Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 181: Whereabouts unknown

Hanging up the phone, Qin Lin was full of flames and raged.

Chi Ying hurriedly backed away. She was just next to her, and she probably knew what had happened.

"Qin Lin, pay attention to controlling your emotions!" The fairy soothed, Qin Lin's aura is too strong, she can't get close, like a mortal approaching the stove, feeling uncomfortable and sweating profusely.

Qin Lin spouted hot air from his nostrils, the air was twisted, and the sky screamed. The nearby buildings that were already crumbling collapsed one after another, and there was a rumbling noise.

The movement was so loud that Chi Wu saw and heard it, and hurried back from a distance to see Qin Lin's appearance, and even more panicked and shouted: "Qin Lin, what's the matter with you?"

Qin Lin didn't seem to hear it. He suddenly drew the giant sword from his back and waved it towards a building. The building was split in half by the sword and collapsed in a loud sound.

"Sister, what's the matter with Qin Lin?" Chi Wu panicked and didn't dare to approach, grabbing the red shadow on the side.

Let his sister and Qin Lin stay alone for a few minutes, and Qin Lin has become like this. Could it be that he felt that he pushed his "raped" sister to him?

"It's okay, let him vent! You will avoid it later, I will sacrifice and use my body to lower the fire on him." Chi Ying didn't worry at all, she knew what was going on.

Chi Wu has long been accustomed to the amazing words of the fairies, and he muttered and asked: "Sister, it's not because of me... are you like that?"

Chi Ying shook his head.

Chi Wu breathed a sigh of relief. Men sympathized with the raped woman, but letting them engage or marry a raped woman is absolutely impossible.

Qin Lin's gene door opened, and his pure physical energy already reached more than 400,000. If he compresses his energy again, it is internal force. It broke out, and there were more than half a million.

This anger, more than one hundred thousand energy can no longer be controlled, all escaped, like a raging fire.

After consuming one hundred thousand energy, he felt a lot more relaxed. He glanced at Chi Wu and said coldly, "Chi Wu, the instructor is missing!"

"What?" Chi Wu's body trembled.

How could the instructor disappear?

By the way, the state has been putting pressure on the instructors before. Could it be...

"Then...what about Da Qiao and them?" Chi Wu's pretty face was full of anger.

"Da Qiao and the three of them are okay." Qin Lin inserted the giant sword back and walked towards Chi Wu: "Chi Wu, I want to go back to Mingzhu City. You and Miss Sister are waiting here, or follow up slowly. .It's okay. I..."

"No, Qin Lin. Wait first. Tell me things clearly, and we will make plans." Chi Wu grabbed Qin Lin's arm and prevented him from leaving.

Chi Wu has been killing monsters and absorbing energy for the past few days. At the same time, he often runs giant clan exercises. Now it is nearly 30 meters high. The spiritual power is also almost reaching 100,000, and he has cultivated the point of cultivating the soul.

"The country acted on the instructors and them in the middle of the night last night. The instructors left in order to cover Da Qiao and the three of them. They were surrounded by four top mechas. Ten hours have passed and their whereabouts are unknown. After Da Qiao and the others fled, the seniors will be left by the seniors. Senior sister accepted, now in a secret place..." Qin Lin's eyes burned with anger, and he didn't look at him too much.

Before, he was still weak, unable to fight against the Jiang family, let alone against the whole country, but now...

"Qin Lin, Daning must have prevented you from passing, right?" Although Chi Wu was also very angry, she quickly calmed down.

Qin Lin was startled, how did Chi Wu know? She got the news before herself?

But, looking at her reaction just now, it didn't look like it at all.

"Qin Lin, the instructor has instructed that no matter what the country has done to us, we cannot resist, let alone retaliate. This is the instructor's account, unless we break with her and are no longer her students." Chi Wu's expression was complicated.

Qin Lin was taken aback, then became even more angry, and roared: "How can she say and do this? Her head is rusty?"

The principle of thinking makes Qin Lin very puzzled and unwilling.

People respect me a foot, and I respect others; if people don’t offend me, I don’t offend others.

This is Qin Lin's rule of life, and at the same time, he also believes that this should be the rule of everyone.

As expected of a female robot, Qin Lin wanted to slap Si Ruo's **** very much now-if she was there now.

Indeed, Daning didn't want to call Qin Lin because the instructor had given orders.

The instructor only asked Daning and the others to find Qin Lin after she couldn't escape, and they couldn't say what happened.

Daning is relatively thick and listens to the instructor, but Fang Que is different from Da Qiao. Daning is worried that Fang Que and Da Qiao don’t know the importance, so he called Qin Lin behind his back to stir up trouble, so he called Qin Lin himself. And solemnly conveyed the meaning of the instructor.

"Qin Lin, how can you say that to the instructor!" Chi Wu was a little angry. The instructor is the person she respects the most. In her heart, the instructor casts aside his feelings and glory for the sake of mankind.

It is also for mankind to prevent Qin Lin from confronting the country.

Qin Lin's current lethality is the same as a nuclear bomb, one person can easily destroy a city.

"Huh!" Qin Lin's arm shook, and Chi Wu couldn't catch it anymore.

"Qin Lin, don't you listen to what the instructor says, don't you listen to what I say?" Chi Wu's eyes were red. For Qin Lin, she put down all her pride and worked hard to become a well-behaved and quiet girl.

Qin Lin was annoyed for a while: "Then you tell me, what should I do? Shouldn't I do nothing?"

Chi Wu didn't say anything, Chi Ying put his arms around his chest and snorted coldly: "If I want to tell you, if you are a man, you should kill it back, and it's better to kill to the capital. Who is Qin Lin, rescued Pearl City twice The lives of tens of millions of Li people, are they treating you like this, to your instructors?"

Qin Lin felt refreshed, it was better to be a fairy, knowing my heart.

Chi Wu was anxious, and pulled Chi Ying's clothes corners: "Sister, don't say a few words. Qin Lin did that, and the grievance is out, but what about the instructor? The senior and senior sisters don't know where the instructor is now. Was it caught by the country? Even if Qin Lin broke into the capital, he would not be able to save the instructors, but instead caused us to have a civil strife in China. The common enemy of mankind is monsters, and there can be no civil strife. The rebels and the human government have never fought. Because they know that this is not the time for civil strife."

The seniors and elder sisters mentioned by Chi Wu are also thinking students.

The one who followed Daning and the three of them was the graduated student that Si Ruo had taught before.

These students are the pillars of the country, and they have entered various military regions to fight for the country.

Long before last night, Si Ruo had already started to activate his own power.

Otherwise, she has no way of knowing that the Jiang family, the Gu family and the Xi family have joined forces, let alone guessing that these three will do it last night.

According to Daning's words, Qin Lin also judged that if Si wanted to run, he would never be caught.

Because she can escape before the country does it.

Unfortunately, if it were not for Qin Lin, she would rather the country lose her than the country.

So, she is waiting, waiting for the country to lose her.

Even so, she told the students not to resent the country.

Qin Lin was silent, instructor, instructor, you really have no feelings, everything is only for humans?

If he surrendered himself, he could get a few powerful giants, Qin Lin suspected that the instructor would do the same.

"Since you know it will cause infighting, why do you still act on Siruo? Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lights?" Chi Ying sneered. She is not a student of thinking, because of her character, she is a student of thinking. , Will be like Xiao Qiao, sooner or later he will betray his teacher.

Chi Wu couldn't do anything to her sister, so she simply said, "Qin Lin, do you listen to me or your sister?"

Qin Lin was embarrassed. Chi Wu was his woman, so was Chi Ying, even thinking.

Now, the main reason is that the whereabouts of Si Ruo is unknown, and the few people who are also Si Ruo students who are responding to Daning and the others do not know any news about Si Ruo now.

It only said that the instructor was either caught, and the state tried to keep it secret, and no one knew it; or the instructor escaped, but may be seriously injured, and lost communication equipment, unable to contact others.

Qin Lin didn't want to make a big fuss in the capital, but he couldn't find the instructor. That would be bad for the country and the people.

Suddenly, Qin Lin's optical brain sounded Liang? "Seeing the caller's number, Qin Lin was taken aback.

At this time, why did Li Liang, the first man in the rebels, call?

During the conversation that day, Qin Lin left the phone number for the other party.

This Li Liang, want to recruit himself again?

Qin Lin answered the phone.

"Qin Lin!"

Li Liang's projection appeared in midair. In the picture, he was sitting in a hall with a baby-faced giant standing beside him.

Obviously, Li Liang is not using an ordinary optical brain.

"What's the matter? If you want me to join you, don't say anything. Our goals are the same. There is no need to form cliques." Qin Lin is in a bad mood now, a little impatient.

Hearing this, Li Liang, who was originally smiling, his face sank. (To be continued...)

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