has not rested. In addition to dispatching troops and generals, they have also tried to persuade various countries to have the opportunity to kill the Emperor-level sea monsters as much as possible and share the pressure for Huaxia Nation.

   Now, it’s time for humans to make a sound to the sea monster!

   After two days of communication between the leaders of each country, they discussed with their own senior leaders.

   The final result is that if the Chinese nation can withstand this war, all countries will start to follow suit, no longer linger, and declare war on the sea monsters!

   The wind is surging, and after setting this plan that will affect the life and death of the entire mankind, the mecha fighters of all countries are enthusiastic.

"That group of **** sea monsters, domineering, riding on our heads to pee and pull papas, we can only drink and swallow them. This is all right, China won, oh no, just hold the war fortress, and then We can have a big fight, and a decisive battle with the Emperor-level sea monsters!"

  The top mecha fighters of various countries, mostly militants, have long wanted to fight the royal sea monsters to the death and the life.

   In the past almost only one person can be dispatched at a time, and the others are afraid to dispatch, fearing that the royal sea monsters will run wild and come in groups.

   Now, Huaxia Kingdom has opened the forefront and declared war on the Emperor-level sea monsters, which is very satisfying.

"It could have lasted for ten to twenty years, but now the future is uncertain. It is estimated that within three years, the monsters will either be severely damaged, fail to recover, or perish." Some people with great vision have already seen clearly what the earth is today. situation.

   "Instead of surrendering a life, it is better to end this life vigorously, with the **** of light, kill!"

   "Harry, the Lord will be with us to kill the monsters and mothers."

   The whole world is paying attention to Pearl City, and the civilians also feel the unusual atmosphere.

   This is a sign before the war, the air is stagnant, and the atmosphere is depressed and heavy.

   In the past few days, drones from War Fort No. 1 have frequently patrolled the waters of the East China Sea, and the base branch has also sent drones and mechas to patrol the wilderness in the inland direction.

  Because of the monster beasts in the inland direction, they are also very restless now, and there are signs of assembly, which makes the faces of the military personnel more solemn.

   Inland monsters and sea monsters are planning to attack on both sides and break the entire Pearl City!

   What a wise monster!

   The coastal army of China cannot be mobilized, but some inland can be mobilized.

   So, an army pulled out from the inland, and from a long distance, aboard a two- to three-hundred-meter-long air warship, rumbling towards the city of Pearl.

   The short distance, led by a small team composed of mechas, marched toward Pearl City mightily.

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