Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 280: Space genius

The space of the galaxy has begun to stabilize, and the space of the solar system is not far from returning to normal. With the speed of the A-class space battleship, coupled with its ability to make wormholes for hundreds of thousands of light-years to shuttle in from outside the galaxy, to The solar system is just a few months away. m

In this way, the road of the gods mentioned by the old **** stick has been officially opened.

"His Royal Highness, our detectors have detected within the detection range that there are several space warships advancing towards the demigod world. Do you want to shoot them down?" In a space warship several miles long, in the command room, one is more than ten meters high. , The humanoid monster with long horns on his head stared at several red dots on the screen, and said to a humanoid monster sitting on the podium behind him who was covered in red rock.

There are five entourages beside the red monster, two men and three women, all in human form, and their faces are very similar to human faces, except that they have one or two more eyes, or they are covered with scales, or their faces are covered with hair...

"No, don't waste time before you rush to the Demi-God Realm." The red monster shook his head with sharp eyes, staring at the vast starry sky outside the battleship ahead, his gaze slowly heated up: "This space was originally a place of exile. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the storm suddenly raged and countless evildoers inside were tragically extinct. Everyone said that this was because there was a demi-god world inside because of the failure of transformation, which caused the original universe to be affected. Within hundreds of thousands of light-years, in and out Nine deaths for a lifetime. Now it’s fine. The eternal ancestors of my clan have tacitly agreed that I can come in to find opportunities. Presumably, there are also many star-level or cave-level warriors who will come in. Also, it’s better to have more masters. I believe there will be many creatures with me. With the same thoughts, find your opponents to fight, hone, and go to the top."

"His Royal Highness’s comprehension of the law of fire is extremely high. After reaching the fourth level, the realm is even at the cave level, and entering this galaxy, the probability of the B-level space battleship being destroyed by the formation method is said to have reached three in 1,000. Those—Void-level. You can’t even get in. One is missing. As long as it’s not a cosmic arrogant, your Highness is not afraid. Congratulations, Your Highness, among the first group of adventurers, Your Highness will surely be invincible. Invincible.” The face beside the red monster The humanoid monster with full hair and only exposed mouth, nose, and eyes complimented him.

"Haha, Hawei, you are not lazy, if it is not because you are from a wasteland and lack powerful secret techniques to practice. The combat power is not below me. Don't worry, follow me, although the core secret techniques of my Hongyan clan cannot Teach you, but I can still teach you general secrets. Of course, you have to worship me as your master and be enslaved by my soul. I can teach you any core secrets of the Hongyan clan. Just wait for you to nod. "His Royal Highness put his hands on the smooth armrests of the seat, and said to the long-haired monster Harvey, with a smile on his face.

Hearing that, Hawei's eyes flickered, as if he was making up his mind, which monk is not rare with a powerful secret technique?

Some creatures are more interested in secret arts than women.

Hawei was born in a desolate star field, and his spiritual civilization was extremely backward. He was traveling in the universe. Encountered His Royal Highness on the treasure hunting battlefield of a certain ethnic group, and then was defeated by His Royal Highness.

His Royal Highness did not kill him. Like many Cosmos Zhuntianjiao or Tianjiao, His Royal Highness also needed followers, so he gave Hawei a chance to choose.

follow. Or death.

Hawei didn't want to die. Under normal circumstances, he lost to His Royal Highness, so he could escape.

However, His Royal Highness has other followers, as well as a powerful Class B space battleship, and Hawe can't escape.

The reason why a few people are currently driving the A-class space battleship is because the Milky Way, the space of the universe, "naturally" formed a formation. The B-class space battleship came in and was missing 997 per thousand, only that thousand. The third is also trapped somewhere, unable to get out or in.

"His Royal Highness, I still want to lead my race to rise. I can't lose my soul. I need to keep my soul intact and free." After thinking for a long time, Ha Wei apologized.

His Royal Highness Hong laughed: "It's okay, Hawe, I also know that after becoming a slave, it is harmful to a person's potential. There will be obvious benefits in the short term, but it will not work in the future, I understand."

Among the other four people next to His Royal Highness Hong, one of them looked envious. He was not qualified and took the initiative to follow His Royal Highness Hong, but he was not qualified to be the soul slave of His Highness Hong.

The arrogant cosmic genius is disdainful of collecting soul slaves indiscriminately.

Just like the rich, they must be careful and decent when buying things or collecting things.

It is dozens of light years away from the space battleship of His Royal Highness Hongyan.

A silver space battleship, which is also several miles long, is moving forward at a speed close to light. When the instrument detects that the space ahead is stable and the wormhole is ready, several laser cannons are fired to penetrate the space and form a wormhole. Then the silver space battleship rushed in.

After crossing a hundred light-years, when the silver space battleship drilled out of the void again, it was already hundreds of light-years away.

"His Majesty, there is a spaceship moving forward more than ten light years away from us. It should also be a demigod world." In the command room of the silver space battleship, a four-armed giant with a height of 100 meters faces the one behind him with four hooves. , That is, the half-horseman with the horse head reported.

The centaur folded his arms and stared coldly at the starry sky outside the cabin, and said lightly: "Don't worry, this galaxy is just stable. Whoever reaches the demigod world first will have the chance to get this demigod world first. Once you get it, your chances of becoming a **** in the future will be greater."

"His Majesty Ma will definitely get what he wants. Tianjiao will not come out. His Majesty is invincible at the cave level."

"His Majesty ran the starry sky, it is not a defeat, and the semi-god world should get it."

"Yes, Your Majesty..."


In this space battleship, there are also half-horse followers, there are eight, more than the followers of His Royal Highness.

"Xitti is not a defeat. I have had defeats and lost to two Tianjiao." The Centaur had a cold face, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes: "Back then, those two didn't even have the heart to accept me as a follower. Did not intend to kill me."

Speaking of this, the popularity of the half marathon is rising, as if extremely unwilling and angry.

After two big defeats, although his life was left behind, he was very uncomfortable.

When he was still a star, Zhun Tianjiao was despised by Tianjiao. That scene will never be forgotten.

The opponent was just a move, and he was defeated, and then he left without even mentioning the followers. Obviously, he looked down on him very much.

"One day, I will stand in front of her again and let her see. I am also the arrogant of the universe. I am not a follower of anyone, but the most powerful envoy on the path of God." The half-horse swears silently in his heart. , The fighting spirit is dignified, and the followers around are shuddering and dare not speak any more.

In the Milky Way at this time, more than a dozen space warships are heading towards the solar system from various directions.

The leader of each space battleship is at least the best among the stars, and the law perception has already reached the third or fourth level.

The demigod world they speak of is the earth.

Of course, they only got news of the birth of the demigod world, but the details were not clear.

These cosmic warriors are all monks in the nearby star field. And the star field near the Milky Way does not even have a cosmic arrogant.

This shows that the cosmic arrogance is scarce.

Not to mention the enlightenment of one law, the vast and boundless universe, ninety percent of the monks, can't see a **** or the enlightenment of a law in their entire life.

The evildoer of the law can also be said to be the **** of law.

The fighting power of the gods is very different from that of But this kind of people have the same glory as gods, because they have the word "God".

The Dharma gods are also the existence of quasi gods, as long as they are given time, becoming gods is inevitable.

Different paths lead to the same goal. All things begin with one. One can understand one law and understand by analogy, and may not understand another law, but it is not difficult to understand.

"Who released the news of the birth of the demigod world?" These cosmic warriors were puzzled, because they received this news at almost no cost. It spread quietly among all races, and no one knew the origin. Where.

"Anyway, you must seize this opportunity. Maybe there are extremely rare summoned creatures. It's good to catch a few surrenders. I hope there is a starry sky mother emperor, even if it can't become a summoned creature and a follower. That is also a great chance... By the way, the creator of this **** realm is said to be called a god."

The eyes of every leading cosmic warrior exudes fiery heat.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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