Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 272: The end of the giant

"Help me!" Huang Teng yelled when he saw the starry sky mecha coming up, his pale face appeared bloody, he was obviously very excited, he was almost unable to hold on, and the flesh and blood began to be swallowed by Xiaoqi and Butterfly Girl. M

"Starbucks' reinforcements actually came from the moon." Huang Teng was ecstatic, put aside all worries, and was completely at ease, no longer worrying about being abandoned by Starbucks.

Think about it, he thinks he is too worried, even if Starbucks deceived him and the giant family-Taco is not the home planet of the earth creatures at all, but anyway, he is also a great warrior of the Tacos on the earth. Before the earth crisis is resolved, how can Starbaby easily abandon him as a general?

The Interstellar Giant once revealed to Huang Teng its plan to catch the star worm alive.

Before catching the starworm, Huang Teng did not think that Starbaby would abandon him.

It's just that Huang Teng, who has been smashing with Xiaoqi and Xingkong mother worm, didn't expect that there was a reinforcement of Taksin hidden on the moon.

Just think about it, I don't think there is any fuss. Before the genetic age, humans knew very little about the moon.

At that time, human beings only knew that the moon was the only natural satellite of the earth. It was rotating while it was revolving around the earth, and the rotation period was exactly the same as the revolution period. In other words, when the moon revolves once, it also rotates once, causing humans to only see the front side of the moon on the earth, and never see the other side of the moon facing the earth.

Before the gene age, there were still many unsolved mysteries of the moon. For example, bombers that disappeared from the United States during World War II suddenly appeared on the moon and were captured by satellites in space; for example, there were prehistoric pyramids and sites of prehistoric civilization on the moon. UFO wreckage; for example, the lunar earthquake test and the lunar density test show that the moon is a hollow metal ball...

But now, mankind has fully understood that everything on the moon and the moon is man-made.

Therefore, extraterrestrial civilization suddenly appeared on the moon. And it's not a terrifying event to come to the earth.


In Huang Teng's sluggish expression, the mecha that had come down from the moon flashed past him, and the war knife in his hand slashed forward.

The object it hacked was neither Xiaoqi nor Butterfly Girl.

Of course, it is not Huang Teng.

But... Chi Wu!

"Why? Why don't you save me? Why is this?" Huang Teng's face was pale as paper. Like falling from heaven to hell, my heart is cold.

Thinking that the rescuer had arrived, but the other party ignored him, who was struggling with death.

It obviously has the ability to save itself. If you cut it down, Xiao Qi or Butterfly Girl don't want to be seriously injured. You can only get away, so that you can take the opportunity to escape.

"The mother star, the seed...haha, everything is a scam, a scam..." Huang Teng recovered from his ashes and smiled miserably. He couldn't hold on anymore, the magic weapon was broken every bit, the runes were completely eliminated, the power of the law in the body was drawn out, and the flesh and blood essence began to flow quickly.

The Star Mecha didn't choose to save Huang Teng, but chose to kill Chi Wu and the others.

Xiaoqi and Xingkong Mother also saw this scene, but they didn't sympathize with Huang Teng's situation and acted mercilessly. Still full effort to devour.

"I hate it..." Huang Teng yelled. He once said that he only believed in himself. Even if he was at the mercy of the Interstellar Giant, he couldn't change his belief. But before he could grow up, he was caught by the Interstellar Giant. Pushed into the dead pit.

The road to the weak. Full of ups and downs and thorns, as well as unpredictable chess game, if you are not careful, your life will be ruined.

The eldest brother is still the eldest brother, see through the falsehood. Stay alive, and yourself?

Huang Teng raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes full of sadness and longing. The vast starry sky, the path of practice, and the infinite possibilities, that is life, full of excitement. There are billions of cosmic races, and the cosmic arrogances who have come out of all races compete for the world...Unfortunately, he has no chance.

The first strong man on the planet to be promoted to the star has ended sadly at this moment, like a withered flower, quickly withering, first being skin and bones, then quickly dying, turning into fly ash, and disappearing in the long river of years.

"The Law of Fire!"

The Chi Wu here was startled when he saw the starry sky mecha coming towards him, and then the flames gleamed in his eyes.

Isn’t the power of the law of fire the guide light that you can’t ask for?

The flames shrouded him, and in front of the sword that the starry mecha would kill, he was only an emperor, and he was already seriously injured.

"Red Dance!"

"younger sister!"

Seeing this scene, Si Ruo, Chi Ying and others were shocked. Facing the star, no matter how powerful the emperor was, they didn't dare to stun their sharpness, and they could only turn around and leave without any fighting strength.

And Chi Wu now seemed to be sitting and waiting to die, unwilling to resist.

The Chi Wu at this time indeed looked alike, with her eyes closed, as if she was waiting for death.

The sword is like fire, shocking the world, and a ball of flame surrounds it, like an immortal fire, which is not affected by the strong wind brought by the sword, and it burns quietly.

When the flame on the sword was about to hit Chi Wu's face, she suddenly opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes flashed with fire, and she was shining with power.


At the same time, a fire light faster than the speed of the saber smashed from the void, like lightning with endless fire, covering Chi Wu.

In the light of the fire, Chi Wu descended to the mortal world like a fire fairy, and the world was full of warmth.

"Fire... the law of fire!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and soon yelled in excitement again.

The mist that enveloped my heart finally dissipated, and Chi Wu realized the law of fire.

The law of the fire dimension is opened, and the power of the law of fire penetrates the body.

The fire-like war sword buzzed and trembled in front of the power of the law of the dimensional law world, and could no longer move forward, as if trembling and frightened.

The Starry Sky Mech retreats quickly, and the power of the dimension is unmatched by God, let alone the star-rated Starry Sky Mecha.

The power of the dimensional fire law that is fatal to others, but to Chi Wu, it is a big tonic.

The power of the law of fire moisturizes things silently, transforming Chi Wu's spirit and physique, genes are rapidly reorganized and optimized, and the genetic space is also rapidly expanding.

In her mind, but not under her control and all the divine power, it quickly transformed into her divine power, and the soul was growing.

The law of dimension only raises the realm of the soul and expands the capacity of the soul.

Capacity, that is, the amount of divine power that the soul can accommodate.

The increase in the amount of monk's divine power mainly depends on absorbing the divine power in his mind, followed by the divine power between heaven and earth.

However, every time a realm is raised, for example, from the Emperor level to the star level, from the star level to the cave level, the Dimensional Law will help the monk absorb his divine power once.

And there is no such good thing in the improvement of the perception of every level of the law in every realm.

Periphery of the battlefield.

"Second brother... just gone?"

The giant of the giant family has been paying attention to the battle in the center of the battlefield. Seeing that scene, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The Star Mecha was their reinforcement, but they actually stood on the sidelines and refused to help Huang Teng, and watched him disappear in smoke.

What do you think of the giants of their giant family?

"Second brother! Woo..."

Suddenly, some giants wailed loudly.

Scams, scams, everything is a scam.

This is the end.

The ending of the giant family.

In the giant family, no one except Li Liang had expected such an ending.

Even Huang Teng didn't expect it until the last moment.


Chi Wu's promotion was unstoppable, and Xiao Qi and Butterfly Girl started to do it again after freeing their hands.

However, the two women have long since turned from enemies to comrades in arms, and they attacked the biochemical giants of the rebels together.

Two beast claws protruded, grabbing at the biochemical giants of the more than thirty emperor-level peaks in the field.

"Puff~" "Puff~" "Puff~"......

One by one, the biochemical giants at the peak of the emperor class, burst into blood mist under two beast claws

Xiaoqi and Butterfly Girl hate these biochemical giants. Two loli beasts of Qin Lin’s camp died in battle, and Da Qiao and Gu Yuexue’s life and death are unclear; while the camp of Star Sky Mother Worms, more than one hundred of them were killed in battle. There are only less than fifteen king-level behemoths left.

"Leave it to Xiaoqi and the others, let's go to the periphery!" Chi Ying said to everyone.

The star battle has already begun, Xiao Qi and the butterfly girl are fighting against the biochemical giants while attacking the star mecha.

Seeing Chi Ying and they withdraw, the giant family's family in the surrounding area is gloomy.

With nowhere to go, the situation was miraculously reversed.

Even if several other star mechas that have crashed into other parts of the Pacific Ocean arrive, they will be useless to the rebels.

Because they are no longer useful for the interstellar giant.

This world is already a star world.

.(To be continued...)

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