Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 128: Emperor's Light

   The huge explosion shocked all the people and sea monsters, stopped fighting, and looked into the depths of the sea.



   In the depths of the sea, the seven-headed king-level sea monster who was originally watching the battlefield coldly, screamed and fled in panic.

   The place where the explosion occurred was in the center of the seven-headed king-level sea monster.

"That is……"

   "Dead, dead..."

   After the shock, countless people screamed frantically, whether they were on the battlefield or in front of the live broadcast.

   Where the seven-headed imperial sea monster is located, the heads of two imperial sea monsters are missing.

"How is this going?"

   "I... I saw two lights, two unparalleled lights!"

  Some people wonder, some scream.

   Before, almost no one on the battlefield would pay attention to the seven king-level sea monsters; the live broadcast screen did not show the seven king-level sea monsters.

   So, few people know what happened.

  The sharp-eyed person, relying on memory, only remembered that two lights flashed by, and then killed the two Emperor-level sea monsters!

   Not only that, but the five remaining Emperor-level sea monsters who were escaping from the place were also severely injured.

   What is it that emits those two lights, and instantly kills the two Emperor-level sea monsters?

   Moreover, looking at the corpse of the imperial sea monster, there is a dragon body that is obviously Biological No. 2, nearly two hundred meters long, and its scale armor is gleaming, and it is dead but not stiff.

   It was an existence that was stronger than the creature No. 3 Tyrannosaurus, and died in a daze. Everyone was shocked and ecstatic.

   "What kind of weapon emits light cannons, right? We humans have such weapons, and we can save them!"

   "Yes, haha, we humans are saved!"

   "It's saved! Kill the beasts, avenge the dead top mecha fighters, hate the soldiers who lost their lives!"

   More than the people on the battlefield, their eyes condensed into the depths of the sea, and the live broadcast footage was also placed there.

   Many people have tears in their eyes.

  With such a weapon, the royal sea monsters can no longer threaten humans, and they never dare to attack the city anymore. Even humans can counterattack, enter the ocean, sweep the monsters, and return humans to a bright future.

  Just, what kind of weapon is this, where is it?

  Everyone is looking for the source of those two lights.

   only a few seconds.


   Someone yelled, saw it, saw it.

   I saw a steel giant standing in the sky, as if against the sky, his body shining brightly.

   "That's... the top mecha!"

   "It's a top mecha!"

   Everyone shouted, it was a top silver mecha, without a logo or a name.

   This top mecha is an unnamed one!

   The top mech piloted by Qin Lin!

   "It's a big brother!"

   "Big brother!"

  Qiao, Ning Huzhong, and Fang Que of the Qin Lin team are still alive, wearing dilapidated armor, maintaining a square battle formation, and shouting.

   Qin Lin drives the top mech nameless. Not many people know about it, but Xiao Qiao and the others must know it.

   At this time, the energy is gushing, the whole body is transpiring, the nameless, and the chest rises and falls violently. Obviously, it must be because the top mecha warrior inside is gasping violently.

   After the mecha and mecha warrior are combined, they breathe together and share fate.

   Of course, during the battle, the limbs of the mecha are broken, and the mecha warriors will not also break their limbs, but the nervous system will be destroyed, and the control ability will be lost during the interruption, and it will be very painful.

   "What kind of top mecha is this? It can emit a light of extinction, and kill two king-level sea monsters at once!"

   "I haven't seen this top mech play before. Is this a new type of top mech? Have we humans researched out a more powerful top mech?"

   "Leave him alone, we humans are saved, and the true end cannot come."

   Not only the people on the battlefield are wondering and cheering, the human beings all over the world in front of the live screen are also suspicious and excited, embracing and celebrating. Some people are so excited that they forget their gender, men kiss each other, and women kiss.

   "shit, bad breath."

   "**, are you still sticking your tongue out?"

   Before the live broadcast, the two men turned their heads and both vomited.

   "Little fish, your mouth is so sweet."

   "Xiao Bai, your lilac tongue, let's come again..."

   "Look first, and then continue after reading."

   In front of the live broadcast, the two women are dependent on each other and have found true love.

   In the battlefield.

   "Qin...Qin Lin..." Chi Wu raised her head and opened her mouth. She also noticed that it was the light of annihilating the emperor from the nameless name just now.

The Siruo in the   Siruo also looked up at the nameless.

"Qin Lin, good... good job, you are always surprised. Kill the remaining imperial sea monsters and go back to give you rewards. You can let me and Chi Wu serve you together." Si Ruo said. Very tough.

   Fortunately, Qin Lin already knows this female teacher very well. Since she was broken by him, she has not taken both sexes seriously.

   Fortunately, it is only between Qin Lin and Qin Lin, otherwise, Qin Lin can't stand it either.

   "Kill the remaining imperial sea monsters?" Qin Lin smiled bitterly, not so easy.

   Just now, before he arrived, he started to gain momentum.

   It takes a full minute for the two emperor-extinguishing lights to accumulate energy and then burst out.

   Annihilation of the Emperor’s Light can only be used for a sneak attack, and after using it once, it is basically ineffective.

  Which king-level sea monster would stand there stupidly, waiting for him to accumulate energy and aim?

  Only the seven-headed king-level sea monster pretended to be miserable, pretending to lose all his lives.

   Wouldn’t it be nice to hug you early?

   But it’s no wonder that a wise life is just like this, if there is a chance to pretend, who doesn’t want to pretend?

   And, not surprisingly, the ten imperial sea monsters joined forces and wanted to kill all the seven top mechas. It was not a difficult task.

   This led to the tragedy.


   Under the attention of everyone, the unnamed person who was extremely tall in everyone's heart pulled out the alloy sword on his back.


   Everyone is there is the light of extinguishing the emperor, why not use it?

   In turn, everyone has come to realize that even the new top mechas should not be so powerful. If you want to emit the light of extinguishing the emperor, you should emit the light of extinguishing the emperor?

At present, all mechas that want to emit more powerful light cannons need to be charged for three to five seconds. Moreover, no matter how long the charging time is, there is no mecha that can send out and kill the emperor-level sea monsters. Light cannon.

The reason why Qin Lin was able to spur the nameless name to emit the light of annihilating the emperor was because his physical stamina was close to two thousand and he had enough physical stamina to support him, and the other was because he had more than 20,000 mental powers and could easily mobilize Luyou. Jump shell metal energy.

   There is another reason that is also very important. He devours a lot of physical energy from King Kong. Although he can't directly refine them, it can be used to stimulate the metal energy of Yu Yubei.

   Of course, the energy in the metal of Yuanyou Koubei also needs to be enough.

  Unnamed has never participated in a royal battle since it left the factory. The stored energy is almost saturated, with the energy of 100 nuclear bombs worth 10 million tons of human equivalent.

   So much energy, enough to squander the nameless for a period of time.

   Qin Lin secretly regretted that, just now, the seven emperor-level sea monsters weren't very close.

   "Our hero shot!"

   "God, the savior is down!"

   Seeing the nameless man draw his sword, everyone is excited and anxious. Without the light of extinguishing the emperor, can it kill the emperor-level sea monster?

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